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Knee joint pain


New member
An interesting article in a medical journal :

A type of arthritis that occurs when flexible tissue at the ends of bones wears down.
The wearing down of the protective tissue at the ends of bones (cartilage) occurs gradually and worsens over time.

Also called: OA, degenerative joint disease

The ends of these bones are covered with protective tissue called cartilage. With OA, this cartilage breaks down, causing the bones within the joint to rub together. This can cause pain, stiffness, and other symptoms.
When cartilage breaks down, these bone surfaces become pitted and rough. This can cause pain within the joint, and irritation in surrounding tissues. Damaged cartilage can’t repair itself. This is because cartilage doesn’t contain any blood vessels.

OA is a progressive condition with five stages, from 0 to 4. The first stage (0) represents a normal joint. Stage 4 represents severe OA.

There are many people suffering from knee joint pain ( OA ) taking pain killers and unknowingly landing in stage 4 after some time.

There are two options :
Take proper medication to stop the progression or
Go for a knee replacement surgery .

Now Medication is available ...
It can be cured by homeopathy system of treatment. you have to fill up this form to find out correct remedy.

Homeopathic case taking is the most essential part of the whole process of treating a patient. Case taking is a Science and also an Art. As per the basic principles of Classical Homeopathy ‘The person is treated as a whole and not just his disease’, this is the core of an individualized constitutional treatment. The very significance of the constitutional treatment in homeopathy is to heal the body-mind system from within. The constitutional treatment helps the body's own healing mechanism and enhances body's self-recovery capacity thus leading to a long-term cure.
The case-study hence is non-conventional, whereby various aspects of the patient's complaints (Physical and Mental), lifestyle, personality, food habits, emotional make-up, personal and the family history, etc are evaluated appropriately to decide on the correct medication to treat the disease. Thus, the entire constitution (physical and mental) of the patient is evaluated in a systematic and scientific manner.

Incomplete information will make correct choice difficult. You are, therefore, requested to supply all information without keeping back anything as irrelevant or of little importance. The information you supply forms the basis of further enquiry designed to assist you in the further delineation of the problem. Full co-operation, therefore, is requested. If we find that the information given is insufficient for instituting treatment or it requires further detailed processing of information and study of your Case, we will send you few more specific questions to be answered by you.

All information shared by you is, of course, strictly confidential.

We try to maintain a standardized Case Record, to facilitate that, you are requested to write in the following way.
Write in the way the history is printed.
If you download the questionnaire, you may write your answers below the respective questions.
Leave margin of 1" at the top in front, and at the bottom on the back.


Describe fully what bothers you most. Each trouble should be detailed as under:
[You may grade the symptoms to stress on its intensity: 5 – Maximum, 1 – Minimum e.g. Headache (5), tingling sensation (2), etc.]

a. Area affected: Location, extension, direction of spread, the march of events.

b. Sensation experienced in the area of trouble.

c. Conditions that have brought on the trouble: Examine the circumstances that occurred before or at the time of onset, paying attention to physical as well as emotional factors.

d. Conditions that increase the trouble or those which afford relief.

e. Other troubles experienced at the same time along with the main trouble, for example...perspiration/nausea /vomiting /gas/with pains.

If you have any other complaints describe them here. Each should be described fully as suggested above under numerically defined headings for the Chief Complaint under the different headings .

Give a detailed description of the various illnesses you have had in the past, which may/may not have a bearing on the present condition. Also describe the type of treatment taken and the response of these illnesses to medication.

Details concerning the health and diseases (if any) that appear to recur in other family members like Grand parents, Parents, Uncles, Brothers and Sisters. Also give details concerning the health of spouse and children.
Details of each family member should be under the following headings: Family Member, Relation with you, Age, Health Status / Illness suffered

Physical Description
Body Type (Slim/Average/Heavy):
Physical Challenge if any:
Ethnic origin:

[You may grade the symptoms to stress on its intensity: Put 5 for Maximum, 1 for Minimum e.g. Cravings- sweets (5), spicy (3)]

a. Appetite
Is there any change in your appetite since the complaint started? If yes, what is the change?

b. Food allergies
Mention the food substances you are allergic to. Also mention what type of allergic reaction you develop.

c. Cravings
Name the type of food you like very much or a particular taste that you desire.

d. Aversions
Which type of food item or taste you particularly detest?

e. Thirst
How much water do you consume in a day with thirst?

How much at a time and at what intervals?

Do you prefer your water at room temperature or cold?

f. Stool
Regular bowel movements or constipated? How many times a day you pass a motion? Any difficulty or pain while passing stool? Do you pass any blood in stool?
g. Urine
How many times a day do you pass urine on an average ? Any difficulty while passing urine? Color of the urine. Any peculiar odor?
h. Perspiration
How much do you perspire?

On which parts of the body you sweat more?

Does the perspiration stain your clothes?

What odor does the sweat have?
i. Thermals
When do you feel uncomfortable: In hot or cold climate?

Which season you like the best?

In which season are your complaints generally worse?
Please list your reaction to various climatic conditions like sun etc.
How comfortable are you with various room temperatures (Air Conditioners, Fan, etc.)?
j. Sleep
How many hours you sleep in 24 hours?

Do you cover yourself when you sleep?

If yes, how and with what? E.g. legs only or entire body.

Which position do you prefer to sleep in? E.g. on back, on stomach etc.

Do you feel fresh on waking up?

k. Dreams
What type of dreams you usually get? Do you remember them on waking, or are they forgotten?

Any recurrent dreams?

7. Mention (ask your parents if they recollect / refer to your old records)

Your birth weight:
When you started walking:
When you started talking (first word):
When did your first tooth erupt:
Mothers mental state when she was pregnant with you. (Also include dreams, strong desires and aversion, etc)
8. Sexual History
Mention your complaints if any.
9. Additional information for Females only
a. Menstruation
Are your menses regular or irregular?
How many days does it last?
What is the color of discharge?
Does the discharge stain? Are the stains difficult to wash?
What problems you face before, during, or after your periods? E.g. Backache, headache, etc.
Do you have any white discharge before, during or after your periods? Is the white discharge scanty / profuse /offensive /staining if yes then what color?
b. History of pregnancies
Number of pregnancies:
Full term/ Normal/ Aborted / Miscarriage / Assisted (Cesarean, Forceps, others)
Sickness during the pregnancy.
This section deals with details of personal life and the emotional factors which influence it.

a. Habits
Do you indulge in any of the following (Please specify the quantity / number)
Chewing Tobacco / Pan Masala
Any other peculiar habit e.g. washing hands very frequently, several times checking the door at night etc.
b. Occupation
Your occupation and what stresses are placed on you by this employment.
(e.g. Student there might be stress of studies, exams, etc.)
Type of work
Working hours/shift
Nature of Job
c. Place of residence.
Describe the area.
Is it exposed to any pollution?
Is the environment suiting you?
If no, what is disturbing you there?
Do you have pets? Please specify.
d. Family/Social set up
(Description of the current family set-up, full details pertaining to all the members, their ages, location, work they are doing and your relationship with responsibilities for them, include in your those who have died, stating the age of death, the year and the cause of the same.)
Please mention your emotional equation with each of your family members
Position in the family
No. of persons living together
No. of children
No. of friends
e. Hobbies and Interests
Favorite music
Favorite color
Reading interests
Preferred interests
Sports/Fitness activities
Favorite cuisine
Preferred Dress Style

f. Mention how was your childhood. Your relations with family, friends and teacher in childhood.
g. What is your daily routine?
h. How would you describe yourself as a person?
i. Describe the following emotions and their relevance in your life:
Love, Hate, Anger, Irritability, Anxiety, Depression, Fear, Fright, Jealousy, and Suspicion. You may also describe any other emotion which is not listed here.
j. Any Unpleasant experiences
(Disagreements, Humiliation, Fights, Deaths, Separations, Divorce, Monetary Loss in business or losing a job, etc.)
k. Mention if any event, experience, emotion, etc may have precipitated your current state of mental or physical health.
l. Are you going through any tension about anything in particular at present? OR were you tensed and overstretched recently?
m. Mention 5 happy experiences
n. General comments
Also please note that you may have some complaints that initially seem as unrelated but from a homeopath's perspective each symptom is important, however obscure it may seem. Each disrupting symptom emotional or physical, located anywhere in the body, could well be the cause of the disease and should be informed to us.

Include here any items which have not been included above.

11. Enclosures
(You may scan and attach the following while submitting your completed history)

a. Medical Report and opinion on your state of health from your physician.

b. Copies of Reports of investigations done.

c. X-ray plates, Electrocardiograms, etc
An interesting article in a medical journal :

A type of arthritis that occurs when flexible tissue at the ends of bones wears down.
The wearing down of the protective tissue at the ends of bones (cartilage) occurs gradually and worsens over time.

Also called: OA, degenerative joint disease

The ends of these bones are covered with protective tissue called cartilage. With OA, this cartilage breaks down, causing the bones within the joint to rub together. This can cause pain, stiffness, and other symptoms.
When cartilage breaks down, these bone surfaces become pitted and rough. This can cause pain within the joint, and irritation in surrounding tissues. Damaged cartilage can’t repair itself. This is because cartilage doesn’t contain any blood vessels.

OA is a progressive condition with five stages, from 0 to 4. The first stage (0) represents a normal joint. Stage 4 represents severe OA.

There are many people suffering from knee joint pain ( OA ) taking pain killers and unknowingly landing in stage 4 after some time.

There are two options :
Take proper medication to stop the progression or
Go for a knee replacement surgery .

Now Medication is available ...
The first step is moving around. Just walk around slowly for a few minutes every day. Sitting and lying reduces the blood circulation to the leg and knee. The spongy -cologen- is reduced, thus with aging and over weight the pin will be high. In the old days, going around temple was used as an alternative to sitting idle. Knee replacement does not work for all based on other medical, DNA conditions. Pain killers (one tablet) will give temporary relief.
Just to add, i do this for my patients..
I tell them to drink more fluids.
As we age we get subclinical dehydration which is easily missed by doctors cos the parameters would be normal BUT if one looks at the Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin concentration one would see an higher end normal reading which denotes subclinical dehydration.

When the body is subclinically dehydrated the body starts to suck water from wherever it can.
One would also notice hair loss cos the shafts of hair do contain water and body sees it as non essential and gets rid of hair in order to use that water to rehdydrate vital cells.

Next is body sucks water from joint capsules and cartilages, synovial fluid too decrease...this is when the cushioning effect of the joints go off and bone starts to rub against bones and we get osteoarthritis.

So what do we do?
We need to increase water intake preferably colloids like butter milk with a little salt, rice water with a little salt, fermented rice water with salt.

Then coconut water too on and off.
Monitor the color of the urine..it should be very very light yellow to denote adequate hydration.

Clear transparent is over- hydration.

Then you would see joint pains getting lesser because body stops sucking water from joint space and cartilages and these cartilages slows become hydrated and synovial fluid slowly increases.

When pain gets less try to do simple yogasanas for the knee.

Small steps..once pain is very less one can go for slow walks.
Regular warm oil massages are good for the knees..heat increases local temperature and makes blood go to the area to generate healing.

The same effect of localized heat healing is done either using infra red light or electromagnetic waves to increase self healing.

* Note
Those with Congestive heart failure and on diuretics kindly dont drink too much water.
Diabetics may opt for plain water instead of colloids.
Last edited:
Here is something useful to those who are aging:

Why housework is good for your health: Ironing, washing up and vacuuming can help over-65s improve their physical and mental strength... and could even protect against falls, research suggests​

  • A study found over-65s who do lots of housework have better physical strength
  • Nearly 500 participants were quizzed about the frequency of household chores
  • Pensioners who engaged in heavy housework had a 14% higher attention span

22 November 2021

Doing the vacuuming, washing up and ironing can often seem like thankless tasks – but it turns out household chores might be the key to staying healthy in old age.

A study has found that over-65s who spend lots of time on housework have better physical strength, are mentally sharper and have greater protection against falls.

And the health benefits of housework remain regardless of people's other recreational and physical activities, it showed.


A study has found that over-65s who spend lots of time on housework have better physical strength, are mentally sharper and have greater protection against falls (stock image)

Nearly 500 participants, aged between 21 and 90, were quizzed about the frequency of chores and other types of physical activity and given a 'housework intensity' score.

Light housework was defined as washing the dishes, dusting, making a bed, doing laundry, ironing, tidying up and cooking meals.

Heavy housework included window cleaning, changing bedding, vacuuming, washing or scrubbing the floor, and DIY.

Overall, a combination of light and heavy housework was 'associated with higher cognitive function' among over-65s, but not in younger adults.

  • Pensioners who engaged in more heavy housework had 14 per cent higher attention span scores and those who regularly performed light tasks tested 12 per cent better on memory tests.
    Meanwhile, those who regularly performed the more physically demanding jobs around the house could stand up more quickly.
  • Pensioners who engaged in more heavy housework had 14% higher attention span scores and those who regularly performed light tasks tested 12% better on memory tests (stock image)
    They also had better balance and co-ordination scores, suggesting housework can help to protect people from falls in old age – a common cause of hospitalisation.
    The authors of the study, which was led by the University of Singapore, said more research was needed to establish a firm link between household jobs and healthy aging.
    But they suggested that chores require mental sharpness and are a good indicator of being able to live independently.
    Lead author Professor Shiou-Liang Wee told the British Medical Journal: 'After adjusting for other types of regular physical activity, the results showed that housework was associated with sharper mental abilities and better physical capacity. But only among the older age group.
    'Our study suggests that a combination of light and heavy housework is associated with higher cognitive function, specifically in attention and memory domains, among older adults.'​
Doing the vacuuming, washing up and ironing can often seem like thankless tasks – but it turns out household chores might be the key to staying healthy in old age.

A study has found that over-65s who spend lots of time on housework have better physical strength, are mentally sharper and have greater protection against falls.

And the health benefits of housework remain regardless of people's other recreational and physical activities, it showed.

A study has found that over-65s who spend lots of time on housework have better physical strength, are mentally sharper and have greater protection against falls (stock image)

Nearly 500 participants, aged between 21 and 90, were quizzed about the frequency of chores and other types of physical activity and given a 'housework intensity' score.

Light housework was defined as washing the dishes, dusting, making a bed, doing laundry, ironing, tidying up and cooking meals.

Heavy housework included window cleaning, changing bedding, vacuuming, washing or scrubbing the floor, and DIY.

Overall, a combination of light and heavy housework was 'associated with higher cognitive function' among over-65s, but not in younger adults.

  • Pensioners who engaged in more heavy housework had 14 per cent higher attention span scores and those who regularly performed light tasks tested 12 per cent better on memory tests.
    Meanwhile, those who regularly performed the more physically demanding jobs around the house could stand up more quickly.

    They also had better balance and co-ordination scores, suggesting housework can help to protect people from falls in old age – a common cause of hospitalisation.
    The authors of the study, which was led by the University of Singapore, said more research was needed to establish a firm link between household jobs and healthy aging.
    But they suggested that chores require mental sharpness and are a good indicator of being able to live independently.
    Lead author Professor Shiou-Liang Wee told the British Medical Journal: 'After adjusting for other types of regular physical activity, the results showed that housework was associated with sharper mental abilities and better physical capacity. But only among the older age group.
    'Our study suggests that a combination of light and heavy housework is associated with higher cognitive function, specifically in attention and memory domains, among older adults.'
My case is exceptional one. My age is 85. non-pensioner. I am not doing any physical work. no walking due to corona virus. not speaking to anybody due to fear of corona virus. I am hale and healthy both physically and mentally.
My case is exceptional one. My age is 85. non-pensioner. I am not doing any physical work. no walking due to corona virus. not speaking to anybody due to fear of corona virus. I am hale and healthy both physically and mentally.
Congrats. Most of our ancestors(10%) lived 100 years hale and healthy. Pray to Lord for your ocntinued health and valuable service to this forum.
My case is exceptional one. My age is 85. non-pensioner. I am not doing any physical work. no walking due to corona virus. not speaking to anybody due to fear of corona virus. I am hale and healthy both physically and mentally.
Namaskarams Namaskarams
Sri Gopalan: The idea of sharing that article is show how this forum should provide positive and useful information to others. No intention is involved in inuslting any one. By the way in may family 90+ with good health is a rule. They had loving mind, intermitend fasting, helping others etc.
You had been serving this forum by proving long post on religious/cusotmes/samskarams and that is what Lord wants you to do. May you live a long 124 years with good helath.
I am sekaran aged 73 suffered from rheumatoid arthritis for 5 years. I have tried allopathic medicine which aggravated the pain and there is a lot of chemical reaction. After reading a US based Doctor who is an expert in this arthritis disease the first thing I did was to remove diary products from my diet except buttermilk. Then I avoided too much intake of rice based meals instead vegetable and fruit based foods. I take breakfast and lunch with carbohydrate and protein based diets ( thal (Parruppu) vegetables without much masalas) and dinner with light meal (iddly and dosas). Since all the pains that occur in our body is based on vayu (air) I consulted a doctor who is an expert in Varma sastra who advised me to do specific mudra as per body type. Now I am leading a normal active life. Avoid constipation and diet control is very important. The Varma doctor will give you a clear diet to follow. Never listen to any visual programmes in You tube or any digital medium and never buy products that has been advertising that removes pain . Consult a doctor then only you can know what is what. Have no fear for this kind of disease which affect your life. For this disease Meditation, diet and exercise( normal) are the only remedies. Never make a decision to go for knee replacement surgery that will weaken your system after a considerable period. Nowadays Homeopathy gives good relief better than Ayurveda treatment which has become costlier.

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