...but to extend it to "yes Brahminism/Hinduism" is flight of fancy, because OK was never possibly much familiar with Hinduism (which is not an organizsed religion in the first place) to reject its tenets.
Dear Saidevo, Please note, I did not say Omar Khayyam had Brahminism/Hinduism in mind, however, his severe criticism of religion, priestly class, etc., do hold for Brahminism/Hinduism.
Hinduism being not an organized religion is an often repeated view, but it is true or false only to the extent of other religions as well. Islam is also not an organized religion as there is no single head who speaks for all Muslims. Even among Christians, Pope only heads the Catholic Church. Similarly, there is no siognle head who speaks for all followers of Brahminism. However, there is an authority who speaks to every follower of Brahminism/Hinduism. Wthin each sect there is a respected orthodoxy with a revered leadership who gives directives as to how one must live, much the same way heads of other religions do. Most pick and choose which of these teachings to follow, just as any other religion, Islam or Christianity.
So, OM's criticism of Islam, the religion of his time and place, applies with equal force to Brahminism/Hinduism as well.
instead of seeking to accomplish their goals within their belief, often blame the theists and their efforts of accomplishing their goals within their own belief.
Curious term you use, "blame", who is blaming the theists here, pray tell. Historically, it is the atheists who have suffered persecution at the hands of the theists. We reject theism, not the theists, but in the reverse, the theists reject the atheist.
Let us not go there Saidevo, I won't blame any theists for anything and I ask you to show the same courtesy in reverse.
As for Shelley, he saw the Spirit as the One lasting reality that activated both nature and man. He might have refuted deism but unlike many other atheists, he did not glorify science as the final answer.
Again, you are missing the point, who said anything about science here? Why are you dragging science into this discussion.
BTW, since you brought science up into this discussion, and have made an erroneous statement, I am going to have to clarify, but I have no interest in reigniting a debate on science in this thread.
Please understand that nobody glorifies
"science as the final answer". In fact I don't think anybody thinks in terms of final answer. The only thing that I am concerned with is, whether something is rational or, at the very least not irrational. Scientific process is the only methodology available to us to make a determination on this question. Scientific process may very well not find a definitive answer to all the questions out there, but it is the only means available to us by which reliable answers, if possible, can be found.
While you may think there are other means to finding true knowledge, which is fine by me, please understand what my position is, which is certainly not
"glorifying science as the final answer."
This should apply to both of us, isn't it Nara?
Absolutely, I couldn't agree more, keeping an open mind and an attitude to be persuaded by reason is what got me to where I am now.