Lauding Prime Minister-elect Narendra Modi for his pledge to clean up the Ganga, the Rishikesh-based Ganga Action Parivar has offered its help in the effort while proposing to host a 'Ganga parliament' to highlight the urgent need to protect the river.
Ganga Action Parivar has been working on a mission to clean the Ganga for the last five years and has now offered help to Modi to achieve this target.
"I am looking forward to soon meeting him again over this," Swami Chidanand Saraswati, the founder-President of GAP, told PTI from the USA.
GAP brings together networks and partnerships of world's leading researchers, environmentalists, engineers, religious bodies and business leaders for creating solutions to the numerous problems plaguing the Ganga.
Saraswati said they are also planning to hold a Ganga parliament in Rishikesh soon in which Modi and MPs from the states through which the Ganga flows will be invited.
"The time has come for a Ganga parliament... It would be aimed at inspiring valiant efforts to bring the entire river back to a clean and green condition. We are also making a new film of 543 seconds (one second for each MP) so that they may do a rethink on the issue," Saraswati added.
He also said that apart from a separate ministry for the Ganga, there should be powerful new laws and strong enforcement to ensure the river's health.
"There should be a committee working under the ministry which should include scientists, environmentalists and spiritual leaders. The National Ganga River Rights Act is already formed with the PM as the chairman and a Vice Chairman can also be appointed to look after the day-to-day plans and implementations," he added.
Rishikesh-based Ganga Action Parivar offers help to Narendra Modi for clean Ganga | Latest News & Updates at Daily News & Analysis