I said earlier I understand.
BTW this is not my perception or my own.understanding....I am.only echoing religious philosophy where eventually the Gunas have to be transcended.
Even in philosophies that call for total surrender to has to drop everything finally..Ma Suchah.
I still maintain that your understanding is flawed.
This is not the religious philosophy.
The trigunas are always there. There is nothing good or bad about the gunas. The best course for a human being is to watch the situation closely and try to be in satvaa as far as possible. This is the acceptable religious philosophy which is supported by your science and Technology too.
Some people who understand the philosophy wrongly and interpret it to their convenience would say that a guna free individual is the goal. It is impossible to be free from gunas. The basic design itself is such that there will always be some guna. In your anxiety to become part of that shunya which is conven iently called nirgunabrahma you imagine that you have to transcend gunas.
My understanding is this:
Everything here on this earth and universe is real. Universe exists, earth exists and every thing we perceive exist. period.
It is not just a mental projection on an imaginary screen with a projector called Maya. Maya is an invention by a fertile mind when stuck with a certain paradox to bypass the reality. It's convenient explanation that there are no white cows in the world because it is night and everything can be only black.
I am designed to live with the gunas.
i will live with them.
But i am also equipped with the necessary equipment to look at myself and see what is happen ing to me.
I use that equipment and manage my gunas without coming in conflict with them. Everything I do is deliberate.
And I remain a sattva most of the time. I am happy with that.
this is a vast subject and can be discussed separately. This thread is about biryani. LOL.