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Report Card for Modi and his government

Nothing i mean nothing ever gets delivered via our great Indian bureacrazy. So all these so called accomplishments are gobar gas..LoL

India has implemented a glorious million schemes for its poor people via central and state govt...and nothing has changed in the vast majority of our people. I mean so much of talking and fighting for the poor can happen only here..

Indira was supposed to have eradicated poverty long back via her great slogan "Garibi hatao" for her heroic supporters. Similarly india has reached zenith and countries like usa china etc are all shaking under this govt for its supporters.

Every leader in this country for last 78 yrs, wall to wall has only talked about poor people. All of them made their careers, loot and disappeared. Poor remain as it is and the farmers suicide every day every month every year in this country.

People need to wake up and not accept all these propaganda from the hard core supporters.

First the bureacrazy has to be reformed, I mean replaced..only then can any change happen.

If not it is more wishful thinking than any real change.

For e.g. on the electricity front, many cities do not have proper 24 hrs supply with cuts ranging from 2hrs to 15 hrs to 24 hrs daily, do you think all the villages get electricity???
Every media viz. both news papers and TV channel have leanings over major political party /project publish reports accordingly.

And there are paid news.

General public have already experienced and tasted the results/fruits of this Government and its achievements during the last four years.

Let us wait for one more year when there will be Election again.

The public will exercise their franchise which will prove the reality.
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[FONT=q_serif]The much talked about demonetization seems to be a huge waste because only 36% of the surveyed feel that it has actually had any positive effects in reducing corruption.[/FONT]

The op says it is a report card, it is a doctored one.

The report card produced by the "failed Student" is pure propaganda.

A true report card is produced by the Teacher "voting Public".
We need to be able to know facts, that are backed by unbiased measurements.

Mostly what is discussed is political bias.

Is it possible to rise above the bias factor and evaluate based on available facts?
[h=1]India overtakes France as 6th biggest economy, World Bank says credit goes to Modi govt[/h]The latest World Bank figures have some good news for India. A World Bank report says that Indian economy has now become world's sixth-biggest pushing France to seventh place. The US leads the table as the biggest economy followed by China, Japan, Germany and Britain. The new calculations were arrived on the basis of Indian economy's performance in 2017.
India's gross domestic product (GDP) was valued at USD 2.597 trillion at the end of 2017 overtaking French economy, which was amounted at USD 2.582 trillion last year. The World Bank report said that after slowing down for several quarters, India's economy bounced back on the cue of reforms by the Narendra Modi government.

However, in terms of per capita GDP, India still lags far behind France, which is nearly 20 times bigger in comparison. This is because of the huge size of India's population, which is estimated to be around 134 crore against only 6.7 crore of France.

According to the World Bank, Indian economy has benefitted from robust performances in manufacturing sector driven by increased consumer spending. The World Bank also noted that demonetisation in November 2016 and chaotic implementation of GST (goods and services tax) rollout in July last year were to be blamed for extended slowdown of Indian economy.
Overall, India has made rapid progress in economy doubling its GDP in less than past 10 years and emerged as the engine of economic growth in Asia at a time when Chinese economy has shown definite signs of lethargy.
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has predicted India to grow at 7.4 per cent in 2018 and 7.8 per cent in 2019. The IMF, on the other hand, predicted that world's economy would grow at 3.9 per cent over the next year.

At four year mark of Narendra Modi govt, 57 percent citizens satisfied with performance, says survey

Four years back, a Narendra Modi-led NDA swept the general elections with a thumping majority – winning 325 Parliamentary seats – and formed the government. Now, with his term entering its final year, a total of 57 percent Indians feel that the BJP dispensation has "either met or exceeded" their expectations, a survey said.

A survey conducted by LocalCircles to gauge citizens' feedback on how the central government has fared showed that more than half of the Indian citizens feel that the Modi-led government has fared well. A majority of those surveyed felt that the Modi government scored well on improving India's image globally, handling of Pakistan, fighting terrorism, infrastructure development and reducing tax harassment.

Read more at: https://www.firstpost.com/india/at-...ied-with-performance-says-survey-4468917.html

During the last four years, BJP lead NDA Government has spread its wings and expanded its presence from just eight States to now 20 States, which speak volume about the verdict of majority of Indians in favour of NDA.
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People voted for congress for 60 yrs. They also ruled in 20 states like bjp
So what?

Have the lot of the farmers improved?

Maha and MP farmers rioted on highways for months. TN farmers stood in Delhi for months and your heroes in govt didn't even meet them. So much for helping poor.

Farmers are suiciding at an alarming rate..

NPA crisis has engulfed the entire banking sector.

And one can go on ..

But for our bakths, nothing matters, even if truth is starring in front...

Everything is going great !!!

Even God cannot help this country

Are you folks going to deny the farmers rioting?? Reported by your own media??

Are you going to deny TN farmers camping in Delhi???

Have farmers rioted like this in the past ??

Why do we have this NPA crisis now ??? Are you going to blame congress for this?

What did bjp do to resolve the NPA crisis in the last 4 yrs ??

Who asked them to do ill conceived demonerisation when the entire world told them not to ??

By their bogus accounts, the GDP went down by 2%..

They were voted for development...who asked them to do negative development and bring down the GDP??

Not to mention the gst disaster..

And still you all want to support this govt !!!

Folks wake up...until you all question them hard, nothing will change and things will only get worse..

Do not accept any report without critically questioning them !!
How can any govt that lauds itself on execution explain the GST mess ??

Why did they go ahead and implement when the systems and processes were not ready and still not ready ??

Demonerisation idea itself was wrong, but even then how can the execution be so bad ???

Before withdrawing the 1000 and 500 notes, they should have printed the new notes and be ready for distribution.

Come on folks...see the writing on the wall !!
Pl understand world bank and other agencies cannot openly say Indian economy is in a mess. It will lead to widespread panic.

Can the world bank say Somalia is is a mess openly?

Don't waste time reading some.reports form world bank who don't even sit in india and don't know the ground reality.

See the reality your self.. talk to your next door shopkeepers and ask them about gst and the business in general..

Ask them have the situation improved or it has become worse.. I have met shopkeepers who say - business has never been this bad in 40 yrs !!!!
We need to be able to know facts, that are backed by unbiased measurements.

Mostly what is discussed is political bias.

Is it possible to rise above the bias factor and evaluate based on available facts?

A noble idea, but impractical. No one, I repeat No one is unbiased.
But if you ask the fox who is in charge of the chicken house the condition of chicken, what answer do you expect. Will it say I ate it?

Modi is the greatest salesman India has, he is personally clean. Byt his implementation is fraud. Given the gift of a supermajority, and added advantage of low crude prices, he has failed the country.

60 years of independence and hard work of Indians when they wanted to retire and thought Modi will be good, the poor Indians have no savings, and future looks bleak for them. Yes, the rich are so rich that they do not care.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi completes four years in office on May 26. He’s used the time to give India its biggest tax reform, overhauled a century-old bankruptcy law, revived stalled projects and got the World Bank to say Asia’s No. 3 economy is a much better place to do business.

Still, all’s not well with the economy. Once-trusted state-owned banks are facing allegations of fraud, their soured-debt pile is larger than ever, investors are dumping Indian stocks and bonds amid a stronger dollar and U.S. Treasury yields. Foreign direct investment growth appears saturated after accelerating at a healthy pace in the initial three years under his watch.

Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party, which swept to power in 2014 promising to tackle price rises, give high priority to job creation, eliminate scope for corruption and uplift the poor, has another year to deliver. So far, the results seem mixed on social as well as economic parameters. Here’s a look at how the economy has fared under Modi:

Data showed India’s economy was booming after Modi changed the way GDP was calculated. A sudden cash clampdown in November 2016 eroded those gains and the $2.3 trillion economy is forecast to grow at the slowest pace in four years in the fiscal year ended March. Rural India, home to about 70 percent of the country’s population, was the worst hit.

India’s love for gold and the spike in crude oil prices has kept the country’s trade in deficit and it’s widened under the BJP-led government. Despite frosty ties with China, India’s imports from there have risen and the gap has ballooned. India runs a trade surplus with the U.S. but that’s contributed to getting the country on the U.S. Treasury’s watch-list for currency manipulators.

India has been running a current account shortfall. As Modi’s policies helped win record foreign direct investments, the economy came close to recording a surplus for the first time in more than a decade, but the gap has started widening again on skewed trade, making it more vulnerable to rising yields in the U.S. Modi needs to attract more dollars as India’s foreign reserves can give it a cover of only 10 months.

The glide path on the fiscal deficit helped Modi bring it down to a 10-year low and win a rating upgrade from Moody’s Investors Service. Crude oil prices, which largely helped keep his government’s finances in check in the initial years, could play spoilsport. India’s budget deficit is still one of the widest in Asia and Modi’s challenge is to narrow it further amid pressures to boost spending ahead of national polls in 2019.

The Modi government’s last full-year budget, announced in February, promised to spend more on healthcare and to boost farmers’ incomes, but these proposals are lacking in implementation details and remain a risk to the budget gap.
Retail prices under Modi largely remained benign in the last two years, thanks to moderate oil prices and good rainfall. However, consumer price inflation zoomed past the central bank target in November and faces upside risks from oil and the government’s expansionary policies.

The Modi administration advocated lower interest rates to jump start the economy after the 2016 cash ban-induced slowdown and as companies found themselves saddled with debt. The central bank hasn’t raised interest rates in the last four years -- a period that saw the rate-setting panel come into being and the RBI becoming an inflation-targeting central bank. The latest turn of events has made the RBI hawkish and more economists expect a rise in interest rates as early as June.

No politician in recent years had taken the Indian political scene by such a storm as Modi did in 2014. He promised the moon, but, four years later he has turned out to be a zero-delivery PM

No politician in recent years has taken the Indian political scene by such a storm as Narendra Modi did in 2014. The last Lok Sabha election was entirely a Modi show where Modi was the ringmaster and all his opponents seemed like junior players. Modi mesmerised the nation with his mass-hypnotising speeches and his ability to sell dreams that almost every segment of Indian society lapped up. The icing on the cake was sometime subtle and often not-so-subtle blend of communal politics of Hindu-Muslim divide. He promised the moon in 2014 and Indians swallowed it.

Four years later, Narendra Modi has turned out to be the greatest hoax of the 21st century. He literally has turned out to be a zero-delivery Prime Minister who conned India and left Indians in a lurch. Sensible Indians had sensed even in 2014 that doling out Rs 15 lakh to every bank account holder is not deliverable. But no one in his wildest dreams had imagined then that his cronies like Nirav Modi would rob Indian banks to the tune of thousands of crore and would one night flee the country quietly. Indian public sector banks’ total NPAs stood at Rs 7,33,974 crore up to September 30, 2017.

It is just the one facet of Modi’s economic mismanagement. The havoc that whimsical moves like demonetisation and ill-conceived implementation of the GST caused is well told and need not be repeated here. But it needs to be reminded here that the economic mismanagement of the Modi-Jaitely duo did lower our GDP growth with devastating effects on markets, businesses, trading, agriculture and jobs. Instead of creating new jobs, economic slowdown threw employed working men out of the job market. Farmers were forced to throw or burn their produce as traders had no cash to pay, India had not witnessed a gross economic disaster as it has under Narendra Modi’s four years of misrule.

Less said the better about Indian politics. India is now witness to a brand of politics that its founding fathers abhorred. It is the politics of lynching of its minorities, public flogging of its Dalit population and systematic erosion of its syncretic culture imbued with liberalism and modernity. Indian politics had never undergone the kind of intolerance that it has endured in the last four years.​

Less said the better about Indian politics. India is now witness to a brand of politics that its founding fathers abhorred. It is the politics of lynching of its minorities, public flogging of its Dalit population and systematic erosion of its syncretic culture imbued with liberalism and modernity. Indian politics had never undergone the kind of intolerance that it has endured in the last four years. The hate politics of Hindutva peaked to levels India could have never imagined. Modi, through the four years, has been running a regime that is solely driven by the RSS agenda.

It would not be out of place to state that the driving engine of the Modi administration is the RSS machine and Modi is its driver. What all RSS hated from the time of Indian Independence, Modi saw to it that was at least partially rolled back. Institutions were packed with RSS puppets who made mockery of key constitutional bodies, ranging from Election Commission to higher judiciary, from Parliament to centres of learning like universities and institutes of research and academia.

Modi brazenly undermined the Constitution and the entire constitu-tional machinery in order to fulfil the RSS’ agenda. As a result, India is now facing a civilisational crisis of a magnitude that no one had imagined in the 70-plus years since Independence. We have come to a pass where India has started to resemble Pakistan. But India cannot be simply turned into a Hindu Pakistan as the Modi-led RSS-BJP machine might have imagined.

The sprit of a multi-cultural India has not just sensed the danger but has even begun asserting itself. Karnataka is a glimpse of that India where different castes and faiths come in an alliance to fight back an existential threat to its unity. The Karnataka experiment will surely bring about a new unity of all those political forces that will not just stop Narendra Modi but also foil the RSS bid to transform India into a
Hindu Pakistan.

Four years of Modi Raj have proven to be the most disastrous years for modern India. We take an in-depth look at these four years through the pens of expert commentators and prominent public figures. It’s up to you to judge whether it has been good, bad or ugly?

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What the government hasn't been able to do is render Indian companies more competitive. India's exports are historically low as a proportion of GDP and job growth has been minimal. That's because the Indian private sector is still waiting for truly flexible labor markets and for processes that allow them to engage with the world on equal terms.

Modi's supporters will no doubt argue that he should be given a second term precisely in order to attack these lingering problems. Yet his government has recently seemed to move backward on reform, raising tariff walls and seeking to protect entire sectors from competition. If India's prime minister has disappointed some of those who were most enthusiastic when he took office four years ago, it isn't because he lacked energy but because he didn't expend his political capital on the right purposes. It's hard to see why that would change in a second term.

A noble idea, but impractical. No one, I repeat No one is unbiased.
But if you ask the fox who is in charge of the chicken house the condition of chicken, what answer do you expect. Will it say I ate it?

Modi is the greatest salesman India has, he is personally clean. Byt his implementation is fraud. Given the gift of a supermajority, and added advantage of low crude prices, he has failed the country.

60 years of independence and hard work of Indians when they wanted to retire and thought Modi will be good, the poor Indians have no savings, and future looks bleak for them. Yes, the rich are so rich that they do not care.

There is nothing noble or impractical about commitment to truth and chasing facts.

You are welcome to your opinions but they are just opinions.

If any opinion and analysis is backed by facts and seem balanced then such an opinion can be considered credible.

Otherwise it is just a lot of chatter. That was my point.
The report card... there are hits and misses, but majority is what that matters.

[h=1]Fact-checking Narendra Modi: 13 of prime minister’s 16 claims on govt schemes true or partly true, 3 false[/h]

By Vipul Vivek

On 30 November, 2017, Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the Hindustan Times Leadership Summit where he defended his term so far by listing out the steps he had taken towards a “systemic overhaul”.

FactChecker.in checked Modi’s claims and found nine of his 16 claims to be true and three false. The validity of two claims was unclear owing to lack of data and two were partly true.

Claim 1: “The poor who used to be turned away from the bank have their own bank accounts today. Jan Dhan account holders also get a Rupay debit card. In our country of 125 crore (1.25 billion), there are over 30 crore (300 million) such people.”

Fact: True. As of 29 November, 2017, 307 million accounts were opened and 231 million Rupay debit cards have been issued under the Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (Prime Minister’s People’s Wealth Scheme), a no-minimum-balance account targeted at the unbanked, according to government data.

Read more at: https://www.firstpost.com/india/fac...emes-true-or-partly-true-3-false-4262521.html
This development etc. is nonsense, Modi at least has done something with good intentions. UPA generally goes negative with corruption and bribes.

The real issue more than development is Dharma. Who can protect and nurture Hindu dharma ? Who does most for Hindu dharma is the question ? Which is where the advantage goes to BJP.

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