Dear HH, any questions, which I intentionally stay away from reponding, will always be available on net.. You can even cut&paste the same questions and press the google button, if you are curious to learn about it..
>>It is you who has been making statements on "bad things" in hindusim consistently>>
I think I should take a tough stand here..I shouldnt be this acrimonious in telling this crudely... Its your ignorace/lack of knowledge, which made you to perceive my posts as 'Anti-Hindu posts"' from the begining.Early days, our of fear,you even went on to call this 'village tamilian' as a 'Spaniard'. You couldnt respond back intellectually, and hence you took a cover-up-shelter,to conveniently paint me as an anti-hindu (or) in your own repetetive word'Painting hinduism in bad light'..There is only one instance, I made a hurting-sentimental-remark, while debating with Shri.KRS, and I was quick enough to apologize to him.
Im not sure, if you remember the intellectual discussion I had with handle Seshadri Subramonium... He never felt that way about me (im terribly missing him here).. Only people who lack knowldge,take things personal, become in-sensitive, and throw out emotional talks or try to paint an imaginary ememy, to win the support of mass. This is the same thing, you are doing now in your arguments in your stand on 'God as Philosopher'
Let me be clear, I will not post anything in this kind, any more..I would rather remain silent. Lets put a full stop to this kind of talks in forum. I'm only interested in the points, not emotions.. If someone calls me as bastard, I would not go emotional or retaliate, rather I would ask him, to pay for the DNA tests of both my fathers and my blood samples..