In the meanwhile the astronomy developed and we could get photographs of stars and galaxies very far from us. These showed a reddish tinge and this could not be explained. It was generally referred to as Cosmic Red Shift. After some years one Mr. Christian Doppler, came with the theory that moving objects emit electromagnetic waves in decreasing or increasing frequencies as the speed is concerned. In physical terms, the observers in the station will hear the frequency and also the amplitude rising as the train approaches them and the frequency and amplitude
will go on reducing when the train moves away from them. Similarly if an object emitting light moves towards an observer, the observer will find it to emit a light towards the violet of the VIBGYOR, and if the object is moving away from the observer, the observer will find it to emit light towards red in the VIBGYOR. In toto, the object may give same electromagnetic radiation, but the perceiver will view a different perception. This is found true for both Light waves (longitudinal waves) and Sound Waves (transverse waves) of Electromagnetic waves. Hence after around 50 years after the presentation of BIG BANG THEORY by George Gamow, the answer for the real origin of the Universe
which was witnessed through telescopes was finally answered by Doppler. This theory is known as Doppler’s Theory.
Shri Suba Sir,
I see you wondering why no takers for your stupendous, avalanche of more than 40 lengthy posts. if the Maker himself (or is it herself/itself) appears before me, the fright will be less, i feel!
BTW, are you in any way related to the well-known management expert Shri Mrityunjay B. Atreya?
re. big bang theory i have one basic doubt. that is when entire universe was supposed to be in a dot (we can cite here our ancients foreseeing Gamow by millennia and saying 'bindutrikona vasukona...etc., is it not?!) and fundamental laws were inoperative, how about time as a dimension? is there any evidence to prove that time as the fourth dimension (courtesy Einstein - for this also there is a small bit from one govindashtakam - i was forced to cram in childhood - kaalam kaala kalaateetam, and we can claim we found that out much before Einstein, but simply went on reciting that slokam for centuries!!) started operating as soon as the big bang went off like 9...8..7... 0! i haven't found anyone discussing this. is it not possible that time and the fundamental laws did not operate till very late and all that description of back-ground radiation can be due to some other cause- very many stars and galaxies emitting particles which transform into cosmic radiation?
After all the name "big bang" was a sarcastic description by Hoyle, Gamow only said expanding universe, is it not? so. i think Gamow supposed only some oscillting - expand and contract, like our lungs - universe, is it not?
now, for a few of the things the big bang does not explain-
It violates the first law of thermodynamics, which says you can't create or destroy matter or energy. Critics claim that the big bang theory suggests the universe began out of nothing. (now they say new matter evolves and so talk about combined law of conservation of mass-energy. so if all matter and all energy was concentrated in zero dimension, wherefrom the external impulse came for bang? if it is internal signal, how it originated? we have no answer. just like religion - don't ask why god created all these!!)
The formation of stars and galaxies violates the law of entropy, which suggests systems of change become less organized over time.
Some astrophysicists and cosmologists cite the absence of exotic cosmic bodies that should have been the product of the big bang according to the theory.
The early inflationary period of the big bang appears to violate the rule that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light. (it is here my doubt re. time as dimension itself comes in.)
Lastly, there are some small corrections.
redshift is not red "tinge"-visible light thing.
if we take light as not waves (longitudinal waves, you have said) but as photons what happens to red shift and Doppler effect (not theory)?
Your statement "came with the theory that moving objects emit electromagnetic waves in decreasing or increasing frequencies as the speed is concerned.", is misleading.
i will digest your posts slowly, one by one. so will take time, pl.