[h=1]Microsoft opens the floodgates: Enables easy porting of iOS and Android Apps to Windows 10[/h] April 30, 2015 Kishore Ganesh Leave a comment
Windows has a app-deficiency problem. No, we are not talking about the programs you use everyday. There are already a lot of them. What we are talking about, is the other side of Windows, the side for touchscreen devices. Here, the App Marketplace is really sparse, and on Phones and Tablets, there isn’t really much to offer.
Microsoft is looking to change that, and it has announced at its BUILD 2015 Event that it is making it easier for developers to port Android and iOS Apps to Windows 10.
Indeed, the process seems pretty simple. Much of the code behind the Android Apps can be reused, and as for the iOS Apps, Microsoft is doing some technical wizardry to make Objective-C compatible with Windows 10.
Of course, developers would have to change their apps a bit to accommodate Windows 10, however, these changes will be relatively minor. They won’t have to rewrite the code from scratch, as they have to do now.
Microsoft is taking a page out of Blackberry’s Playbook (See what we did there?), but only time will tell whether they will succeed. However, it seems that this simplification of the porting process can massively increase the number of Apps in the Windows Store, and with the increased number of Apps, more people will buy Windows Devices, and as a result, there will be increased developer interest, bringing us full-circle.
What do you think? Will Microsoft be successful in this new approach?
Microsoft opens the floodgates: Enables easy porting of iOS and Android Apps to Windows 10 | Tech Geek Forever

Windows has a app-deficiency problem. No, we are not talking about the programs you use everyday. There are already a lot of them. What we are talking about, is the other side of Windows, the side for touchscreen devices. Here, the App Marketplace is really sparse, and on Phones and Tablets, there isn’t really much to offer.
Microsoft is looking to change that, and it has announced at its BUILD 2015 Event that it is making it easier for developers to port Android and iOS Apps to Windows 10.
Indeed, the process seems pretty simple. Much of the code behind the Android Apps can be reused, and as for the iOS Apps, Microsoft is doing some technical wizardry to make Objective-C compatible with Windows 10.
Of course, developers would have to change their apps a bit to accommodate Windows 10, however, these changes will be relatively minor. They won’t have to rewrite the code from scratch, as they have to do now.
Microsoft is taking a page out of Blackberry’s Playbook (See what we did there?), but only time will tell whether they will succeed. However, it seems that this simplification of the porting process can massively increase the number of Apps in the Windows Store, and with the increased number of Apps, more people will buy Windows Devices, and as a result, there will be increased developer interest, bringing us full-circle.
What do you think? Will Microsoft be successful in this new approach?
Microsoft opens the floodgates: Enables easy porting of iOS and Android Apps to Windows 10 | Tech Geek Forever