Dear Vijisesh,
Vanakkam, Chinthana Ji,
Sabhash !
Sinthanai sei manamey ! Too good chinthanai here !
--> Yes , ma'am, u've got the meaning of democracy , crystal clear , but there's something more than that required for a modest living ! It's something to do with 'societal life ' , u need to be part of any integral society , u have to adjust and accomodate yourself in a society of all castes and creed , a secular india , IF U WANT TO AVOID THIS SYNDROME OF COMPLAINING ABOUT ATTROCITIES !!
=> Sure! Who is saying no to that? I think we do a pretty good job of adjusting.
--> Practice the Brahminical ways at home or in the temple ! They respect you ! but if I say i will not sit with a guy of another caste side by side , eating together , I AM AGAINST GOD'S WILL OF HUMANITY ! Treat them with respect and you will be honoured , just as the case may be in any society ! Don't u have any prejudice towards Brownies in any other part of the world ?
=> You are mixing two topics here. Practising one's culture does not mean a person can commit atrocities in its name. I hope you understood the first time around when I said that people should be free to follow their culture it is only within the sphere of democratic responsibility. I also hope you understood that I never meant to condone anyone's lack of respect for another person.
---> Statistics is not my piece of cake but the present population of brahmins in the govt sectors is still overwhelming !
I also know that Exceptions cannot be quoted as Examples !
=> Your original argument (and my response to it ) was about whether brahmins are being treated with respect or not. This piece of information on statistics is irrelevant to the point you initially made.
--> How do I explain this - changing the slang ???? Okay I ,as an officer
having my sub-ordinates from all caste and creed , need to follow the basics - motivate the employees for their better output ! For this I need to sit with them , understand them , and then start advising them , which our creed are good at , thanks to the genetic wisdom , inherited !
=>Vijisesh, it is only now that you are being specific about the context under which the culture argument is applied. Everybody needs to follow professional ethics and do what is needed in a person's job. This has nothing to do with the freedom to practice one's culture.
---> Misinformed ! Not at all ! I am not a kid ! I have been with close counters with people from all the other castes , having heard about their experiences about the dominance of our ancestors !
=>I will counter this argument after I am convinced that you have read the references I have pointed you to.
Point to bear in mind: I make a distinction between oppression and ill-treatment. Both are not the same to me. More after you have read and come back to the discussion.
------> The argument continues the evening .. Time to go to my office !!
hey i have one doubt... if our bramin community change the