I perfectly understand your concern.Let me try to answer within my capacity.wow .. bala ... r u sure ? an acharya has to live luxuriousluy to raise the standard of living of others ..? try telling that to mahaperiyavaa ... and the bs about indian toilets .. it is going to be true for the "namesake" brahmins who are not even used to doing regular thoppukaranams ... sick people aside , this attitude of living away from wht sri sankara lived like is not wht mahaperiyavaa would be ok with , period .... besides there are also mettur and kuvalaikkal swamigal , they walk everywhere too ... people are going to make comparisons on wht they see in the mutt ... they expect the acharyas to do things the way mahaperiyavaa would ,,,,
i hope if suvarchas can throw more light here and enlighten us more ..
1.Meetur and Kuvallakal svamigal are travelling by foot.But the difference between them and Acharyas are that they are ordinary sanyasis and Acharyas were perceived to have security threat and till 1981 or 82 H.H.Jayendra svami was travelling by foot when MGR govt and Police told about the security threat and requested him to go by vehicle which even Maha svami permitted.
2.Mahasvamigal largely went by foot and it would be a blasphemy for me or anyone else to tell the present Acharya to do so.We also need to take into account the change in circumstances.The Mutt was largely confined to religious activities when Mahasvami was in the gaddi.There was no big threat to general public among the "not so devout going astray" as by and large people were religious .Now irreligious tendencies are on the rise and H.H. has to certainly prove that Mutt also has social responsibilities as our secular friends deride that the Mutt is more concerned abourt souls and rituals and not doing anything for the succour of the poor and down trodden.It is where HH.H.Jayendra sarasvathi svamiji's humanism comes to fore.He definitely thought that Hindus have to be unified and for that He has to reach out to people and not live in ivory tower.People who have seen Mahasvamiji and Jayendrasvamiji would vouchsafe that it is far more easier for people to meet the present Acharya as he is accessible.This is not to denigrate Mahasvamiji but only points to his temparament of reclusive nature where He would see only if he wished. He remained aloof and only earnest seekers can meet and seek his blessing after persistent efforts.His times were more spent in spiritual salvation as he felt drawing people who were above certain standards would help them in spiritual attainments.H.H.Jayendrasvami's feeling is that he needs to inculcate in people a basic god fearing and a faith in God before asking people to adopt a spititual life as the world is so materialistic.He cannot turn a blind eye to the change around him.lso the Mutt has to survive for so long to provide solace to generations.For that he has lowered his position to reach out to people and make them rally around the Mutt which makes people think he has gone astray which to say the least is audacious on our part as he does not stand to gain personally in any way
Lastly we also have to see whether we are living the way our forefathers lived.It is the necessity to recognise the change in times.Srimatam is a place not just for Brahmins,but Hindus as a whole