namaste Yamaka.
You said in post #47:
Yes, people engaged in scientific thinking can criticize the People of God and Religion (as prescribed by their "Holy Books" of Vedas, Purarna, Koran, Bible etc) because the latter believe in Supernational forces and the so-called Poorva Janma Karma all with the intent to control, to regulate and potentially exploit the unsuspecting innocent people.
• A naive and simplistic opinion, as it seems/would seem to me/many of us here. The blind belief in science being all hunky-dory (judging by its applications and technology) and would solve all problems for man, is in iteself a superstition, IMO, specially when it comes to criticising the belief of religious and spiritual people.
• Supernatural forces? About what physical force has science come to a final conclusion as to its nature and ramifications? Electricity? Magneticism? Sound, heat, light? Gravity? Are they all distinctly different types of forces or more in the nature of all in one and one in all? Let us add the mysterious force of consciousness to this list.
• If science has investigated only the tip of this iceberg of this samsAra--world-process, Vedanta has a holistic view of it and gives a man a life of dharma to progress and unfold his true nature.
• If there are no religions in the world, people would be like those portrayed in the TV serial 'Two and Half Men': despicably promiscuous, with absolutely no values of dharma in life (although the series does have some sparkling humour at rare times).
• The ultimate analysis about science could well be that the many facets of the technology it has spawned (although not pure science per se) has only nurtured the assertion of the base insticts of man: kAma, krodha, lobha, moha, mada, mAtcharya, exactly which the religious and spiritual pursuits seek to regulate and diminish.
You said in post #48:
In the mainstream Plant Scientist Community there is very low enthusiasm for "the life force of consciousness in plants" or plants responding to music etc...they reject it as some sort of NOISE!
"The life force of consciousness in even inert materials like a sheet of tin" is a FANTASY, as GOD is, IMO.
I am not surprised at the complacency of science at anything that has beyond-the-physical implications, but there is perhaps another side, as links such as the following show:
Plant Consciousness
Plant Consciousness - Peace and Loveism - Experience the Consciousness Shift
The Secret Life of Plants
The Secret Life of Plants - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Randall Fontes - From the Secret Life of Plants to The Play of Light
As regards your fantasy (in post #49) of science resurrecting men from their dead bodies, well, everyone has a right to dream and fantasize, but one thing: by the time--and if at all--such technology becomes practical and prevalent, you and I would have long gone and possibly reincarnated umpteen times, so why bother?
I raised some issues about my query in post #16 (regarding the world behind closed eyes):
What explains--or how does science explain in purely physical concepts--
• the consciousness behind the subjective pronouns and other references;
• where the space simulated in the visions behind closed eyes is located;
• why should not this space be trans-physical/metaphysical/transcendental, if science cannot explain it as of now with purely physical concepts.
Notice that such space is simulated even when I play a video game like 'The Doom' in the first person perspective. All that space is seemingly on the 2D computer screen, but is mapped to a virtual world in my mind as I play the game. Now, where is this space located?
Even if science has no answers to these issues as of now, if you can speculate scientifically on them, we can have some meaningful discussion, instead of us trashing science and religion.
Hello Saidevo:
" If there are no religions in the world, people would be like those portrayed in the TV serial 'Two and Half Men': despicably promiscuous, with absolutely no values of dharma in life (although the series does have some sparkling humour at rare times). "
This is a popular myth peddled by God-fearing people.. In fact, more than 100 millions of Atheists who do not follow any religion DO live a very normal life sensible, if not a better life than their God people! Many times, I have opened up my personal life just to refute this assertion...
You are living a very frightened life... believing in a Supernatural non-existent entity called GOD! I live a FEARLESS Natural life, not believing in any Supernaturality.. I am just a Naturalist. Lol.
"As regards your fantasy (in post #49) of science resurrecting men from their dead bodies, well, everyone has a right to dream and fantasize, but one thing: by the time--and if at all--such technology becomes practical and prevalent, you and I would have long gone and possibly reincarnated umpteen times, so why bother?"
This used to be a fantasy before Dolly The Sheep... now animal cloning has been already accomplished in dozens of mammals very successfully. The technology already exists, and to my knowledge human cloning IS happening - many Lesbian mothers raise their daughters as their clones!- all not known to the legal world as yet!
I brought this up to bring the contrast in our knowledge and the angle of thinking... how a "death produced by "God"" can be resurrected into a living being; in theory, when human cloning is legalized, "God given Death" can be permanently removed from the lexicon. Lol.
About "I" "We" Feelings and Consciousness -
When cells come together to form tissue, the tissue acquires certain properties NOT found in the constituent cells..
In other words, a forest gets certain properties NOT observed in the trees!
This is more so when you know about Sensory Neurons in certain parts of brain like pre-frontal cortex, the seat of feeling, abstract thinking and knowledge.
Stimuli from auditory neurons and visual neurons are constantly fed into these neurons.. These highly specialized Sensory Neurons "invent" new ideas and "discover" previously unknown facts and learn and express different language skills.
These Neurons of the pre-frontal cortex give you the sense of "I" "We" feelings and Consciousness, IMO.
No Supernatural GOD is in action here.... All just Natural... Neurologists need to slowly move ahead and understand it.
Till then, the God-fearing people can make up their own stories! It's their Civil Right, I suppose.