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Tapas, Meditation and Mind Control

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The larger objective is to be a better person than what I am presently :)

Dear Mr Zebra:
I don't even know what my larger objective is or that I should have one.

All I know is that I have some commitments. I want to enjoy few things in life.

Is the larger objective you have in mind applies only to you and your life situation or you think it applies to everyone.

Also how will you know you have become better ?
I wish to share something here - about a man who became better person. :)

I visited a friend living in a senior resort in Sing. Chennai. She took her phone and ordered for two cups of hot coffee.

Within minutes, a guy with a big grin appeared, with a tray with two cups of hot coffee and some snacks along with that.

He said the snacks are free because he wanted to entertain the visitor (me!!) His name is Kannan and so I sang the song

'ingivanai yAm peRavE enna thavam seydhuvittOm, KannA'!

The he told me how he became such a good person.

Some years back, the management needed a cook and an assistant. One of the members could spot a man, who is an

efficient cook but very short tempered, due to lack of money to support his wife and two children. He was assured of

free boarding and lodging for his family, some salary and the cost of education for his school going children. When

his problems of supporting the family vanished, he became very helpful to all the seniors there, with a smiling face! :cool:
Frankly I do not know. But upaniSads do state (we can think of them as assertions for the present) "yathO vAchO nivarthanthE, aprApya manasA saha" etc, (from where words all together return alongwith the mind unable to comprehend the brahman or the bliss of brahman etc.) so what is the faculty that existed for them to know it? It does not seem to be the opinion of a single sage because we find that the idea is expanded by other upaniSads obviously taught by different rishis.

Then there are BG slokAs which are often quoted like "karmaNye vAdhikAraste" meaning that we may not get the results in all actions. But there are some actions where we find results are invariably given.. like for example when we eat our hunger goes away, when we drink water our thirst vanishes, when we beat a metal sheet with hammer the sheet bends etc. in each and every case. Why does not the Lord with-hold the results in those cases at least at times to bestow the results in some other janmam and only in some cases we are exposed to the vagaries of deferred delivery of fruits?

What is the criterion for classification for "kai mel phalan" and "arasan andru kolvAn, deivam nindru kollum"..? types of actions and results.

Thats why i seek guidance :)

Dear Shri Narayanan,

I saw this post from you only now.

The upanishadic words "yathO vAchO nivarthanthE, aprApya manasA saha" are sort of adjectives used to qualify the following "AnandaM brahmaNO vidvAn na bibhEti kutascana iti". It strives to say that one who is capable of attaining the state of brahmAnanda, from which words get reflected back (i.e., to say, words cannot describe that state), and, that which cannot be attained (by) with the mind, is never afraid of anybody.

I have contemplated on these sentences for long and am of the considered opinion that it is something like an advertisement for the cure of baldness by rubbing the soles of one's feet by a magical stone which will shine brilliantly only on full moon nights when the sky is thickly overcast with rain clouds!

If we go purely by Advaita, then the state of Brahman has to be completely and utterly nirguna and so there cannot be any Ananda, nor any du:kha or sorrow in that state; therefore, there are adequate reasons not to buy this sales pitch for brahmAnanda in the TaittireeyOpanishat, simply because the very same thing was caught on to some other upanishads too. Most probably, all these were like "snake oil", because people never wanted the sufferings, problems, worries, etc., which are all part of worldly life, but were only too happy to be in a state of lasting happiness and enjoyment, and the Rishis coined a term brahmAnanda and started marketing it as the snake oil; an associated thing was mOkSha or liberation from samsAra which also held out the hope to gullible crowds of a state of existence, somewhere, somehow, in which no suffering will ever trouble them. These two were the cornerstones for the spread of the religion and you will find other major religions also making much use of such yearnings of humans!

"karmaNye vAdhikAraste" has "mA phalEShu kadAcana" immediately following it, meaning that "you have control only on your actions, never on the results (of such actions)"; the import is not that we may not get the results in all actions. In the case of hunger and thirst, I feel these are not karma or action on the part of anyone, but merely bodily signals. In the case of hammering a metal sheet, yes, it is karma and there is some result of that karma. Similarly, if one throws a stone with good aim, at a mango tree with many ripe mango fruits dangling, there is, usually, the immediate result of one or more mangoes falling down! Why there is no immediate result for some other (kinds) of actions has been withheld even by the BG scribe, probably because we humans will never be able to learn that.

Going after breaking the "mind barrier" in order either to attain the brahmAnanda or to learn why some actions do not produce immediate results perceived by our senses, will be a futile adventure, imo. Instead we must try to bring about equanimity and from there, brahmAnanda for ourselves, and leave the Karma law to itself to operate. Perhaps you may benefit by reading about Buddha's preaching.
The larger objective is to be a better person than what I am presently :)

Hope you succeed in your quest!

I have some suggestions (and do not feel qualified for providing what may be termed guidance)

As some people (like Smt RR) have suggested you may want to think about defining what 'better' means in your life.

The reason for this is because the resolutions lie in the clarity of questions posed. Even in science and engineering, the effort is to recast a problem from another perspective so that the solutions become more straightforward.

In the branch of mathematics for example there is a methodology called Laplace Transforms that takes a complex equation (so called certain classes of differential equations) and cast them as simple algebraic equation in the so called Laplace space. There is a reverse transformation that results in solution for the equation. The original problem becomes an algebraic equation to solve.

Even in simple physics, the very gravity that prevents flying of objects easily is used to both get lift off and landing power for a plane. Again the paradigm of problem of gravity is recast to find a solution.

You have to then see how meditation etc will play a role in the objective you are seeking. Clarity of objectives is the first key step regardless which is a point you probably already know.

I would not 'swallow' what any scripture says. Upanishads are to be understood. You are right that many seers (Rishis) have described similar vision. This cannot be understood at the early stages of quest to learn in my view.

Going beyond the mind is an idea in the mind itself using words which have meanings only in the mind. It is something understood only in silence and even this description is inadequate. Hence there is no sense in my view to chase after some abstract ideas.

In terms of concrete actions, my suggestion is to undertake study of B.Gita. You may find a book that you are able to relate to. Most books have wrong information but that can be corrected later.

I will caution against seeking guidance here. Let me put in a way that may be humorous for some :-)

Indian railway stations used to have book carts where one may find books like 'science without tears' etc (at least in the 1970s! )

'Without tears' series is now replaced by 'for dummy' and 'for Idiot' series of books. I am guessing there are books like 'Vedanta for dummies' , 'Self realization for Idiots' etc probably sold to people during travel at airports and train stations. I think those books may have some grains of truths and may offer better guidance than you are likely to get in this forum.

Here members do give advice mostly with sincerity though there are exceptions.

Often the advice comes from a need to therapeutically reassert to themselves that their point of view must be right :-)

That is why my suggestion is to find a good book for starters and then later find a teacher. Perhaps you already may be doing this in which case even this suggestion is superfluous.

I wish you all the best.
I wish to share something here - about a man who became better person. :)

I visited a friend living in a senior resort in Sing. Chennai. She took her phone and ordered for two cups of hot coffee.

Within minutes, a guy with a big grin appeared, with a tray with two cups of hot coffee and some snacks along with that.

He said the snacks are free because he wanted to entertain the visitor (me!!) His name is Kannan and so I sang the song

'ingivanai yAm peRavE enna thavam seydhuvittOm, KannA'!

The he told me how he became such a good person.

Some years back, the management needed a cook and an assistant. One of the members could spot a man, who is an

efficient cook but very short tempered, due to lack of money to support his wife and two children. He was assured of

free boarding and lodging for his family, some salary and the cost of education for his school going children. When

his problems of supporting the family vanished, he became very helpful to all the seniors there, with a smiling face! :cool:

Dear RR ji,

Usually when we face problems..we seldom bother to smile and might get short tempered too.

Once our problems are solved our moods improve and we become cheerful and helpful.

If one faces problems again after being problem free for sometime..surely he/she wont be as cheerful as before at least till the problem is solved.
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I will caution against seeking guidance here. Let me put in a way that may be humorous for some :-)

Indian railway stations used to have book carts where one may find books like 'science without tears' etc (at least in the 1970s! )

'Without tears' series is now replaced by 'for dummy' and 'for Idiot' series of books. I am guessing there are books like 'Vedanta for dummies' , 'Self realization for Idiots' etc probably sold to people during travel at airports and train stations. I think those books may have some grains of truths and may offer better guidance than you are likely to get in this forum.

Here members do give advice mostly with sincerity though there are exceptions.

Often the advice comes from a need to therapeutically reassert to themselves that their point of view must be right :-)


Its fine if any member wishes to share opinions in a thread like this but since everyone is entitled to their opinion there is no acute need to judge the advice of some members.

There is no "realized soul" here to assume others might not be up to the mark or even suggesting that they need to therapeutically reassert to themselves that their point of view must be right.Sarcasm is different from humor.

Words eventually expose our true nature.
Frankly I do not know. But upaniSads do state (we can think of them as assertions for the present) "yathO vAchO nivarthanthE, aprApya manasA saha" etc, (from where words all together return alongwith the mind unable to comprehend the brahman or the bliss of brahman etc.) so what is the faculty that existed for them to know it? It does not seem to be the opinion of a single sage because we find that the idea is expanded by other upaniSads obviously taught by different rishis.

Then there are BG slokAs which are often quoted like "karmaNye vAdhikAraste" meaning that we may not get the results in all actions. But there are some actions where we find results are invariably given.. like for example when we eat our hunger goes away, when we drink water our thirst vanishes, when we beat a metal sheet with hammer the sheet bends etc. in each and every case. Why does not the Lord with-hold the results in those cases at least at times to bestow the results in some other janmam and only in some cases we are exposed to the vagaries of deferred delivery of fruits?

What is the criterion for classification for "kai mel phalan" and "arasan andru kolvAn, deivam nindru kollum"..? types of actions and results.

Thats why i seek guidance :)

There is no life beyond, neither is there any brahman or ananda (in that context). Our faculties end with the suppressant that is but a nature of its components. There may have been some thousand(s) gurus/acharyas/godmen that have come after the upanishads claiming to have 'realized' something, but alas, that too has come to pass without any shred of assertion having been proved.

There is only death before us. And hence life in the interim.

There is no evidence of any conscious super power or process that controls fanciful notions like karma, rebirth, jiva etc. Hence no reason to look beyond. If at all, it is our fears that make us do so.

It is only negation that exists. Negation of all that we think and know to be. With the curiosity of the mystery about how we came into existence ever remaining a curiosity, in the confines of our mind.
Often the advice comes from a need to therapeutically reassert to themselves that their point of view must be right :-)

I will let you in on a little secret :-)

Unknown to them, some members are being therapeuticlly treated for their delusions with the bitter medicine of critical reasoning and practical thinking. It may be that one of the side effects is that they tend to think that the reassertions are for the therapeutic treatment of the other !


Sri Sangom Sir, Mrs. RR, Doc Renuka, Sri TkS, Sri Auh, Sri a-tb, Sri Sravana

Your posts have made me to think a lot more before I respond. I will respond to your posts after a bit of thought and contemplation :)

I sincerely thank every one of the participants for their sincere and well meaning advice.
I wish to share something here - about a man who became better person. :)

I visited a friend living in a senior resort in Sing. Chennai. She took her phone and ordered for two cups of hot coffee.

Within minutes, a guy with a big grin appeared, with a tray with two cups of hot coffee and some snacks along with that.

He said the snacks are free because he wanted to entertain the visitor (me!!) His name is Kannan and so I sang the song

'ingivanai yAm peRavE enna thavam seydhuvittOm, KannA'!

Have you come across persons who snap at the persons who appear with a big grin and try to lighten up the tense atmosphere?

I have on occasions (very few though) been snapped at and told to wipe off the silly smile on my face and get cracking :). People generally do not report or post unpleasant experiences and we are fed with replete cases of only successful incidences.

I have also to add that in some instances I have retorted with "nAyi mAdiri vaLLu-nu kolaikka veNDAm"

It is difficult to be a "grin-bearer" when people bark at you for their other problems !
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Its fine if any member wishes to share opinions in a thread like this but since everyone is entitled to their opinion there is no acute need to judge the advice of some members.

There is no "realized soul" here to assume others might not be up to the mark or even suggesting that they need to therapeutically reassert to themselves that their point of view must be right.Sarcasm is different from humor.

Words eventually expose our true nature.

Smt. Renuka,

Please see my post here. You will now understand it better, I think!
As long as thinking is logical and rational, self control is easy to follow.

Emotional and illogical thinking may be an hindrance to have self control.

Sri Sangom Sir, Mrs. RR, Doc Renuka, Sri TkS, Sri Auh, Sri a-tb, Sri Sravana

Your posts have made me to think a lot more before I respond. I will respond to your posts after a bit of thought and contemplation :)

I sincerely thank every one of the participants for their sincere and well meaning advice.

Dear Shri Narayanan,

I have only said my life's experiences of 75 years and how they have made me think. There is no TRA (therapeutical re-assertion), nor a 'preaching from the pulpit' of a "I-know-it-all" kind in whatever I have written. My contemplations have made me develop equanimity and from a usually short-tempered person, I have since come a long way on the path of "live-and-let-live". I can only say that your trying to study once again from bhagavadgeeta, etc., is most likely to leave you in what Malayali's say "poTTan cuRRicchu (பொட்டன் சுற்றிச்சு) "!

Note: "poTTan" in colloquial Malayalam is a mischievous spirit usually inhabiting very lonely places. This poTTan, in its mischief, would take over the thinking of travellers (in the olden days, when land travel was mostly on foot) and make them go around in circuitous routes, even for one whole day at times, and then leave them in the very same spot from where it all began! BTW, tabras are referred to in Kerala as paTTan/paTTar!
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There is also a saying " pattaril pottanilla".

Here, poTTan means idiot or unintelligent, dull-witted etc.

Besides there is also a "poTTan teyyam (பொட்டன்‍ தெய்யம்)" who is a teyyam character having similarities to the Chandala of the AdiShankara's life story —one who calls the bluff on caste inequalities.
I have been doing Sandhyavandanamans and it is the best meditation practice ever! Just devoting 20 -30 mins for Prata SandhyaVandanam, Maddhyanikam, and Sayam Sandhyavandanam is very beneficial. Whatever is the work, otehr activities, I am not missing the performance for over a year now. I used to be irregular. Was regular after Upanayanam. In between college/work you start to slack off. In my 40s I am very regular and the Pranayama and the Great Gayathri Mantra has terrific mind effects and mindfulness. I feel it is a complete tonic for mind, body and spirit which our rishis have devised for us.

I have been reading many books on the meanings as well. Waiting for the book, follow The Hindu Moon. on Sandhyavandanam meanings and details. Each book gives me a different perspectives. I also have Sakshi's complete Krishna Yajur Vedam (3 volumes)
I have been doing Sandhyavandanamans and it is the best meditation practice ever! Just devoting 20 -30 mins for Prata SandhyaVandanam, Maddhyanikam, and Sayam Sandhyavandanam is very beneficial. Whatever is the work, otehr activities, I am not missing the performance for over a year now. I used to be irregular. Was regular after Upanayanam. In between college/work you start to slack off. In my 40s I am very regular and the Pranayama and the Great Gayathri Mantra has terrific mind effects and mindfulness. I feel it is a complete tonic for mind, body and spirit which our rishis have devised for us.

I have been reading many books on the meanings as well. Waiting for the book, follow The Hindu Moon. on Sandhyavandanam meanings and details. Each book gives me a different perspectives. I also have Sakshi's complete Krishna Yajur Vedam (3 volumes)

How are you able to perform mAdhyAhnikam and the gAyatree japam (108 times)? I suppose you are self-employed and so do not have to attend any office.
How are you able to perform mAdhyAhnikam and the gAyatree japam (108 times)? I suppose you are self-employed and so do not have to attend any office.

I perform Prata SV and 108 Gayathri at 6 AM. I am doing madhyanikam and 32 Gayathrisat 9 AM as i do go yo a traditional work and cannot perform at 12 noon.
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