The well grown ears of grains bend down while the worthless chaff stands upright! The heavier side of the scale moves down while the lighter side moves up.
The branch of the tree laden with many fruits bends down under their weight while the branch which has no fruits is rigid and straight.
The heavy gold chunk sinks to the bottom of water while the lighter wooden block floats on the surface of water.
The humble people are the honorable people. They can be compared to the low lying areas which can store water. The high lying areas cannot store the water.
The upadesam of a satguru is like the rain and falls equally on everyone-without exhibiting any partiality. If the person is humble and has the right mental make up, the upadesams are stored there and he benefits from them. The proud and the conceited mind is like the high ground and lets the upedesam run away from it.
A person must be humble in his heart. But he should not be a coward either. Humility is different from cowardice!! One should be humble in disposition and yet bold in what he stands for. A tiny grass withstands storms while the well grown strong trees get uprooted in the storm.
It is wise to develop a humble disposition so that our mind can collect , store, absorb and benefit from the words of wisdom of mahaans. It will help us to live a peaceful and useful life .