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The magic of spiritual energy

I am not a super fan of Sadguru but I do listen to his videos.
I am a big fan of Sufism and lots of mystical subtle information in it.
The reason I view spiritual energy and physical energy as distinct forms of energy is because of their nature. Spiritual energy is integrating whereas physical energy is disintegrating though of course physical energy is spiritual energy veiled
The reason I view spiritual energy and physical energy as distinct forms of energy is because of their nature. Spiritual energy is integrating whereas physical energy is disintegrating though of course physical energy is spiritual energy veiled
Spiritual energy can slso be force based such as used in black magic. The above is from first hand experience and which successfully defended the synthetic telepathy technology . I assume technology uses only physical energy and maybe force based spiritual energy.
Spiritual energy can slso be force based such as used in black magic. The above is from first hand experience and which successfully defended the synthetic telepathy technology . I assume technology uses only physical energy and maybe force based spiritual energy.
Since you posted this thread on 21.11.21, I'd like to share how I manipulate these spiritual and physical energies in occult practices, with all due respect to your erudite perspectives, Sir, and to all those who have contributed so preciously to it.

I speak from real-life experiences (proof: I don’t hide behind a pseudonym or my country of residence) and would like to add to this thread that I've been a “white/grey” spiritual practitioner for over four decades, helping protect and save those who approached me for last-ditch help.

In the process, I constantly had to deal with competitive and malevolent black arts practitioners. How? They either challenged me directly from or through the metaphysical realm or tried to rob me of my strong spiritual energy.

What is "grey magic" (also using spiritual energy)?

"White magic" takes a significantly longer time to achieve the same desired results through appropriate white spells, fire rituals, Yantras, etc.

"Black magic" provides the "fastest" results because it involves a blood or life sacrifice (e.g., chicken, goat, cow, or a jinn, toyol: undead infant - usually a first-born, spirit, etc.) to pacify and induce dark entities to work on one's behalf. This is why the Karmic payback increases manifold in case of blowbacks or returns, as other lives have been lost in the process.

"Grey magic" involves nuanced spiritual practitioners or high magicians like me who are adept at treading the fine line between white and black magic. This becomes useful when we need to dip into dark art rituals to balance with white rituals to achieve quicker results when life and limb are at stake, and time is limited and critical.

To catch a thief, one must know how to be a think and behave like a thief, so that one can be at least two steps ahead of the thief.

People have constantly asked me over the decades if I can do black magic and whether I have used it. This usually follows the question whether I consider myself a good or bad person.

My answer is simple: neither, I'm penumbral - white nor black but grey - a bit of both, to be more precise.

They found out about me by chance (sometimes through ridiculous coincidences) after everyone else they had consulted had turned them down, including other white practitioners, priests, pastors, Muslim imams, etc. These individuals had told them that the forces were too overwhelming for them to handle and that proceeding further would put their personal lives at risk.

I don't know why I used to get the most impossible or worst cases where the difference literally involved life or death. I'm satisfied to say that, with the help, strength, guidance, and rituals taught to me by Shiva himself through my trances and dreams, I’ve been able to save every one of them.

Shiva has been my Guru all along & I don’t believe in modern day Gurus except the greats from the past like Adi Shankaracharya, Sri Raghavendra Swami, Sri Sai Baba of Shirdi, Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Swami Vivekananda, Paramahansa Yogananda & a few more.

As I’ve said many times before, to each their own. Your Guru is something personal and intimate within you that must resonate with your life experiences. Shiva has always been my Guru and Ishta Deivam. I don’t concern myself with other Gurus.

Returning to grey magic practice, some of these included prayers and rituals at cemeteries between 12:05 AM and 4:30 AM to remove intense black magic involving hexes created with dirt or sand from cemeteries or ashes from crematoriums. I used to do this alone on Amavasai or Pournami nights depending on result I anticipated.

I later realized that it was my Karma to endure this pain and suffering as part of my learning and clearing process. In my immediate past life, I had been an evil butcher, killing innocent animals, which I had immensely enjoyed.

In this journey, I am to sacrifice myself in helping others and take away as much pain and suffering as possible through the special innate gifts provided to me.

Thank you for reading.
It is a truth that certain times such as auspicious days and certain places like places of worship are filled with spiritual journey. I am saying this after a plenty of experiences during such times and places.

Yesterday I was at Tirupati. The vibration I got as i neared the Sanctum Sanctorum was truly amazing. I was literally trembling with vibrations. This has been happening to me whenever I enter temples. Yesterday's was sort of extreme at Tirupati.

This happens on auspicious days such as Krishna Jayanthi, Vinayak Chaturthi, Shivratri etc. It is incredible that such times are marked as auspicious with such accuracy.

It seems one is able to feel vibrations once the spirituality is high enough. It should hold true at other places of worship also and on the auspicious days they have on their calendar.

It is a truth that certain times such as auspicious days and certain places like places of worship are filled with spiritual journey. I am saying this after a plenty of experiences during such times and places.

Yesterday I was at Tirupati. The vibration I got as i neared the Sanctum Sanctorum was truly amazing. I was literally trembling with vibrations. This has been happening to me whenever I enter temples. Yesterday's was sort of extreme at Tirupati.

This happens on auspicious days such as Krishna Jayanthi, Vinayak Chaturthi, Shivratri etc. It is incredible that such times are marked as auspicious with such accuracy.

It seems one is able to feel vibrations once the spirituality is high enough. It should hold true at other places of worship also and on the auspicious days they have on their calendar.

NIce to know that.
I think typically Maya prevents spiritual energy from being felt the Maya being projection and veiling maya. If one of them is lifted the spiritual energy would be felt. I think that's what is beginning to happen. The veiling maya is lifting.
That is the reason the technology of the *** is having a pathetic time as it represents projection maya
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They are not able to induce even a cold in me with all the resources and technology at disposal and the body exhibiting the ultimate immunity to external sources.
As the veiling maya is lifted projection maya becomes powerless. This clearly shows the illusory nature of external world and limitations of current science and technology. Unless the reality of mind and soul are incorporated science and technology will come to a dead end.
Talking of illusion , as I use more and more of AI I am getting convinced that it is nothing but a glorified spoon feed. The one thing that I thought wad good was understanding but I am getting skeptical of that too. It is more creating an illusion of understanding because if understanding is real it has to have creative and independent thinking which it severely lacks. I am not sure whether through the current approaches they can ever improve.

That is the reason I cautioned that it is dangerous to fully trust them. They create an illusion of infallibility. With other humans you may have skepticism about their views. But with AI it can be blinding.

So to conclude inspite of all the right noise the jump from non AI to AI is not impressive and they are pretty close to the starting point. In other ways technology might have improved big giving true and general purpose intelligence is a totally different ball game altogether.
I am not a super fan of Sadguru but I do listen to his videos.
I am a big fan of Sufism and lots of mystical subtle information in it.
Dr Renuka,

Thought as much.

He has great stage persona & charisma. Knowledgeable, agile & sharp with his answers to questions as well.

Unfortunately, I generally don't hold recent Gurus in much reverence, with the last of the greats of this century, in my humble opinion, being Paramahansa Yogananda.

Having observed and studied Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev (born on 03.09.1957) in almost all of his public appearances in the hundreds of YouTube videos, from an Astro-Numerologist perspective and as a fellow spiritualist with the ability to study auras (we exhibit a subtle low level of electricity via our neural pathways akin to electromagnetic fields), I'm still unconvinced he's the real deal compared to well-established known rishis & sages. There's something "off" about him that I cannot yet put my finger on. If there is, time will surely tell.

Anyways, I'm not an expert per on rishis & sages; just good at observations of behavior & body language, etc. which has served me well for over 40 years.

Sufism, I don't really know much except that it entails traditions of spiritual & ethical practices that have flourished for over a thousand years. If you'd like to share a few nuggets of wisdom about its mysticism, I'll be honored as I'm sure of others at this forum.

BTW, happy season's greetings to one & all including a fabulous 2025!

Thank you for reading.
As the veiling maya is lifted projection maya becomes powerless. This clearly shows the illusory nature of external world and limitations of current science and technology. Unless the reality of mind and soul are incorporated science and technology will come to a dead end.

**Scientific Proof of MAYA (Illusion)**

This is a part of one of my books in progress now. This notice or announcement serves as my reserved copyright (DR R A Raaj) to the explanation of this concept.

Since the subject of MAYA (Illusion) has cropped up several times in this particular thread on "the magic of spiritual energy" & at other times in additional threads, I thought I’d share a profound analogy I developed over the decades. Along with some proof of how to demonstrate MAYA as "real" in this material plane, even though it isn't “real” at the same time from a spiritual perspective, based on my research & the related questions that had been regularly raised during my talks.

This is how it goes:

Let’s assume a star like our sun that imploded (went supernova) like the last recorded supernova visible to the naked eye which was observed by our planetary telescopes was “SN 1987A”.

**How far was it away?**

“SN 1987A” was approximately 168,000 light-years away from Earth. It occurred in the Large Magellanic Cloud, a dwarf satellite galaxy of the Milky Way.

**When was this observed?**

“SN 1987A” was observed on February 23, 1987. The supernova was discovered independently by astronomers Ian Shelton & Oscar Duhalde at the Las Campanas Observatory in Chile, & by Albert Jones in New Zealand within the same 24 hours.

**How far is a light year?**

A light year is the distance that light travels in one year. In more concrete terms, one light year is about 9.46 trillion kilometers or 5.88 trillion miles. It's a measurement used by astronomers to express distances to stars & other celestial objects outside our solar system.

| Planet | Distance from Earth (in kilometers) | Comparison to “SN 1987A” |


| Mercury | ~77 million km | 0.00000082 light years |

| Venus | ~41 million km | 0.00000043 light years |

| Mars | ~78 million km | 0.00000082 light years |

| Jupiter | ~628 million km | 0.000066 light years |

| Saturn | ~1.2 billion km | 0.00013 light years |

| Uranus | ~2.6 billion km | 0.00028 light years |

| Neptune | ~4.3 billion km | 0.00046 light years |

| Pluto | ~5.9 billion km | 0.00062 light years |

| “SN 1987A” | ~1.588 quadrillion km | 168,000 light years |

To give you an idea of the vast difference:

The furthest planet in our solar system, Pluto, is only about 0.00062 light years away.

“SN 1987A”, on the other hand, is a staggering 168,000 light-years away. So, “SN 1987A” is exponentially farther away than any planet in our solar system, highlighting just how immense our universe is.

**What’s all this to do with proving the existence of MAYA (which is the existence of nothing real; it cannot be visualized as it’s not there but only can be understood like air & space)?**

Everything! Wait for it, my little Padawans (Star Wars analogy: Masters to Disciples).

**Do we age slower in space compared to if we were on earth?**

Most definitely! Let’s understand that TIME is linear even though other theories suppose otherwise to keep things simple in the easier explanation of MAYA.

The following can be confirmed on NASA’s website if you just care to look.

If one light year is the distance that light travels in one year or in 365 days, which is about 9.46 trillion kilometers or 5.88 trillion miles, it means that when “SN 1987A” imploded an incredible 168,000 light-years away which was observed on February 23, 1987…

Extended, it means that “SN 1987A” died 168,000 years ago in the PAST when we never existed. As we see it dying on February 23, 1987, we are in actual fact existing in the FUTURE of some extraterrestrial lifeform living near “SN 1987A” 168,000 years ago. To our future humans or extraterrestrial lifeforms existing in OUR FUTURE of 168,000 years later from February 23, 1987, we would have existed in the PAST 168,000 years ago while “SN 1987A” existed even way past that 336,000 years ago.

In this explanation, can anyone share what it means when we say PAST, PRESENT & FUTURE?

It only means something to the individual standing on this linear timeline at different points on it. Your PRESENT is someone else’s FUTURE & another’s PAST at the very same instance on this linear timeline. That’s why NOTHING is real at any point in TIME which is the concept of an illusion (MAYA). This was a phenomenon understood & deciphered by our ancient seers which is unique to HINDUISM.

When we take a moment to understand this better, it simply educates us that we are not even dust (we’re even more infinitesimal than that) in the grand cosmic drama of the Creator.

What stands out is that in this timeline at any point or instance, only one thing is really authentic: the Creator. It is never an illusion because it is & is not at the same time (quantum physics calls it a superposition, or in other words, omnipotent, omnipresent & omniscient). This awareness or realization gets you on the first step on the path of enlightenment which gives relevance to your personal existence. We are nothing! Give up your ego; embrace humility & make a difference in lives around you.

If we are so perfect, why are we back on this plane in the first place among the imperfect mortals? Food for thought, no?

Thank you for reading!
Death is the separation of mind from the body with prana moving out of the body. The mind is connected to the present and to the prana which is connected to the body. All of time exists together but the time perceived is the present. This is because of limited consciousness. If our consciousness expanded and became perfect, we would perceive all of time and would perceive reality deeply though all the physical events in the reality would be known to us.

Coming back to death, it can be seen as something that can be set right. In the case of a dead person, the prana of the person is connected to a different body. One has only connect back the prana to the body of the person who is dead and who is just in physical form but without life in the past. Voila! the person comes back to life and is in the present because the mind is connected to the present.

This requires spiritual omnipotence and can be done. The perfect consciousness is above time and resurrection may be part of ultimate reality in which the consciousness brought about the resurrection. what say you?

any comment anybody?
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So death is also something that in theory can be set right. But can it be set right by science and technology? Yes if we understand prana, mind, time in a scientific way and make time travel possible. God will let us use these energies because He really wants us to learn.
If omnipotence is 10 on a scale of 1 to 10 my spiritual power would be somewhere between 9.5 and 10. But there is a true omnipotent entity behind me
Death is the separation of mind from the body with prana moving out of the body. The mind is connected to the present and to the prana which is connected to the body. All of time exists together but the time perceived is the present. This is because of limited consciousness. If our consciousness expanded and became perfect, we would perceive all of time and would perceive reality deeply though all the physical events in the reality would be known to us.

Coming back to death, it can be seen as something that can be set right. In the case of a dead person, the prana of the person is connected to a different body. One has only connect back the prana to the body of the person who is dead and who is just in physical form but without life in the past. Voila! the person comes back to life and is in the present because the mind is connected to the present.

This requires spiritual omnipotence and can be done. The perfect consciousness is above time and resurrection may be part of ultimate reality in which the consciousness brought about the resurrection. what say you?

any comment anybody?
If the person's karma to exist in the physical body for a particular life is over, its over.
If the person's karma to exist in the physical body for a particular life is over, its over.
If omnipotence is 10 on a scale of 1 to 10 my spiritual power would be somewhere between 9.5 and 10. But there is a true omnipotent entity behind me

Respectfully, Sir,

I'm further intrigued by your metrics. It had been bothering me at the back of my mind the last 24 hours.

How did you arrive at the astounding figure that your spiritual strength is 9.5 out of a scale of 1 to 10, - at 95% where the Creator is 100% - comparing yourself to the Omnipotent aka the Creator? What is your yardstick of measurement? Who or what allowed you to come to this incredulous conclusion?

I'm asking for clarifications because you've presumed openly to profess this in this forum referenced by bots from all the major search engines. I will never claim something so staggering even if I'm just 0.5% of your level which I'm truly not. I practice spirituality & magic & manipulate the elements to assist people who seek my protection &/or solutions deemed unsolvable by others in the same field. I've not an expert in Sanskrit, quoting from the scriptures, & only use simple words to relay my thoughts. I'm actually afraid & confounded by big words & deep spiritual & intellectual discourse. That's just me, "nothing" in a nutshell, so to speak.

Your claim puts you at the level next to the Gods like angels & demons, high-level wizards, high priests, powerful shamans, etc. What's the story behind it.? I'm sure others were wondering in the same vein but dared not ask or cross you, in case you accidentally redirected some of the "10 ^35-watt power destructive energy" you had claimed to be directed at you by your enemies.

Or were they typos in both your numbers asserted (9.5 & 10 ^35) on separate threads here?

Please enlighten all of us. I'm really dying to know.

Also, I've to concur with Dr Renuka once again unless you care to explain in simple words I can understand.

Thank you for reading.
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Laws can be broken Renuka if you know what you are doing. So the creator can definitely break the law. Trust me I am in incredibly close connection with God. He guides me and even directs me. I think when I say something it is mostly with the consent of God.
Death itself can be overcome if you transcend the energies of this realm. You may be able to go to higher realm but there you will have to transcend death again and so on till you get to the Brahma loka. It is possible through spirituality and through science. More later
Laws can be broken Renuka if you know what you are doing. So the creator can definitely break the law. Trust me I am in incredibly close connection with God. He guides me and even directs me. I think when I say something it is mostly with the consent of God.
The Creator NEVER breaks any law.
We humans feel that God can break a law but in reality what looks like law being broken is realignment and modification which needs a lot of unseen rebalancing.

Sravna, I believe you when you say you are in an incredibly close connection with God..not only you, everyone is.

"And We have already created man and know what his soul whispers to him, and We are closer to him than [his] jugular vein" Quran 50:16
If omnipotence is 10 on a scale of 1 to 10 my spiritual power would be somewhere between 9.5 and 10. But there is a true omnipotent entity behind me
Omnipotence can not be measured.
There isnt a scale for something limitless, eternal, everlasting and beyond comprehension.

Even if someone is a 9.5 in the scale you have described, there wont be anything " behind you or in front of you or above or below"..at a 9.5 one has totally transcended duality and there wont be anything else but THAT.

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