Family life is one thing making humans different from animals and birds.While they also live collectively,and parents nurse children till they grow to be able to get their own food, the organic relationship of parents-children-grandparents are not there.
This relationship is the one that gives security to generations arising out of interdependence. In other forms of animals and birds, if one member is in distress,the whole flock comes to its rescue. But then, they live adapting to the environment or perish. But we human beings yearn for comfort, whatever be the environment. Security and comfort do not stop at basic level. We need entertainment,leisure activity and sense of belonging. Money is a factor in this.
So to get away from the generation relationship and care, alternative has to be developed and sustained- as opined in some of the posts : like- community centres ,senior citizen homes funded by the user indvidual .
But after all, when the basic cord of love is lost, nothing can be comforting and we also will be like birds and animals, just living a tasteless life and perishing