Samsung’s Note 5 may release early to get the lead over Apple
July 10, 2015 Kishore Ganesh Leave a comment Edit
While one may say that there are two major platforms: iOS and Android, in the upper end, it is Samsung that dominates the Android Market.
Samsung’s phones sell far more than any other Android Manufacturer on the market, but over the past year, its sales have been falling and profits are lower than ever before.
Samsung misgauged the demand for the S6 Edge, which was out of stock, and sold far more than expected. Now, according to the WSJ, it may release the Note 5 early, to get the lead over Apple.
Samsung usually launches the Note smartphones at IFA, but it may announce it a full month before the 6S is announced, and would release it a few weeks before Apple’s event. This month-wide gap can help Samsung boost sales, as its Note 4 lost a lot of market share in wake of the release of the iPhone 6 Plus.
What do you think? Can Samsung still remain the top-dog of the smartphone market?
July 10, 2015 Kishore Ganesh Leave a comment Edit

While one may say that there are two major platforms: iOS and Android, in the upper end, it is Samsung that dominates the Android Market.
Samsung’s phones sell far more than any other Android Manufacturer on the market, but over the past year, its sales have been falling and profits are lower than ever before.
Samsung misgauged the demand for the S6 Edge, which was out of stock, and sold far more than expected. Now, according to the WSJ, it may release the Note 5 early, to get the lead over Apple.
Samsung usually launches the Note smartphones at IFA, but it may announce it a full month before the 6S is announced, and would release it a few weeks before Apple’s event. This month-wide gap can help Samsung boost sales, as its Note 4 lost a lot of market share in wake of the release of the iPhone 6 Plus.
What do you think? Can Samsung still remain the top-dog of the smartphone market?