Dear Sir,
Thank you very much for your feedback.
I value your opinion as I usually have a different perspective of each and every post without getting emotional(a rare ability).
Firstly there is need to be disappointed with my reply becos I was not making a comparison between Msia or India in terms of how geriatrics spend their time. It seems you have misunderstood my post as Msia Vs India...I am no Kabali!LOL
I meant every word I wrote.
As a doc I have seen depression in the elderly so I encourage them to go beyond relying on religion and mantras and shlokas as solace for old age.
Why does old age need to be confined with chanting mantras and shlokas without any chance of enjoyment?
There is nothing really wrong in seniors dating for SPIRITUALITY and SEX are interconnected..something you yourself defended and agreed in another thread right here in GD section...not Chit Chat my dear sir...
So get what I mean?
I do not transform myself into a different person in Chit Chat and a different person in GD or even in the Religious threads for that matter.I am the same everywhere.
Why change and be Ambi for GD,Anniyan for for Chit Chat....Na Na Na...Yeh Mera Ishtyle Nahi Hain.
In my circle...I tried to suggest remarriage for my widowed FIL but it did not go down well with anyone.
I feel sad that he spends most of his time alone..at an old age..its always better to have some romantic love...no need fo sex but having a partner that spends loving time with us erases the need of drowning our sorrows with Sahasranamams.
Yes...I am dead serious about making seniors feel appreciated.
Once before an elderly senior from a different community and religion was depressed becos her oldie husband remarried.
I told her to find love again..she did and she is happy now.
The human mind feels better when there is a personal form of love not just group effort..group effort is too impersonal like how a maid or an organization looks after old people...there is no Bhakti and Bhava in an impersonal form of attention..that is why all those in old age homes die an unhappy death.
If they seems happy its becos they got used to faking it.
If you dont believe me ask any of the inmates at your centre if they are truly happy..believe me if they could pen their thoughts of sorrow that would become a Sahasranamam itself.
BTW I am a one person army..I handle all post myself..Dont really need a brigade for in this world..one comes alone..and finally goes alone.
Let the Games begin...Rio Olympics has started...so let the replies and feedback Samba too.
Doctor Mam,
You seems to have misunderstood my posting.
Who said it is 24 X 7 ??
These are all programmes covering just for a couple of hours. And I have never mentioned anywhere 24 X 7. But you have mentioned it.
We all believe that such practise of chanting mantras and slokas regularly in groups units various aspects like body, mind, breath, etc. Such activity promotes our health and really create a harmonious and joyful existence.
We also believe that "heyam dukam anagaatam' so that elderly can avoid misery that has not come and stay fit and healthy.
Spending a couple of hours can be defined either relaxation, meditation, yoga etc in deed.!!
Taking the mind off from the routine.
And that does not mean that one is chanting the mantras all the 24 hours as has been presumed by you. And how can this possible?
Your mention of taking these senior citizen for dating.. etc are thoughts beyond..... Of course any one who is serious are free to follow.
I think absolutely there is no need for your uncalled for suggestions.
It may not be India-Vs-Malaysia, but a mind from Malaysia commenting on certain practises of a group in India.
It may be, suggestions -Vs- existing practises.
I strictly object to such suggestions which I would like to record here.
Please keep pouring such suggestions...if you find 'Mazhichi'
It is your opinion and I am wholeheartedly prepared to ignore

Kabali....Anniyan... etc etc nice to cover up. lol
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