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The Secret

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wide mouthed vessel = andaa, kundaa, arukknan chatti. :)

dear sarang !
actually i wanted to use the word hole in stead of mouth. if i say a vessel with big hole ,it will not convey correct meaning ,so mouth.some body may say "ottai paatram "will not get filled .one way your inference also correct since otta vaai
can not keep their secret.
I got it now!
It is the same concept as in the animated movie Kung Fu Panada.
The highly guarded secret is NOTHING!!!
Here also The SECRET is a NOTHING!!!
Am I correct A.M ji???

Dear Tmt VR

I don't know whether Quicksand can become a flowerbed or Slowsand [ if such a things exists ]
can become a thorn bed, but I sure know that I cannot do upadesam to Avvaiyar herself!

Madam, ref your own posts 17, 19 & 31 and also Doc's post # 18 of this thread - it's right there !

I am sure that everyone on this forum is wise and smart, so there is no riddle/puzzle that I can throw
at you (all) that you (all) can't debunk in less than a minute.

I am no ascended Master to hand down some kind of encoded symbols/phonetics and prophecize
that this is "THE SECRET".

It's right there with you, Madam.

Yay Yem
Q 1: Where is Raman's house?

A 1. Raman's house is near Krishnan's house.

Q 2: Where is Krishnan's house?

A 2: Krishnan's house is near Raman's house.

My Q: How can any one find any of these two houses???

Rama or Krishna are Narayanan only and Narayana is always in his father-in-law's house like Shiva who is always in his father-in-law's house. How is that?
Q 1: Where is Raman's house?

A 1. Raman's house is near Krishnan's house.

Q 2: Where is Krishnan's house?

A 2: Krishnan's house is near Raman's house.

My Q: How can any one find any of these two houses???

This is like the kind of koans famous Zen masters used to tell.

Here is one befitting the thread!

Four friends wanted to do meditation together to find out the “secret” of existence. They were good friends and promised one another to observe seven days of silence.

On the first day all were silent. Their meditation began auspiciously, but when night came and the oil lamps in the room were growing dim and staring to go off, one of the friends could not help exclaiming:"Can someone fix those lamps?"

The second friend was surprised to hear the first one talk. "We are observing silence, and not supposed to say a word," he remarked.

"You two are silly. Why did you talk?" asked the third.

"I am the only one who has not talked," blurted the fourth.
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What do you want to make of this story?

On Thursday 14 June 2012, Bhakta Brian, dressed as an ISKCON devotee,was out distributing books on a crowded sidewalk on Santa Monica Boulevard in Santa Monica, California when all of a sudden, former US President Bill Clinton chose him out of the crowd, walked up to him, shook his hand, and gave him a warm hug. And Brian handed over to Clinton a copy of the Gita!

Listen to Bhakta Brian on how he gave the Bhagavad-gita to this world famous celebrity:

Bill Clinton Gets a Bhagavad-gita
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Rama or Krishna are Narayanan only and Narayana is always in his father-in-law's house like Shiva who is always in his father-in-law's house. How is that?

If my reading of the puranas is right, Shiva was never welcome in his father-in-law’s house. Remember that Parvathi, also known as Dhakshayani, was the daughter of King Dhaksha. When Parvati came of age, she had her mind set on marrying Shiva, but Dhaksha ( he was the son of Brahma) refused to give his daughter in marriage to Shiva - whom he considered ugly, uncouth, wearing animal hides and living in the burial ground. But Parvati married Shiva anyway and went out and lived with Shiva.

Dhaksha felt insulted. In revenge, he tried to insult Shiva, by organising an elaborate yaga to which he did not invite Shiva. However, Parvathi requested Shiva to let her go and attend the function. Shiva warned that she will not be welcome and did not want her to go. However, parental love blinded Parvathi and despite the advice of Shiva, she landed as an uninvited guest at Dhaksha’s palace. There, she was not only not given any respect, but was also witness to all kinds of insults hurled at Shiva.Not being able to bear these insults and having acted against the advice of her husband, Parvati killed herself in the very same sacrificial fire that Dhaksha had set up.

By the way, who was Narayana’s father-in-law?
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A good reminder that whenever we try to
control and comment on the others
we lose control on ourselves!!!! :high5:

This is like the kind of koans famous Zen masters used to tell.

Here is one befitting the thread!

Four friends wanted to do meditation together to find out the “secret” of existence. They were good friends and promised one another to observe seven days of silence.

On the first day all were silent. Their meditation began auspiciously, but when night came and the oil lamps in the room were growing dim and staring to go off, one of the friends could not help exclaiming:"Can someone fix those lamps?"

The second friend was surprised to hear the first one talk. "We are observing silence, and not supposed to say a word," he remarked.

"You two are silly. Why did you talk?" asked the third.

"I am the only one who has not talked," blurted the fourth.
Lord Krishna may not point out the fake devotee but

What do you want to make of this story?

On Thursday 14 June 2012, Bhakta Brian, dressed as an ISKCON devotee,was out distributing books on a crowded sidewalk on Santa Monica Boulevard in Santa Monica, California when all of a sudden, former US President Bill Clinton chose him out of the crowd, walked up to him, shook his hand, and gave him a warm hug. And Brian handed over to Clinton a copy of the Gita!

Listen to Bhakta Brian on how he gave the Bhagavad-gita to this world famous celebrity:

Bill Clinton Gets a Bhagavad-gita
Lakshmi Devi is the consort of Lord Narayana
and the daughter of Ocean.
She emerged from the ocean during the amritha madanam.
Narayana resting on his snake bed in an ocean
is living in his father-in-law's house ever since.
Pride comes before fall.

From Wikipedia:

On seeing the shameless insult to her husband in his absence, and the repeated slights King Daksha and his courtiers railed at Shiva, she committed suicide in grief for her beloved.

Hearing the news, Shiva's attendants rushed inside the ceremony hall and started attacking all the guests present there, however, the demons invoked by Bhrigu defeated Shivas attendants and they retreated back to his abode.

Upon hearing the news of his beloved wife's death, Shiva was furious that Daksha could so callously cause the harm of his (Daksha's) own daughter in so ignoble a manner. Shiva grabbed a lock of his matted hair and dashed it to the ground.

From the two pieces rose the ferocious Virabhadra and the terrible Rudrakali, while Bhadrakali arose from the wrath of Devi herself. Upon Shiva's orders they stormed the ceremony and killed Daksha as well as many of the guests.

Terrified and with remorse the others propitiated Lord Shiva and begged his mercy to restore Daksha's life and to allow the sacrifice to be completed. Shiva, the all-merciful One, restored Daksha's life, with the head of a goat.

In his humility, and repentance for his graceless and sinful acts, Daksha became one of Shiva's most devoted, attendants.

Kailash is considered a sacred place in five religions: Ayyavazhi, Bön, Buddhism, Hinduism and Jainism.

In Hinduism, it is considered to be the abode of Lord Shiva and a place of eternal bliss. The mountain lies near Lake Manasarowar and Lake Rakshastal in Tibet.

Parvathy is the daughter of Himavaan

So practically Shiva lives in his father in law's house.
Dear Doc

"Why Yay Yem ?" - Over the years, so many people have made such a mess of spelling
my name [un-intentionally] that I decided to borrow the introduction made by the
captain of CSK - with a cricket bat resting on his shoulder [ like Sri Hanuman with His Mace],
checked, multi-color lungi, in half-mast, when he says " I YAM YEM YES DHONI FROM CHENNAI ".

Yay Yem
What do you want to make of this story?

On Thursday 14 June 2012, Bhakta Brian, dressed as an ISKCON devotee,was out distributing books on a crowded sidewalk on Santa Monica Boulevard in Santa Monica, California when all of a sudden, former US President Bill Clinton chose him out of the crowd, walked up to him, shook his hand, and gave him a warm hug. And Brian handed over to Clinton a copy of the Gita!

Listen to Bhakta Brian on how he gave the Bhagavad-gita to this world famous celebrity:

Bill Clinton Gets a Bhagavad-gita

I feel that Bill Clinton is a man who has respect for religion and God.

What a contrast to the half baked so called intellectuals who claim everything Hindu is Fantasy and Fiction.
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Naina Ji

Santa Monica, did you say ?!!!!!?
There must've been a hidden [secret] message from some Lewinsky !

Yay Yem

I knew you will say this..initially when I read the word Santa Monica even I thought of Lewinsky but after hearing the video of how happy Bill Clinton was to get a copy of the Bhagavad Geeta and was holding it up in their air I felt he really respected God and Religion.
If my reading of the puranas is right, Shiva was never welcome in his father-in-law’s house. Remember that Parvathi, also known as Dhakshayani, was the daughter of King Dhaksha. When Parvati came of age, she had her mind set on marrying Shiva, but Dhaksha ( he was the son of Brahma) refused to give his daughter in marriage to Shiva - whom he considered ugly, uncouth, wearing animal hides and living in the burial ground. But Parvati married Shiva anyway and went out and lived with Shiva.

Dhaksha felt insulted. In revenge, he tried to insult Shiva, by organising an elaborate yaga to which he did not invite Shiva. However, Parvathi requested Shiva to let her go and attend the function. Shiva warned that she will not be welcome and did not want her to go. However, parental love blinded Parvathi and despite the advice of Shiva, she landed as an uninvited guest at Dhaksha’s palace. There, she was not only not given any respect, but was also witness to all kinds of insults hurled at Shiva.Not being able to bear these insults and having acted against the advice of her husband, Parvati killed herself in the very same sacrificial fire that Dhaksha had set up.

By the way, who was Narayana’s father-in-law?

The story you have related is quite right. But leave aside the story, where is Shiva's abode - Kailash. Kailash is owned by Parvata Raja, Dakshan, on infinite lease to Shiva! Adisheshan is Narayanan's f-i-l and the s-i-l is resting on him in "Paalkadal". All sons-in-law, please ignore this!
Naina Ji

Santa Monica, did you say ?!!!!!?
There must've been a hidden [secret] message from some Lewinsky !

Yay Yem

As Renuka madam said, I also sort of expected some such cynical reply !! Poor Bill, how long are we going to go after him!! Even many saints are ex post facto, right?
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Both Himavaan and Dakshan are Siva's father in law!!!

But how come Adi sesha became the F.I.L of Narayana???

If true, then the Son.I.L is sleeping right on top of the F.I.L

and not just in his residence!!! :rolleyes:

The story you have related is quite right. But leave aside the story, where is Shiva's abode - Kailash. Kailash is owned by Parvata Raja, Dakshan, on infinite lease to Shiva! Adisheshan is Narayanan's f-i-l and the s-i-l is resting on him in "Paalkadal". All sons-in-law, please ignore this!
Naina Ji

Your post # 71

Shakespeare : Julius Caesar - Mark Anthony's speech :

" Evil that men do lives after them, The good is oft interred with their bones ......".

Yay Yem
Naina Ji

Your post # 71

Shakespeare : Julius Caesar - Mark Anthony's speech :

" Evil that men do lives after them, The good is oft interred with their bones ......".

Yay Yem

In the case of Clinton, even his wife Hilary had forgiven him. And the Lewinsky affair was consensual. So, where is the evil? Except as judged by middle class morals? Except probably in the minds of sour grapes? Shakespearean days ( Victorian days ) have been left behind long ago!!
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