Dear Prasad Ji,
What level shevel yaar? I am just an ordinary person learning on daily basis..anyway thanks for your is really the reply I was looking it also seems so clear...cos a Brahmavid is the just 1st it all makes perfect sense now.
As you appear to be inclined to dwell deep into the subject, please do not stop your enquiry just with the explanation of gradation or categorisation of Bramavid, Bhrhma-vara, Brahma-varya and Brahma-varishta.
Taittiriya UpaniSad says "Brahmavid Aapnoti param - satyam, GyAnam, anantam, BramhA.
So when Brahmavid grants the supreme felicity of satyam, gyanam, anantam and BramhA, are the further gradations of brahmavid really essential and are they materially one more superior or refined than another?
Just explore.