How come the same godhead which is spoken of "karunaamaya", loving and all that suddenly becomes so intolerant that he will not eat a portion of food from a large lot if the other portion is eaten by people - ordinary mortals?
Nice Inquiry.
This query is not very relevant to the topic, but I still would like to address. [As the very basic idea of a temple, is to have a darshan and obtain the blessings (prasAdam)]
Cosmos, soil, rain were created first to aid the growth of vegetation. Vegetation was created prior to the living beings. So, He, the creator, was already an intelligent and generous person. By such a creation, He was like a mother to an innocent baby/child. When the child grows big, he has to request the mother for the choice of food. But, God has even more KarunyA instructing us about the best/healthy food, in the form of shAstrAs, to rescue us from the ocean of samsAra. So, we have to use our freewill wisely, to know that Creator/mother.
If you are a wealthy, rich landlord, how can the poor remove their hunger, unless you give them food or cash? If Steve Jobs is Intelligent, how can we enjoy his intelligence, unless he came up with Pixar films, iphone like gadgets? The same way, If Lord is omnipotent, how is that helpful, unless he blesses us with atleast a fraction of His power? But in all the above cases, one should create a need or a request. So, we offer food/water to enrich them with His powers/grace, and its consumption can elevate us, is the idea behind PrasAdam. The murthis after prathistA and Saligrama (svaymabhu), the Lord is welcomed (like AvAhayAmi/invitation) to be present, and through daily ArAdhanA/abhisekam, the waters and the food are purified to elevate our mind. But, one also has the option to graze the paddy fields like the cows, but I think we are a step higher striving to elevate our mind.
He doesn't become intolerant for not offering, else the resourceful creation wouldn't make sense. But, you are becoming less priveleged to get the best grace, in this rare birth of a human form. Reminds me of avvai's great words, 'aridhu aridhu...mAnidrAi piraththal ..aridhu..goon, kurudu.. ". You may have offered assistance to your poor neighbouring kids, but will you make your neighbour's kids, the heir of your bank accounts/property? Can a man who disowned his mother, earn her grace? But the Creator or Mother will still have pity, and chase us through different births and experiences. Why neglect such an yearning from our great Creator or Mother? In Thiruvalluvar's own words, 'KattradhanAl Aya payan en kol natrAn thoyAr enin', 'All your knowledge is vain, if one does not fall At His good feet who knoweth all'.
Should we remove our ignorance, or mis-judge His omnipotence? Again, choice is ours!