This is what an enlightened soul (anonymous) said to me about the whole Caste System and Varnashrama :
There is nothing wrong in the Varnashram. It was a highly civilised society uncomrpehensible even to all the scientist heads in the world put together and entire humanity today is so rotten that no matter what they did or do they could not understand it, let alone achieve that past glory once again. Thats why God would come - to lend them a helping hand and to lend them that which they lack - purity and life in life.
We had four classes: Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Shudras. It is well known in genetic engineering today the genes of your father and forefathers and generations before you decide who you are today. This system maintained the purity and super-specialisation and genetic excellence from generation to generation - genes were not only passed on for a certain activity but were improved upon by trial, error, practice and perfection. Even today, we know that a man from an intellectual lineage does not have the animal instincts to fight like one who is from a warrior lineage, and an intellectual (academician, theorist, philosopher) or a warrior does not have the aptitude and the finesse to be excellent in business matters - something still a little bit observed in our "Baniyaa" community - which is anyways now corrupt - similarly these 3 castes would neither have the inclination or the finesse or the craftsmanship in their genes or training to make them excellent sculptors, builders, architects, ironsmiths, goldsmiths, scanvengers etc. It was not only the most efficient way as per genetics but also as per training and schooling - there was no need for spending tonnes of money to try to train square blocks to become round or round ones to become square - sons were trained from fathers and they grew up in that environment, in that surrounding not only physically trained to excel in those areas but also psychologically groomed and oriented right from childhood living, working and growing up in those highly specialised environments to which they were committed from birth. There is no scientist in the world today who can refute these arguments, no sociologist or historian who will dare say no to this logic. It is self containing - u dont need to go anywhere to comprehend and accept its veracity and flawlessness - as everything - this is also common sense and if u apply ur highly intelligent brain, ur very open heart and ur distinctly pious soul, u could have got this answer urself - and u could have defeated the best of the best on it - our scriptures, philosophy and science is incomprehensible and far outweighs those of dorks - so if u think a little bit, u will find enough reasons to back it up in front of any body - it just needs some thinking and some common sense - thats all - no rocket science here, is it?
As far as Abrahamic religions - every religion other than Hinduism has a history of not more than 4000 years from now - every religion - every major civilisation - romans, greeks, egyptians etc. arose from hinduism and india only in kalyug which started 5000 years ago. they have no idea, no history, no conception whatsoever of the previous yugas which add up to billions of years (unfortunately kalyug turned out to be of only around 5000 years, since the end is very near - within our life-times) - which is the scientifically accurate age of the universe as per science as well which mocks the old testament of the bible which dates creation of the universe not more than 4000 years back - old testament is full of bull-shit stories - major distortions of hindu history - noah's ark is distorted version of matsya-avatar, adam and eve is an allegory n metaphor for shiva-parvati, jacob wrestling god is the same as arjun fighting with lord shiva when shiva came to test him when arjun was performing penance, the more u read - the more crap u will find that relates to stories in hinduism. in kalyug, people migrated from india to other parts of the world - mainly to middle east etc. and they were known as greeks, romans, egyptians etc... their gods were a distorted version of hindu gods (or "devtaas") and not Gods for God is ONLY ONE in every religion. later on, it became out of control as people had no idea what they were worshipping, doing etc... totaly chaos, so Moses was sent to give the message to people that there is only One True God, (The Paramathma), and they should not worship any other god or gods other than the true GOD... to put an end to the shit that was happening. But Moses was sent to civlise barbarians - his religion - then that of Jesus and Mohammed was to civilise barbarians - the preachings were simple - love thy neighbour etc...etc... and not complex because those uncivilised had no means to comprehend complex truths. Then these idiots who had no history, and despite all the messengers still remained barbarians, started pointing fingers at India - calling Indians barbarians cause they worshipped many gods, had many rituals etc...etc... they were crazy people, they are still crazy people and God will show them how crazy they are. ok? they had no caste system, class system, but they had nothing to their credit - no civilisation, no science, no arts, no weaponry, no philosophies, no scriptures - their bible - u must read - old testament is like a book written by kindergarten kids - no grammars - no authentic sources of quotations or stupid crazy fantasy stories - no idea of what was history and what is mean to be an allegory or metaphor - u will laugh if u read the old testament - it is a cobble up piece of many pieces of crap put together - and imagine that can be taken as a holy book of the perfect God - their new testatment is authenticated by history well and has the story of Jesus Christ and his teachings which make sense and are authentic because it is a recent event - other than the new testament - which is pretty basic - as in "love thy neighbour" - simple philosophy n simple religion for idiots to understand - even which they did not and they started to kill jews to convert them to christianity when jesus christ had set an example to them to lay down their lives for love....some accounts of recent figures like moses etc... all is total total total trast and should be flushed down the shit pot!!!! thats what they are! ok?
now tell me - if any scientist, any religious leader, any smart guy in the world can challenge me on the above? the truth is the truth and the fact is the fact and even a small kid would have the intelligence to say that this is the truth, ok?