#45. nAma 881 to 900
881. Kshudhra janthu bhayagnee…. She who removes the fear caused by the dangerous animals
882. Visha rOgAdhi bhanjanee….. She who removes diseases caused by poison
883. SadhA SAnthA… She who is always peaceful
884. SadhA ShuddhA…. She who is always pure
885. Gruha chidra nivAriNee…. She who removes the problems caused by the movements of the planets
886. Kali dOsha prasamanee…. She who solves the problems during the Kali age
887. Kolahalapura sthithA…. She who resides in Kolhapur
888. Gowree….. She who has a fair complexion
889. LAkshaNike…. She who has special properties
890. MukhyA… She who is of the chief importance
891. JaganyAkruthi varjithA…. She who does not have a body subject to
birth, growth and death
892. MAyA… She who is the illusion
893. VidhyA…. She who is knowledge
894. Moola bhoothA… She who is the basis of all life
895. VAsavee… She who is the power of Indra
896. VishNu chEthanA…. She who is the power of Lord VishNu
897. VAdhinee…..She who makes us talk and debate
898. Vasu RoopA…. She who is the wealth
899. Vasu rathna paricchadhA…. She who has all the jewels of happiness
900. ChAndhasee…. She who knows the meters of the Vedas
881. Kshudhra janthu bhayagnee…. She who removes the fear caused by the dangerous animals
882. Visha rOgAdhi bhanjanee….. She who removes diseases caused by poison
883. SadhA SAnthA… She who is always peaceful
884. SadhA ShuddhA…. She who is always pure
885. Gruha chidra nivAriNee…. She who removes the problems caused by the movements of the planets
886. Kali dOsha prasamanee…. She who solves the problems during the Kali age
887. Kolahalapura sthithA…. She who resides in Kolhapur
888. Gowree….. She who has a fair complexion
889. LAkshaNike…. She who has special properties
890. MukhyA… She who is of the chief importance
891. JaganyAkruthi varjithA…. She who does not have a body subject to
birth, growth and death
892. MAyA… She who is the illusion
893. VidhyA…. She who is knowledge
894. Moola bhoothA… She who is the basis of all life
895. VAsavee… She who is the power of Indra
896. VishNu chEthanA…. She who is the power of Lord VishNu
897. VAdhinee…..She who makes us talk and debate
898. Vasu RoopA…. She who is the wealth
899. Vasu rathna paricchadhA…. She who has all the jewels of happiness
900. ChAndhasee…. She who knows the meters of the Vedas