dears NAMO NAMAHA. another old saying is "KAANAMAL KONAMAL KANDU KODU." this is in connection with helping the others by way of giving.give the others when nobody is seeing.give such that the individual"s( receivers) mind is not disturbed.give after ascertaining the receivers condition. another way of interpretation is also there . that is in connection with the"time of performing "sandyavandhanam". here "KODU" means giving "argyam" .in the morning sandhya is to be performed before the rise of sun . in the noon when the sun is right over the the evening well before the sun this you can not see the sun,sun is not at angle and can see the sun while performing "sandhya vandhanam" in the morning.noon and in the evening respectively. with namaskars."LET KNOWBLE THOUGHTS COME FROM ALL SOURCES/DIMENSIONS/SIDES."v.lalithakumar.