Holi colour Splash
such is our cultural bent of mind. We have to learn to live with such situations & plan to avoid ? if possible.
Still in Madras there is no Holi celebration by those except North Indians. They are very much home for the Holi, where as We almost Hate ( I am, ofcourse for it, & would like to indulge even now ?
#87 0f Dr. Renuka ,mentions about pouring of colour after Dusk. She was a student & another student may be a North-Indian could easily indulge in such acts. She got angry, & abused him then . But now, in the circumstances we are placed, perhaps relished & would not have got that much anger. One thing we should know --parallel is When Govt. enforces stoppage of Loud speakers by 10 PM, more so when Exams are held, even then there are violations & care two hoots ?That is what Krish Sir means by writing,
BTW, you don't like to hug anyone! But how about your heart-throb SRK??
:gossip: Just curious to know!
such is our cultural bent of mind. We have to learn to live with such situations & plan to avoid ? if possible.
Still in Madras there is no Holi celebration by those except North Indians. They are very much home for the Holi, where as We almost Hate ( I am, ofcourse for it, & would like to indulge even now ?