Dear Mr Raghy, I have just read all your writings, which vary in content/ style
/ truth / untruth/ Hypothetic & one- sided. After all majotitn in this Forum desire that all members express positive/ definite views on every matter , so That we learn from each other , keeping the ultimate Goal of prosperity to not-so influential m
en/ women / Boys/ Girls, who may have real problems, which can be usefully addressed for permanent solutions thru this forum where I think really influential/ rich who can take act
ive part.
A.Srinvasan ( Rishikesan) for this Forum
that tj
/ truth / untruth/ Hypothetic & one- sided. After all majotitn in this Forum desire that all members express positive/ definite views on every matter , so That we learn from each other , keeping the ultimate Goal of prosperity to not-so influential m
en/ women / Boys/ Girls, who may have real problems, which can be usefully addressed for permanent solutions thru this forum where I think really influential/ rich who can take act
ive part.
A.Srinvasan ( Rishikesan) for this Forum
that tj