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Marriage and Horoscope matching

Sir, Every one knows GOD is the ultimate game changer. But as human being many people depend on good time , bad time etc.,and often seek Astrologers advise for marriage of son/daughter. The Astrologers opinion vary place to place. Bride side say horoscope is matching by their Astrologer but Groom side say it is not matching as per their Astrologer. Different Methods are used by them. As a common man particularly in marriage matching difficult to take decision. Can this learned group to give suggestion to come over this confusion.
Sir, Every one knows GOD is the ultimate game changer. But as human being many people depend on good time , bad time etc.,and often seek Astrologers advise for marriage of son/daughter. The Astrologers opinion vary place to place. Bride side say horoscope is matching by their Astrologer but Groom side say it is not matching as per their Astrologer. Different Methods are used by them. As a common man particularly in marriage matching difficult to take decision. Can this learned group to give suggestion to come over this confusion.

We have a few people knowledgeable about Astrology.

Most in this group including myself is not so learned,

Let God be the ultimate game changer

Why does anyone want to pay attention to astrology? It is not science

Also if Astrologers can predict future why do they charge money for consultation. They charge because they are uncertain of their own future.
If anyone wants to reject a matrimonial match, they cite horoscope mismatch as the reason'

It is convenient and least hurting .

Best is throw horoscope away and settle a match if otherwise OK.

Also leave horoscope matching to the party which believes in doing so.

One has to see so many parameters such as age, edu,career ,location, family background etc for arranged

marriages .

No sense in complicating further with horoscope and stars match etc.
If anyone wants to reject a matrimonial match, they cite horoscope mismatch as the reason'

It is convenient and least hurting . (#4)

It is convenient for one party but could be atrocious - The other party is humiliated !

I met the parents of a girl last week in a wedding reception . They introduced their charming daughter . The Girl is MBBS .D.Ch. DNB and has finished MRCP part 1 as well.Father retired officer SBI. Mother works in New India Assurance .The girl is really smart. She is 31 and the parents are anxious to get her married . The are upset as their proposal are rejected on horoscope consideration . Her birth star is ஆயில்யம் - This is their experience. -

They had phone call lost month from an old proposal rejected because of ஆயில்யம் trying to reive the proposal! But rightly rejected by the Girls parent. Reason that boy was married and divorced - and trying to get married again!

I could feel their pain and reassured them they will find a suitable match - that my 1st D in L is ஆயில்யம்.!

horoscope matching a personal choice of family members......if there is no jatakam...some do POO POTTU

matching....no all matching horoscopes are doing good or bad...its just self satisfaction...many marriages

are stopped due to horoscope matching....i studied astrology in theory....i never do in practical....so horoscopes/

jaatakam/star matchings going down....now gals are scarcity....inter caste/inter religion marriages are

No one likes uncertainty. So the astrology gives some hope to the weak hearted people to go ahead in life. Other than this fact, astrological predictions / horoscope matching etc. are doing nothing but wasting money, time and causing pain to many.
Here is an example oof horoscope matching even both sides agreed after marriage boy child but groom met with accident.Girl highly qualified from US now employed in a good post in Us.Now what to do girl is young parents worried on future.
We do not have the original astrology as told by our ancient Rishis and it has undergone many changes that the predictions are incorrect now. That is the reason no two astrologers agree. There are errors starting from casting of horoscope to interpretation of results. So it is not a reliable tool for deciding a marriage. Many marriages have failed with good horoscope match and many have been successful without horoscope match. This proves the the reality that horoscope matching does not guarantee anything. Why then people cling to horoscope match ? It is because they are so sentimental they refuse to believe reality of the situation.There is a psychology behind this. If the marriage fails without seeing horoscope match they feel guilty. People want to safe guard themselves from the blame without knowing that the failure or success of marriage is controlled by the law of karma.
Sir, please clarify . The astrologer who is Iyer says the horoscope does not match. Where as a Iyengar astrologer says the horoscope matches well. They refer to two different types of Panchangam based on their sect. Now it is confusing as we are not able to decide who is correct. Also if we think at today’s environment , when a child is born the doctors do not record the correct time and hence there will be differences in planetary positions . Also how do we take the correct time. When the child is fully out or when the head is out or when it first starts crying.
Sir, please clarify . The astrologer who is Iyer says the horoscope does not match. Where as a Iyengar astrologer says the horoscope matches well. They refer to two different types of Panchangam based on their sect. Now it is confusing as we are not able to decide who is correct. Also if we think at today’s environment , when a child is born the doctors do not record the correct time and hence there will be differences in planetary positions . Also how do we take the correct time. When the child is fully out or when the head is out or when it first starts crying.
It depends on what you want to do.
If one said it does not match and you have absolute faith in astrology you would do accordingly.
But the very point you went to another astrologer shows you have no faith in astrology, you just wanted this alliance. So go ahead and do what you want.
"Head I win Tail you lose".

It is faith-based and not scientific. Astronomy is real Astrology is not science.

If it gives you comfort or giggles then no harm done.

I do not believe in Astrology, but my mother did, and she arranged my marriage. We are happily married for last 43 years.
I hate to enter into this arguments, but would like to share my personal experience. A group of my friends (2 mathematicians, 2 Electrical Engineers, 1 Linguist) at Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) Colaba, Mumbai did a statistical study of Astrology as a hobby. The enlisted the help of three Hospitals in Mumbai and recorded the birth time etc., of about 100 children and studied their longevity etc., for 3 years. Only two children died due to congenital reasons. But the horoscopes created with the help of a computer program based on Parasarar etc., did predict the death of about 23 children. You can make the conclusion. This group came to the conclusion that the accidental deaths were made as rules by mistake in the days of only verbal communication and later entered into writing which still persists. There is no statistical evidence of horoscopes making marriage successful. The only part that is interesting is the Gotra – clan history which prevents marriage with in a clan that lead to interbreeding and genetic diseases. Also, the absolute time of birth, latitude, longitude and other details are always almost wrong. I have learned astrology and it is just an amusement, but your previous birth Karma will follow you in this birth and the results may be hurtful.

Total compatibility (90%)-physical, educational, mental, and talents should match for a successful match which needs several face to face meeting of the girl and a boy. Any one with a stressful family will fail in marriage which horoscopes can not predict. As to the Doctor girl, she will be better of finding a professional who respect her intellectual excellence and medical skill sets. Her age is now a normal age to get married and she should move abroad to find her soulmate. Ignorance is pervasive as most have only bookish knowledge and fear of GOD. Incidentally, Dr. Wolfenston studied Palm history and found medical indications but not fortune etc. Criminals with short thick thumb in general will become murders with 95% confidence based on statistical evidence. I had confirmed this by visiting about 7 jails in India as a hobby. Just trust in GOD and leave such nonscientific folk sciences.
In my case astrology has turned out to be astoundingly successful in making predictions. I have also seen astrology being correct in many other cases too. This cannot be by chance. Of course there are so many cases where the predictions are off the mark but that could be bad practice or inaccurate data.

I too do not want to call astrology a science. Science follows a set of practices based on its philosophy. Most of ancient Indian knowledge happened by sheer intuitive power. I hold such knowledge in greater regard than knowledge obtained by scientific methods. But the fact and tragedy is scientific methods have become so pervasive that knowledge gained through intuition is summarily dismissed as false knowledge.

People do not really know that knowledge got through science changes with time as laws of nature change subtly with spiritual energy in space changing with time. The knowledge got through intuition is not only universal but also timeless.

So I would say if you trust astrology consult a good astrologer and keep that as one of the factors in your decision making.
I would like to add a bit more. Even more than astrology I would trust my inner voice or conscience. It is the ultimate truth teller but you should know how to find it. You should not let the other aspect of your mind which is ego to affect it. So go by what feels right but I warn it is not an easy task when you are deluged by so many external influences which impact your ego and veil your conscience.

So that is the reason external help like astrology might be used but use it as only one of the factors if you use it.
Sir, Every one knows GOD is the ultimate game changer. But as human being many people depend on good time , bad time etc.,and often seek Astrologers advise for marriage of son/daughter. The Astrologers opinion vary place to place. Bride side say horoscope is matching by their Astrologer but Groom side say it is not matching as per their Astrologer. Different Methods are used by them. As a common man particularly in marriage matching difficult to take decision. Can this learned group to give suggestion to come over this confusion.
Bottom line - Chuck the horoscopes or rather 'horrorscopes' and fix marriages based on compatibility and other criteria. And parents, please do not reject saying 'horoscopes do not match'. It would be actually helpful to cite the real reasons; if you are not brave enough, then simply say the preferences do not match. I hope the next generation will stop making horoscopes for their children when they are born and rely on their judgment, or even better, let the offspring judge for himself/herself and make decisions!
A group of my friends - 2 Math. guys, 2 EEs and one generalist studied astrology as a hobby to find out if it is true. This is a true story. The enlisted the help of about 10 nurses in 2 major hospitals in Mumbai and collected the data about two hundred children born in a week. Later studied the horoscope constructed using a large Rule based computer program. The result, less than 1% things were as per Varahamihirar et al.

Horoscopes were used find the Gotra 9 to avoid same Gotra marriage and either party was very rich, then they gave one for adoption to another gotram and got them married). Our ancestors made observations and used for prediction, which was not based on scientific methods. One Joosiyar told me that I will marry only such and such girl (rich and he expected to profit from it) , I bet 100 Rs saying his prediction is wrong because the slokas he said were wrong. i had also studied Astrology as a hobby. I won.

Now, as to the boys parents lying is that they will be living in the old age homes later, as rich girls would not tolerate them and migrate to USA etc.

All evidences are coincidental. If we study say, random horoscope of 20,000 people in India, and come to meaningful conclusion, then it will be fine.

Marriages are predetermined in once life. Most suffering families will be the proof. I had been a groom’s friend in five marriages and only two were successful and the rest based on horoscope failed. I dread to even visit with them as the house wives use to say, neenga venumnu thane ivarai en thalaiyele kattinel!.நீங்க வேணும்னுதானே இவரை என் தலையிலே கட்டினேள்-! என்னமோ அவளைப் பத்தி எனக்கு பல காலமா தெரியும் என்பது போல கோபம் வேரே- ஆக அப்புறமா நான் யாருக்குமே மாப்பிள்ளை தோழனாக போனதில்லை! If boy can not independently think, he will marry even a Buffalo for sex. That is the pity.

5 Rs worth of my experience.

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