Raji Ram
Active member
During my recent visit to Bangalore, I saw many middle aged ladies walk with a sway! Surprisingly, their feet followed imaginary
lines of about 4'' only! So, even while walking on the correct lines, one should always remember NOT to sway the body, by keeping
the torso vertical and head straight, for a good gait! :decision:
Now enjoy viewing the different gaits and expressions of different personalities, portrayed well by Nadikar Thilakam!
Navarathri - YouTube
P.S: The doctor reminds me of my dear dad!
lines of about 4'' only! So, even while walking on the correct lines, one should always remember NOT to sway the body, by keeping
the torso vertical and head straight, for a good gait! :decision:
Now enjoy viewing the different gaits and expressions of different personalities, portrayed well by Nadikar Thilakam!
Navarathri - YouTube
P.S: The doctor reminds me of my dear dad!