Sri.Anandb said:-
The belief on a belief system is very much a personal experience which may or may not be measurable by science.
Greetings. That is my point too, Sri.Anand. If the personal experience can be measured, then the act of merasuring is science. Kindly allow me to explain with an example, please. Let us say, in the case of a peason suffering from stomach cancer, we can measure objectively the spread of the cancer, the amount of the medication adminstered, the regression of the cancer after the treatment etc. We can tabulate all the results. We can also record the subjective data above the pain, the patient's psychological condition as observed from time to time. all these study and recordings are science.
But we can not measure the psycholgical strength of the patient; we really do not know why some persons respond well to the treatment while others succumb to the cancer. If the patient says that it is 'God's grace I survived', then we can not actually objectively measure that. Honestly, science is a toll to guide us through measurable informations.
If it is not measurable by Science because Science has not got the tools as yet to measure them cannot render the belief system to be wrong.
science does not pass judgement on belief system. Science has no intention of criticising any belief system. Science and belief system are two different quantities, not connected to each other at all. But it is also true that science is based on evidences where as belief systems are based on faith only.
What has been intuitively realized by ancient seers and validated by personal experiences cannot be dismissed as trash. On the other hand these experiences which may not relate to the physical laws may be tough to be proved by the person undergoing these experiences (with no resources at his command) but could be some day proved by Science when it develops the right tools.
Kindly refer to the example of the cancer patient here, please. Science does not say one should not have hard to explain personal experiences; but, such experiences are termed as 'subjective data' and not as 'odjective data'. By the way, collecting and obtaining a pattern from such 'subjective data' is an objective information and falls under science.
If there is no inherent truth in a belief system it is bound to fail in the long run even without proof from Science.
I fully agre with you.
Truth alone prevails and triumphs in the end.
Truth is something that can be proven. That's why it is the truth. For example, we may read about a saintly person who offered service to every one, who lived couple of hundred years from one source; we may come across some stone engravings on which a similar saint is explained, and if the stone engraving is from the same vicinity and dates about couple of hundred years, then we know that the saint indeed lived in that area. We have a cross reference that authenticates the whole thing.
Hope I am clear.