முடியாது Reasons read on. My wife is qualified in this field and with specialization in Baking I remember When we came to Madurai in 71 she was crowned "சமயல் ராணி " she was hardly 21 After that she was not interested in competition except as a Judge But in 2002 (after 30 years) she had to enter again a competition on my suggestion. She had health problem diagnosed "PEMPHIGUS" (Type this in Google Search if interested on more information) For which only Steroid is effective and was put on stiff dose of that(12 Tabs or 60 Mg of that) till 2007 when we were able to withdraw since she got into remission. No drugs now. But effects of Steroid yes. She is on Insulin for the diabetes precipitated To keep her engaged she took up to painting in 2002 after the Phemphigus. Oil, Tanjore etc and now she has almost mastered it. The Malaysian Palm Oil Promotion Council announced a big Competition with 2 condition to enter that 1. Cooking only with palm oil that was given 2 you should have a partner. I suggested she should join this race to pep her up. She was ready if I joined her as partner! This team won that contest (2 Prize) and was offered free trip to Malaysia which we declined due to her health and were compensated by Cash.She is on Vacation with her friends to Gujarat and Rajasthan for 10 day I have always been cooperative(playing second fiddle?) with her to excel in her interests and can never be competitive Jambu:violin:Sri. Jambunathar,
'நள பாகம்' என்றுதான் வழக்கமே தவிர, 'தமயந்தி பாகம்' என்றில்லை! சமையல் தூள் பரத்த வேண்டாமோ?
I am a new to the tamilbrahmins. com I read this and i also read the suggestions very nice and interesting. Gradually you can take the control over the kitchen. because you know something.
Oil On Canvas
Picasa Web Albums - jambu - 2009_05_28 Na...
Tanjore Painting
Picasa Web Albums - jambu - mallika atist
If you are able to open the link you can see Janaki Jambunathan (Mallika) at her work Jambu:clap2:
I could not resist.....:heh:
YouTube - Kalyana Samayal Saadham (PALLAVI GALAATA 2007)
Dr.jamju ji
good oil painting and after completing of tanjore paint can expect in the web album.
wonderful job