Before I say anything else, I would like to state, so as to avoid another round of unrelated straw man arguments, the Jews were subjected to horrendous ill treatment by medieval Europe and downright sadistic brutality by the Nazis. With this out of the way, I would like to say the following.
People have opinions and that is fine, but facts are facts and cannot be wished away. It is to be noted that none of the facts I furnished has been disputed or contradicted.
The lesson Israelis have learned from Goldstone Report on Operation Cast Lead into Gaza, and the media coverage of Dubai murder with the use of CCTV footage is to controlling the media narrative, i.e. propaganda, is crucial. The Gaza Freedom Flotilla had almost 60 journalists in six boats. According to several reports including
this one by two Australian journalists affiliated with Sydney Morning Herald, the first priority of Israeli commandos was to confiscate all recording devices and recording media, and also smash all the CCTV cameras (lesson well leaned from Dubai). This allowed IDF to manipulate media coverage by releasing a heavily edited version of the commandos landing on the deck of Mavi Marmara that provided no context. Now, slowly, what actually transpired is emerging. It is now becoming increasingly clear that IDF started shooting before they set foot on the deck.
If Israel has nothing to hide, why are they objecting to an international inquiry? If the U.S. blocks a truly independent inquiry and allows IDF to conduct its own inquiry, that will be akin to allowing a murderer, who has destroyed all the evidences and obstructed all attempts at the truth, to investigate the crime himself.
The Israeli conduct is so outrageous that it is becoming difficult to remain blissfully uncritical even for some hawkish US politicians. Senator Dianne Fienstein, a long supporter of Israel, is calling for an independent inquiry and for Israel to reassess its blockade of Gaza.
Then, there is this report in
Heretz that Israeli students are planning on their own freedom flotilla to bring aid to Gaza from Turkey.
The organizers of the Freedom Flottila couldn't have imagined in their wildest of wild dreams that their objectives would be achieved hand over fist. It is no longer Jew vs. Arab, it is right vs. wrong. Even many Jews from Israel are on the right side of this issue.