Simply put
Being Sattvic is Entropic or Information oriented or Intelligent actions based on information, guided by our consciousness etc. Sattvic actions are Knowledge oriented, Experimental, Innovative.
Being Rajasic is Energetic, exuding a lot of energy (potential), Energetic actions or movements (Kinetic). Rajasic actions are Leadership, Controlling the Movement etc, actions guided by energy.
Being Tamasic is negentropy, information less actions, just following the tradition as it is blindly, neither analytical, nor leading.
The action of a sniper from a hidden point (on killing a person) can be sattvic or rajasic or tamasic in the following way
1. If the sniper analyses the information around the movement of the subject, his/her position, practical issues that can come up during the shooting and ensures he takes an intelligent decision on if to shoot, when to shoot, how to shoot, then it is sattvic.
2. If the sniper exudes energy or uses energetic action in shooting the subject, follows the subject with vigor, but does not process information related to the current environment adequately, then the action is rajasic.
3. If the sniper just follows the rules and procedures that are established as part of the process and does the job mundanely, it is tamasic
This is the trigunas on the 'sniper's job performance.
The same trigunas can be applied at multiple levels. The Sniper may be employed by Army, Mafia or for personal enmity etc. The sniper may analyze his/her action of sniping using tri-gunas in this way.
1. Understand the reasons for sniping and subsequent reactions that would accrue on personal and society at large and comes to an informed decision weighing costs and benefits - This is sattvic.
2. Does not much analysis, but just follows the passion, anger or vegeance that builds up the energy to snipe - This is rajasic
3. Gets paid and does it - This is tamasic
This is the trigunas on the sniper's actions
The very action of sniping itself can be classified by tri-gunas.
1. Hitting an unknown enemy by mistake is Tamasic as it lacks information and energy.
2. Hitting a known enemy unknown to him/her is Rajasic as it lacks consciousness and just exhibits passion/anger/arrogance etc
3. Hitting a known enemy in direct fight is sattvic as it has information and energy.
The action of a war or killing can be classified by tri-gunas.
1. Fighting is Rajasic as it exhibits energy but lacks consciousness/intelligence/information processing.
2. Arriving at a unity in diversity option is sattvic as it employs mind.
3. Surrendering is tamasic as it lacks energy and mind.