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Mandukya Upanishad - An explanation..

Cosmic Inflation

Science says Big Bang created the energy of Universe, which was followed by 'Inflation/Expansion' of spacetime, in which spacetime expanded hugely. This is called 'Cosmic Inflation'.

Think of a balloon that expands when air is pushed inside. Whatever exists on the surface of balloon uniformly expands along with surface of the balloon. So if energy/matter that was constrained and then expanded, then matter should be seen uniformly spread across the spacetime.

But what we see in Universe today is different. There is a huge AkAsa, empty space of vacuum, everywhere. Then there are clusters of galaxies and matter sprinkled non-uniformly or non-homogenously in this AkAsa.

How did this variation come about..? Can just bending of spacetime (gravitation) and the fusion reactions triggered by gravitation alone explain this non-uniform distribution of matter with huge empty spaces in-between..?

Baryonic Acounstic Oscillations - praNAva - OmkAra

Science says the current structure of Universe is explained by Baryonic Acoustic oscillations(1) or Cosmic sound. Vedas and Upanishads say it is caused by OmkAra or praNava.

The early Universe, was an Universe of hot, dense, plasma of dark matter, baryons, electrons and photons.

This hot, dense plasma with dark matter bends the spacetime it occupies and produces gravitational warping that compresses matter. But the baryons and electrons are charged and the electromagnetic forces repel. Hence they push back the matter.

This is like pebble dropping in a pond. An oscillating wave of photons pushes the baryonic matter to the edges.

Actually it is like multiple pebbles dropping in a pond. Multiple oscillations carried by photons push the matter differently in different directions.

These oscillations are mechanical, acoustic waves or sound waves. These sound waves of photons travelling in multiple directions (as in multiple pebbles being dropped in a pond) aggregate matter differently and create 'anisotropies'. Basically they have aggregate differently in different directions.

These oscillations are called the Baryon acoustic oscillations. They are the praNava. pra means first. Na is 'sound'. PraNava is the first sound produced in the Universe. It is the baryonic acoustic oscillation.

When Universe's spacetime expands due to dark energy, these anisotropies also get inflated along with it. The spaces between the aggregated matter which were smaller in the early Universe, became huge when spacetime expanded hugely. Universe spacetime gets filled with aggregated matter with huge AkAsa or empty space between them.

Again think of a ballon which originally had some ice-cream drops aggregated on it. When this balloon expands, the drops become much far apart.

But the initial anisotropy was created by praNava, the baryonic acoustic oscillations.

PraNava - The basis of matter and beings

The Baryonic Acoustic oscillations or praNAva, creates the accumulated matter, thereby creating the 'gravitational seeds' of galaxies and stars. The molecular clouds that were aggregated became galaxies, spawning several stars. These stars, by different types of stellar nucleo-synthesis created different types of elements and compounds. These also created the planetary systems.

Those compounds with carbon then became of basis of long chain molecules, organic seeds of life and living beings.

Thus the praNava, the cosmic sound at the origin is the one responsible for the evolution of matter forms and life. This means no new elements, compounds and life could have formed without this pranAva or OmkAra.

Thus praNava is the beginning of everything in this Universe

pra means first. Na is 'sound'. PraNava is the first sound produced in the Universe. It is the baryonic acoustic oscillation.

PraNava - The OmkAra- The cosmic sound
The Cosmic sound or baryon acoustic oscillations are produced by photons travelling in different directions and aggregating the baryons and electrons, creating anisotropies.

When pebbles drop in a pond, it produces 'harmonic' waves. Harmonic waves are waves with a frequency and its positive integer multiples. In this case, matter is pushed towards the edges at a specific rate or the multiple of it.

A simple harmonic wave, to the human ear appears as 'rigkhA' which means motion of a pendulum (which indeed is close to simple harmonic motion). It produces a 'mmmmm..' sound.

The early Universe situation was that photons were pushing the dense baryonic matter in all directions, creating these harmonic motions. At the same time gravitational force (spacetime warping) also acts on the matter and tries to pull them inside. This would have lead to occasional flare-up of matter being pushed back and forth. This is more than harmonics. This is the sound of 'Om' where occasional flare-up sounds are followed by harmonics.

Om-kAra means that which is created by Om. The Universe is indeed Om-kAra, created by OM, or baryonic acoustic oscillations or praNava, the first sound.

Mandukya Upanishad
First verse

hariḥ om om ity etad akṣaram idaṃ sarvaṃ tasya upavyākhyānaṃ bhūtaṃ bhavad bhaviṣyaditi sarvam oṅkāra eva yac ca anyat trikālātītaṃ tad apy oṅkāra eva

Om is the akSara of everything, unto it, is explanation for matter present, future etc (and past). All the matter past present and future are made by Om, om-kAra. OmkAra means 'made by Om'. Which is beyond the tri-kAla (past, present, future) that also is made by Om (OmkAra).

Om is the cosmic sound produced by baryonic acoustic oscillations. It is the first acoustic expression or sound and hence called praNava. Since Om is the first acoustic expression produced in the Universe as baryonic acoustic oscillatitons, all our expressions start with Om.

More important, this Om is what created the gravitational seed of galaxies, from which grew the stars, planet and us biological beings. Hence this Om, the first cosmic sound, the pra-Nava, the baryonic acoustic oscillation is the cause of all matter and beings of Universe.

Mandukya Upanishad - Second Verse

sarvaṃ hyetad brahmāyamātmā brahma so 'yamātmā catuṣpāt

All of these (Universe) are brahman (evolution). This Atma is brahman/evolution. This evolving/brahman Atma is of four parts.

Third Verse of Mandukya Upanishad

Jāgaritasthāno bahiṣprajñaḥ saptāṅga ekonaviṃśatimukhaḥ sthūlabhug vaiśvānaraḥ prathamaḥ pādaḥ

Being awake (jAgaritasthAna) the external consciousness (bAhis prajnA) has seven parts (sapta anga), nineteen faces (ekonavinzati mukhah), enjoyed in sthula form (sthUla bhuk) is the vaisvarnarah, which is the foremost/outermost quarter (prathama pAdah).

What is vaisvanara..?
Vaisva-nara means the Universal matter. Nara is the mortal matter. Visva is universe. Vaisva-Nara are those Universal mortal matter forms. These classical matter forms are the 'bAhis prajna'. This is the classical universe that is outside our consciousness. Hence it is bAhis-prajna. Thermodynamics rules this classical Universe.

These matter forms are what we observe. They are the 'sthula' or 'gross' matter form. What we see outside in gross form of matter has seven parts and has 19 faces.

What could be these seven parts and nineteen faces of classical matter forms..?

Fourth verse of Mandukya Upanishad

svapnasthāno'ntaḥ prajñāḥ saptāṅga ekonaviṃśatimukhaḥ praviviktabhuktaijaso dvitīyaḥ pādaḥ ||

The antaH-prajna the 'dreamy state', has seven parts, nineteen faces, enjoyed alone (internally), the taijasa is the second quarter.
In Universe's expression, the second part is like a dreamy state, in the sense, it is a probabilistic state of existence unlike the 'sthula' which is deterministic. This probabilistic dreamy state is the Quantum nature of Universe.

Classical is deterministic/gross/sthula and Quantum is probabilistic/subtle/taijasa.

This Quantum nature also has seven parts and nineteen faces says this sloka. The seven parts and 19 faces are characteristic of matter forms irrespective of being probabilistic or deterministic.

Fifth verse of Mandukya Upanishad

yatra supto na kañcana kāmaṃ kāmayate na kañcana svapnaṃ paśyati tatsuṣuptam | suṣuptasthāna ekībhūtaḥ prajñānaghana evā''nandamayo hyānandabhuk cetomukhaḥ prājñastṛtīyaḥ pādaḥ

Where in 'supta' neither 'kAma' nor 'svapna' exist, where the 'Supta' establishes one bhuta (just consciousness remains or deep sleep), that is Ananda and enjoys Ananda, that is the third quarter. It is ekibhutah, which means there is only one existence.

In Universe's terms it is the state no excitations (kAma) exist. If we go below the quantum nature of particles, there is this state of vacuum energy or state of just a bundle of energy. This was the state of Universe during Cosmic Inflation epoch.

Ananda is not just bliss or happiness. Brhadharanyaka Upanishad says what is Ananda. It is the ability/potential to reproduce. When Universe is in the state of ekibhuta, where only vacuum energy only exist, it has the maximum ability/potential to produce. That is Ananda.

Sixth verse of Mandukya Upanishad

eṣa sarveśvaraḥ eṣa sarvajña eṣo'ntaryāmyeṣa yoniḥ sarvasya prabhavāpyayau hi bhūtānām

The easwara of everything, that knows everything (sarva-jna) that exists within everything, source of everything that joins them (apyayau) is the fourth quarter.
In Universe's expression this is the 'Virtual' manifestation. In every particle manifestation of Universe from baryons (virtual gluons), mesons (virtual gluons), nucleus (virtual mesons), there are virtual manifestations that enable them to be as one entity. These virtual manifestations could be our understanding gap, a mathematical ploy to make sense or whatever. But they are needed to fill our understanding. Similarly in living beings, we talk about a virtual manas that somehow binds all parts to function as one entity.

Summary of Mandukya Upanishad

Om is the akSara of everything, unto it, is explanation for matter present, future etc (and past). All the matter past present and future are made by Om and hence the Universe is om-kAra, made by OM. OmkAra means 'made by Om'. This is beyond time, time as we see in tri-kAla (past, present, future).

Om is the cosmic sound produced by baryonic acoustic oscillations. It is the first acoustic expression or sound and hence called praNava. Since Om is the first acoustic expression produced in the Universe as baryonic acoustic oscillatitons, all our expressions start with Om.

More important, this Om is what created the gravitational seed of galaxies, from which grew the stars, planet and us biological beings. Hence this Om, the first cosmic sound, the pra-Nava, the baryonic acoustic oscillation is the cause of all matter and beings of Universe.

All of these (Universe) are brahman (evolution). This Atma is brahman/evolution. This evolving/brahman, expression of Atma is of four parts.

The first part is Vaisva-nara. It means the Universal matter. Nara is the mortal matter. Visva is universe. Vaisva-Nara are those Universal mortal matter forms. It is like 'waking up' state of consciousness. Hence it is called 'bAhis prajna'.

Vaisvanara is the 'Classical' matter that we observe. They are the 'sthula' or 'gross' or more precisely 'deterministic' matter form.

The second part is Taijasa. Taijasa is like a dreamy state, in the sense, it is a probabilistic state of existence unlike the 'sthula' which is deterministic. It is called 'antaH-prajna' or the prajna inside.

Both Classical (Waking up) and Quantum state (dreamy) are matter forms. Classical is deterministic/gross/sthula and Quantum is probabilistic/subtle/taijasa.

The third part is Ananda, which is being just a bundle of energy or state of bliss. This is the state which has the maximum potential to produce matter (Ananda). This is the state in which Universe exists in just one form (eki bhuta), as a bundle of energy. It is the state of Universe in Cosmic Inflation epoch, where there was only energy. Hence it is called 'eki-bhuta prajna'.

The fourth part is not just the source of everything. It is what exists inside of everything, joins them and makes them to function homogeneously. Since it is 'inside' and controls, it is called 'Easwara' of everything. It's the virtual that binds parts and make them function as one entity, the ruler of all.

The seven part and nineteen faces of bahis and antah prajna are not described in Mandukya Upanishad. When read along with saMkhya kArika these could be mapped or understood. Different people interpret them differently.
That was well written. If I am correct this requires a good understanding of sanskrit.

Dear Sir, Are you a sanskrit scholar? I am trying to learn sanskrit but work or some other things always stand in the way.

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