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Man manning the house

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I do not have problem of cleaning vessels swabbing floors sweeping etc Vellamal does it except washing clothes. Normally we wash our clothes in Machine . This is where the problem I face. The machine is rated for 5 KG washing, and for 2 cycles of soaking and rinsing it gulps enormous amount of water which i feel should be more than the normal consumption of water for washing for less than 1/2 Kilo of clothes This I feel is social irresponsibility. I have to wash my under garments and bathing towel only daily. Of course the Machine can be programmed for this but I have never done it before and I did not venture into விஷ பரிக்ஷ்ஷை . I decided to do regular Bucket wash with Surff which takes hardly 15 minutes for soaking and rising. Seems much quicker than the Machine which takes longer time to go through all cycles
Tomorrow is Sunday & Sonu should have her bath I will see how I mange tomorrow

Sri. Jambunathar,

'நள பாகம்' என்றுதான் வழக்கமே தவிர, 'தமயந்தி பாகம்' என்றில்லை! சமையல் தூள் பரத்த வேண்டாமோ?

Sri. Jambunathar,

'நள பாகம்' என்றுதான் வழக்கமே தவிர, 'தமயந்தி பாகம்' என்றில்லை! சமையல் தூள் பரத்த வேண்டாமோ?

முடியாது Reasons read on. My wife is qualified in this field and with specialization in Baking I remember When we came to Madurai in 71 she was crowned "சமயல் ராணி " she was hardly 21 After that she was not interested in competition except as a Judge But in 2002 (after 30 years) she had to enter again a competition on my suggestion. She had health problem diagnosed "PEMPHIGUS" (Type this in Google Search if interested on more information) For which only Steroid is effective and was put on stiff dose of that(12 Tabs or 60 Mg of that) till 2007 when we were able to withdraw since she got into remission. No drugs now. But effects of Steroid yes. She is on Insulin for the diabetes precipitated To keep her engaged she took up to painting in 2002 after the Phemphigus. Oil, Tanjore etc and now she has almost mastered it. The Malaysian Palm Oil Promotion Council announced a big Competition with 2 condition to enter that 1. Cooking only with palm oil that was given 2 you should have a partner. I suggested she should join this race to pep her up. She was ready if I joined her as partner! This team won that contest (2 Prize) and was offered free trip to Malaysia which we declined due to her health and were compensated by Cash.She is on Vacation with her friends to Gujarat and Rajasthan for 10 day I have always been cooperative(playing second fiddle?) with her to excel in her interests and can never be competitive Jambu:violin:
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Your reply is touching. Thank you for sharing those informations. The paintings are great! I am glad, I started you on this; the whole forum can view such lovely paintings.

Now, it is all the more pleasurable if you can master one dish and surprise your wife! I started similarly to surprise my wife now and again.. now I can cook few simple dishes really well. Something to think.....


i could not have said better than raghy post #31. you & your sahadharmini, both are very lucky indeed to have each other. God Bless.
Dear Raghy & Kunjappu
Thank you for those well wishes. I must let you know few more of her qualities . She was the first women to get a driving license to drive a two wheeler in 1972 at RTO Madurai She had a driving license to drive a car I taught two wheeler driving after marriage That is is nothing great. But this one is. Before she was thirty she had so much social contacts as the secretary of AIWCA she raised the first Hostel for working Women in Chokkikulam Madurai, hardly with in 10 years of our existence here, by a voluntary body. Funds were collected by donation and also raised by staging a drama of Comal Swaminthan (Seva Stage S.V.Sahasranamam "s troupe ) The plaque in that building will survive even when we are gone. Jambu:rockon:
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Sony missed her weekly bath yesterday since I forgot about it. Today I gave her a nice கங்காஸ்நானம் at 11 AM and she missed her routine feed at 12 as an effect of that. Started sleeping after bath making கொர்ர்ர் noise till 1 "O clock I have not observed her making such கொரட்டை before and do not known if dogs also have this habit I will take her doctor"s opinion on this We all sleep peacefully, totally relaxed after எண்ணெய் குளியல் you know and this is similar to that I hope. Had her பால்சாதம் just now and is again dozing Sony I thought enjoyed her shower running around all over and shaking her wet body like சாமி ஆட்டம் throwing water all around to a radius of 3 feet, which had to be swabbed dry. More over I could not with my Knee pain run around with her. Solution? I tied her her to post at the gate. Alas ! The hose was not long enough to reach Sonu I had to finish her bath with bucket and சொம்பு, Sonu missing her shower at the end of her bath
ஜம்பு கைலே சொம்பு for a change! Jambu :bathbaby:​
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I am a new to the tamilbrahmins. com I read this and i also read the suggestions very nice and interesting. Gradually you can take the control over the kitchen. because you know something.
I am a new to the tamilbrahmins. com I read this and i also read the suggestions very nice and interesting. Gradually you can take the control over the kitchen. because you know something.


welcome to this forum

Impossible When My wife is at work in kitchen she won"t tolerate cockroaches (Me)crawling around and will be thrown out of window Jambu:frusty:
My wife is allergic to Lizard பல்லி (and off course me also). If she sees a lizard in kitchen, she make a huge cry.

Dr.jamju ji
good oil painting and after completing of tanjore paint can expect in the web album.

wonderful job

I could not resist.....:heh:

YouTube - Kalyana Samayal Saadham (PALLAVI GALAATA 2007)


Classical music made use of well to suit the mood in the film by music director Gantasala and rendered by Tiruchy Loganathan (I am not sure about these facts ) I remember I have some where in my Hard disk the same ரகம் சங்கராபரணம் sung exactly in the simiar notes. I will hunt it out and if I get it right I will post it. I think it is a நோட்டு ஸ்வரம் of Dikshadhar Jambu:dance:
She would have done about 15 Tanjore painting and has given it our relatives and friends all over the globe The photos are taken before Framing because the glass reflection or refraction of flash light spoils the photos and pictures gets blurred. They are really grand to look at in frames I will give the album links soon. At present she is doing oil on canvas Makhan Ka Chor for my daughter in law It is in finishing stage. Coming up well Jambu:rockon:
Today my spirits are a bit low as I am running fever. I have not started on any drugs and hope will be back to normal by evening I could not get up at 5AM this morning and in fact overslept . I don"t sent out Sonu after 10PM which has been the normal routine of her roaming about the lawn doing the duty of watch dog. So Sonu sleeps in her "Diwan" in the drawing room and I sleep in the bed room doors closed with AC on. The biological clock in Sonu will make her call me at around 3 AM I have to take her to for toilet.which she will not do inside the house I switch off the AC at 2AM and keep the door open so that Sonu can call me. Surprisingly Sonu did not wake me up at 3AM and came in around 7 AM and started licking me to wake me up(Normally Barks to wake me up) I felt tired and slept on again ignoring Sonu Probably she must have "smelt" some thing and went back to her Diwan I woke up at 9 AM and realized that that I did not take her to her toilet . I took her to the for a walk and toilet and she relived her self.பாவம் 3 or 4 மணி நேரம் அடக்கி வெச்சு இருக்கு without disturbing me. This I think is THE DOG SENSE . After a quick shave and காக்கா குளியல் & Prayer in Pooja Room without நேவேத்தியம் to kitchen to make idlii. A phone call. அண்ணாநகர்லேந்து நான்தேன் பீர்கெங்கா மாமி உங்கள பாக்கணும் இபபவரலாமா ? She is a patient of mine and when she came to me first a lot of பீர்கங்கா were in those creepers in my Kitchen Garden , I gave her a few . She is a Muslim and in these places Muslim women are called மாமி So she is பீர்கங்கா மாமி (Similar to Chettiar Ladies , Achi) எனக்கு காச்சல் Wife
ஊர்ல இல்ல சமயல் செய்யரேன் 12 மணிக்கு வாங்க. அடி ஆத்தி நீங்க ஏன் கஷ்டபடிரீஹ. நான் ஆக்கி கொணரேன் சாப்பிடிவீளா ? வேணாம் நான் முடிச்சுட்டேன் வேலம்மா வந்து சோராக்குவா நீங்க. கஷ்டபடவேணாம் . This I think human compassion. These have really pepped me up and I am on top of the world again!

Vellama enters. Vellama இன்னிக்கு ஒன் சமயல்தான். She is big mouth நீள நாக்கு அம்மா இல்லேனா கெரங்கிடேளே ! I went to bed and she started her work. Call on the cell My wife. Vellamma picked and had a talk with her ஐயாவுக்கு முடியல படுத்து கெடக்காறு and the cell handed over to me. Not well? Do not worry nothing serious enjoy your holidays. என்ன ஆச்சு ? அன்னிக்கு தமாஷா சொன்னேனே ? Remember? புளிக்காச்சல் சாப்டா Fluகாச்சல். வெளயாடாத Try to be more serious I would not have disclosed this fever to her at all. But Vellammal let the cat out. Can you mange alone ?. Now this really irritated her though that was not my intention Yes Yes Yes I can mange with you without you and in spite of you! Get lost I am extending my holidays I am spending 1 week in Madras With Dhanush (My Son) you mange yourself! This is Blackmail
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பீர்கங்கா மாமி came at 1PM. என்ன டாக்டரு காச்சலா ? இனஷா அல்லா சரியாயிடும் Then I told her I am fine and no fever now & examined her and gave her some medicines asking her to report next week. சரியாயிடுமா டாக்டரு? . தயிரியமா போங்க அடுத்த வாரம் நீங்க நிச்சயமா சொல்லுவீங்க மாஷா அல்லா சரியாபோச்சுனு! She did not expect this probably, she was overwhelmed & uttered சுபான் அல்லா ! She paid my consultation charges and gave me 2 Apples. இதெல்லாம் எதுக்கு ? டாக்டர்க்கு காசு.நோயாளிய சும்மா வெறுங்கையோட பாக்கமாட்டோமில்லே அதுக்குதேன் I have no answer for this and thankfully accepted them. Jambu:love:
There is nothing to write home about today Nothing other than the dull, monotonous routine.
Yesterday during my morning prayers no நைவேத்யம் was offered since I had nothing to offer My Gods might have been hungry but not angry with me as I was not well. Today I compensated with 2 apples given to me by பீர்கங்கா மாமி who came for consultation. In my yesterdays posting you have seen we were indulging in few Arabic expression in praise of Allaha a common practice among devout Muslims. We along with our prayers offer நைவோத்யம் and distribute them to others They also have this practice of offering - குர்பானி and distributing to others. In spirit it looks alike but in practice may be different Suppose I say I offered குர்பானி instead of நைவேத்யம் - is my language or thinking is blasphemous ? Jambu:noidea:
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I think, 'Qurbani' is different from 'நைவேத்யம்'. Quarbani is a 'sacrifice'; it may not be shared with others, depending upon the sacrifice; நைவேத்யம் is but 'prasadham'; no sacrifice in that. நைவேத்யம் is also readily shared with others.

Qurbani was a nice movie by feroz khan,alas sacrifice has become a thing of the past.most ppl with the fate line ascending from life line and ending in mount saturn in a palm,will be of sacrificing nature in life.ppl who come up in life on their own merit.
This I am posting immediately since power will go off soon and I am afraid my train or chain of thought might snap after some time. , I woke up terribly shaken by a dream in the midnight Heard the Death Cry of Sonu and attacking a Devilish woman (கிராதகி ,ராக்ஷ்ஷஷி ) and she approaching Sonu with a huge iron rod I do not want to analyze the meaning of this dream by various psycho analysis theories that is for our medical associations" forum . My question is why I am destined to get only horrifying dreams Why no" Dream Girls" in my dreams? and only Ugly looking frightful devils appear(This was not my wife I am sure she was definitely looking different !!) I do not remember to have had any pleasant or likable dreams like some others. Some come out with great discoveries after a dream like Kekule with structure of Benzene after his dream of a snake eating its tail! Saint Thiagraja definetly says he had Vision of Rama on a hillock in this wonderful song Giripai (Sahana M.D. Ramanathan signing this really fantastic) In this forum one has posted a very moving episode in which he had the Vision of Mahaperiaval and in response to it I had posted Mahaperiavals picture blessing every one (The picture which I cherish most) Anna is reported to have appeared frequently in his நல்ல தம்பி s dream to guide him and endorse his actions These people I a consider as பு்ண்யாத்மாs

I think I should introduce Sonu & Vellama to you since I have mentioned about them in this thread frequently

Picasa Web Albums - jambu - 2005_10_30

Picasa Web Albums - jambu - 2009_07_12 Ve...

Just now finished cooking In the middle the gas cylinder became empty I could not replace the new cylinder properly and was struggling "அடுத்தாத்து அம்புஜம்" came to my rescue . Mallika (My wife ) is in Udaipur the last leg of her tour and leaving tonight back to Madurai Hope she will be here on 24 June when I will be signing like Sarangapani as he did in - என் மனைவி - சங்கடமான சமயலவிட்டூ சங்கீதம் பாடபோறேன் !!! and man will not be manning the house, will be minding his own business only Jambu:music:
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thank you for sharing your day to day travails with us. while you have attempted to inject humour into your posts, what is staring at me, is how much you miss your wife. truly you are a lucky guy to have drawn this card in the lottery known as matrimony.

i try to imagine myself with my wife away for a month. the household sans kids will be run efficiently though quietly. there will be little social action because i do find absolute heaven on earth, with a glass of wine, and a book. maybe some music, but no t.v.

after a week, i will start missing her, after having gotten over the pleasures of solitude. the children are grown up, live away, and stay away even when they are at home. at this stage, they are more work, if they visit home.

i have no pets, and so that is not an issue.

overall, yes, i will survive, but without the wife, life is not fulfilling. thanks once again for your daily diary shared here.
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