pages 343-344
Since our shrI Shankara BhagavadpAdaL's avatAram was only for this purpose, it is not possible to remain without talking about the doShas--defects/deficiencies, in the other sidhAntas, that have been pointed out by him and the great people who came in the VedAnta sampradAya before and after him.
• As (I) told earlier, where the doSham is seen, it is not wrong to speak about it, and it must be spoken of. But the important thing is that even if doSham is talked about, there should be no dveSham--hatred/enmity.
Not to criticise those other matas--religions. By showing that those other matas criticising our matam is not correct, and to make people understand our mother religion as it is, we need to talk about all these things.
It is not enough to just mention some people who were the mata-sthApakas--religious founders, and siddhAnta-pravartakas--proponents of religious principles, which were in contradiction to Veda Dharmam, as the reason for the trend of this Kali Yugam, and stop at that.
• Just as there should be a seed for a thorny tree to grow, so for that seed to take root and grow, there should also be an appropriate bhUmi--ground?
Whatever siddhAnta seeds do the mata-sthApakas and prasArakas--propagandists, plant, only when the bhUmi--ground, of the state of mind of the jana-samUham--populace, does-poShaNam-of--nourish, them by feeding the bhUsAram--ground essences, they can sprout and grow well in that samUham?
Thus it transpired that people got a taste in general for the trends that were in virodham--opposition, to the Veda Dharmam, and because of it the avaidika-matas--non-Vedic religions, spread well among them. It was only this, which was mentioned as the asura-rAkShasas entering the buddhi--mind/intellect, of the people.
Kali PuruSha with much tact and skill had made a show that these religions too taught paths that were dhArmika--righteous, and those who did upadesham--teaching, of them as well as those who followed them, were both going in the path of dharma.
Even after Kali was born, because of the balam--strength/power, KRShNa ParamAtmA and VyAsAchAryAL had given, for about two thousand and five hundred years, after the vaidika-dharmAchAraNa--practice of Veda dharmam, was current, Kali PuruSha started showing his Adhikyam--superior authority, in utter rudeness, compensating for his earlier sleep during this interim period.
He started showing his kaivarisai--(Tamil) dexterity/sleight of hand, even as a person who slept for a long time suddenly wakes up thinking 'ayyO, we slept for a long time, there is so much to be done' starts doing things in rude fanfare. To give another another example, it was like breaking open a marble-sealed (goli) soda bottle that was pent up!
It is mentioned in the pustakas--books, that in that vegam--rush/dash, seventy-two matams--religions, appeared in contradiction to SanAtana Dharma. It is also mentioned that each one started in much uttaNdam--fierceness and cruelty.
All that is asaMdarbha--unreasonable/incoherent, will be born in rude fanfare. That which remains hitam--beneficial, and satyam--true, in vAstavam--reality, will be born in sAttvikam--auspiciousness, and shAntam--peace, and come up for action. Those that are not so, will only start with intemperate speech (athambikkoNDu) and rough-and-tumble (aDAviDiyAga).
It is there in the books that thus 72 religions appeared, as if to prove that Kali is adharma-yugam--an eon of adharma.
Since our shrI Shankara BhagavadpAdaL's avatAram was only for this purpose, it is not possible to remain without talking about the doShas--defects/deficiencies, in the other sidhAntas, that have been pointed out by him and the great people who came in the VedAnta sampradAya before and after him.
• As (I) told earlier, where the doSham is seen, it is not wrong to speak about it, and it must be spoken of. But the important thing is that even if doSham is talked about, there should be no dveSham--hatred/enmity.
Not to criticise those other matas--religions. By showing that those other matas criticising our matam is not correct, and to make people understand our mother religion as it is, we need to talk about all these things.
It is not enough to just mention some people who were the mata-sthApakas--religious founders, and siddhAnta-pravartakas--proponents of religious principles, which were in contradiction to Veda Dharmam, as the reason for the trend of this Kali Yugam, and stop at that.
• Just as there should be a seed for a thorny tree to grow, so for that seed to take root and grow, there should also be an appropriate bhUmi--ground?
Whatever siddhAnta seeds do the mata-sthApakas and prasArakas--propagandists, plant, only when the bhUmi--ground, of the state of mind of the jana-samUham--populace, does-poShaNam-of--nourish, them by feeding the bhUsAram--ground essences, they can sprout and grow well in that samUham?
Thus it transpired that people got a taste in general for the trends that were in virodham--opposition, to the Veda Dharmam, and because of it the avaidika-matas--non-Vedic religions, spread well among them. It was only this, which was mentioned as the asura-rAkShasas entering the buddhi--mind/intellect, of the people.
Kali PuruSha with much tact and skill had made a show that these religions too taught paths that were dhArmika--righteous, and those who did upadesham--teaching, of them as well as those who followed them, were both going in the path of dharma.
Even after Kali was born, because of the balam--strength/power, KRShNa ParamAtmA and VyAsAchAryAL had given, for about two thousand and five hundred years, after the vaidika-dharmAchAraNa--practice of Veda dharmam, was current, Kali PuruSha started showing his Adhikyam--superior authority, in utter rudeness, compensating for his earlier sleep during this interim period.
He started showing his kaivarisai--(Tamil) dexterity/sleight of hand, even as a person who slept for a long time suddenly wakes up thinking 'ayyO, we slept for a long time, there is so much to be done' starts doing things in rude fanfare. To give another another example, it was like breaking open a marble-sealed (goli) soda bottle that was pent up!
It is mentioned in the pustakas--books, that in that vegam--rush/dash, seventy-two matams--religions, appeared in contradiction to SanAtana Dharma. It is also mentioned that each one started in much uttaNdam--fierceness and cruelty.
All that is asaMdarbha--unreasonable/incoherent, will be born in rude fanfare. That which remains hitam--beneficial, and satyam--true, in vAstavam--reality, will be born in sAttvikam--auspiciousness, and shAntam--peace, and come up for action. Those that are not so, will only start with intemperate speech (athambikkoNDu) and rough-and-tumble (aDAviDiyAga).
It is there in the books that thus 72 religions appeared, as if to prove that Kali is adharma-yugam--an eon of adharma.