A young brahmachAri went for bikshA from a remote area in a forest to a village for the very first time in his life. He had never seen any young women so far.
He received bikshA from boys and menfolk till he reached a house where a pretty girl offered him bikshA. He saw a young woman for the very first time in his life.
He learned that her breasts were given by God to feed her babies – which she would bear sometime in the future, after getting married to a man.
He jumped as though he had received an electric shock.
He vowed that the same Goddess ParAshakthi, who had made arrangements for feeding even the unborn babies, would also feed him and that he would never again beg for food.
A young brahmachAri went for bikshA from a remote area in a forest to a village for the very first time in his life. He had never seen any young women so far.
He received bikshA from boys and menfolk till he reached a house where a pretty girl offered him bikshA. He saw a young woman for the very first time in his life.
He learned that her breasts were given by God to feed her babies – which she would bear sometime in the future, after getting married to a man.
He jumped as though he had received an electric shock.
He vowed that the same Goddess ParAshakthi, who had made arrangements for feeding even the unborn babies, would also feed him and that he would never again beg for food.