Now in the Vishnu Sahasranama the second shloka is:
yasya dwirada vaktrAdyAH pAriShdyAH parashshatam|
vighnaM nighnanti satatam viShwaksenam tam Ashraye||
Here Vishvaksena is considered as the Chief of the ViShnu pArShadIyas as is Ganapati= Vighneshwara- the Chief of Rudra gaNas. Here if one takes ViShvaksena to be the Protector of the Universe and dwirada vaktra = Elephant-faced God as a pArshadIya of ViShnu then one could relate this first shloka to Vinayaka. In the ShriVaiShnavaite tradition however ViShvaksena is worshipped as the "vighna harta". This is not the practice by other sampradayas. But in the Vishnu Sahasranama the word Vishvaksena occurs as a "nama" of the Lord. If that is given consideration then with dwirada vaktra as Adya(The First deity) things fit well, and Vighneshwara could be considered as being parised in the shuklambaradharam shloka!
Shri Viswamitra (gAdhi's sUnu) sir,
The word in the second verse is dwiradavaktrAdyAh, and not dwiradavaktrAdyah. This makes a difference in sense. The former means, imho, starting with dwiradavaktra (hundreds of pArshadas of Vishvaksena are destroying obstacles, and so on.) The sense you try to read into, will be there only if it was the latter word used. Now the question is, which is the authentic version?