Sri Sarma Said:
1. For example, for a poorvapaksha starter, the three gunas do not play any great role in Sankara's advaita afaik. This is a sAmkhya terminology which was not entertained by advaita, and perhaps (I am not sure) by VA and D also.
2. Even as per sAmkhya, the three gunas are indestructible, they never coalesce, but always retain the power to manifest when the conditions are appropriate for it.
3. Tamoguna is not something bad as has been popularized by the 20th. century godmen, acaryas and pseudo-religious persons; it is that which retains creation at its present stage so that it can be altered by rajas or sattva. And sattva guna is not itself "flawlessness" or purity but only a certain tendency towards those.
Dear Sri Sarma,
Kindly refer this: INDIASPIRITUALITY: Advaita Vedanta Basics - Three Gunas (Vivek Choodamani)
Addresses your points 1 and 3.
From Advaita vedanta basics
111. Rajas has its Vikshepa-Shakti or projecting power, which is of the nature of an activity, and from which this primeval flow of activity has emanated. From this also, mental modifications such as attachment and grief are continually produced.
112. Lust, anger, avarice, arrogance, spite, egoism, envy, jealousy, etc., -- these are the dire attributes of Rajas, from which the worldly tendency of man is produced. Therefore Rajas is a cause of bondage.
113. Avriti or the veiling power is the power of Tamas, which makes things appear other than what they are. It is this that causes man’s repeated transmigrations, and starts the action of the projecting power (Vikshepa).
114. Even wise and learned men and men who are clever and adept in the vision of the exceedingly subtle Atman, are overpowered by Tamas and do not understand the Atman, even though clearly explained in various ways. What is simply superimposed by delusion, they consider as true, and attach themselves to its effects. Alas ! How powerful is the great Avriti Shakti of dreadful Tamas !
115. Absence of the right judgment, or contrary judgment, want of definite belief and doubt – these certainly never desert one who has any connection with this veiling power, and then the projecting power gives ceaseless trouble.
116. Ignorance, lassitude, dullness, sleep, inadvertence, stupidity, etc., are attributes of Tamas. One tied to these does not comprehend anything, but remains like one asleep or like a stock or stone.
117. Pure Sattva is (clear) like water, yet in conjunction with Rajas and Tamas it makes for transmigration. The reality of the Atman becomes reflected in Sattva and like the sun reveals the entire world of matter.
118. The traits of mixed Sattva are an utter absence of pride etc., and Niyama, Yama, etc., as well as faith, devotion, yearning for Liberation, the divine tendencies and turning away from the unreal.
119. The traits of pure Sattva are cheerfulness, the realisation of one’s own Self, supreme peace, contentment, bliss, and steady devotion to the Atman, by which the aspirant enjoys bliss everlasting.
Source: Vivek Choodamani
And look at this:
addresses the points 2 and 3 : (
Transcending the gunas)