Excellent advice! Should follow!
Smt. VR's services and writings are great. I appreciate her contributions and find them valuable. She should decide her frequency of contributions, as per her physical health.Best wishes to her!
Sowbagyavathy V R, Greetings.
You are possibly ruining your health. I sincerely think, you should ration your time dedicated to the forum ( Sri. Praveen, I am sorry!). You could get others to prepare your posts, isolate the posts requiring your responses, possible research required to develop further messages as much as possible, then you could allocate small amount of time at regular intervals to post your messages in a burst and go off again! You may use that time off the computer to take small walks around the building, get some masage etc... that's right, you may make a demand now! you may make a deal for a massage! one massage 15 to 20 mins, two times everyday in return some time off from the computer, once in the morning and once in the evening. You never know!... it may work! worth a try!:fish2:
Understanding the misunderstanding contributes to misunderstandings.
Madam it explains itself. When you want to understand the misunderstandings you approach as if you can clear them. But in severe cases the misunderstandings have more causes than you might have imagined and you sometimes end up doubting yourself.
Who is he?Can anyone please tell me how and where to find the friend
who keeps bestowing stars but disappears from the threads!
அங்கே போய் விளக்கை ஏற்றி வைத்துவிட்டு பிறகு வழிபடலாமா ?ஆலய வழிபாட்டு முறைகள் பதினெட்டு.
11. விளக்கு எரியாத இடத்தில் வழிபடக் கூடாது.
12. திரியை சரி செய்யும் போது கையில் படும் எண்ணையைத்
தலையில் தடவக் கூடாது.
Pressure is applied from ALL quarters in my home front
to make me QUIT and STOP writing in this forum. :hand:
The reason....
I am ruining my health!!!:roll:
I do not think I CAN QUIT.
May be I can reduce the number of posts
and their sizes in order to please them!!!![]()
Smt. VR's services and writings are great. I appreciate her contributions and find them valuable. She should decide her frequency of contributions, as per her physical health.Best wishes to her!
Madam it explains itself. When you want to understand the misunderstandings you approach as if you can clear them. But in severe cases the misunderstandings have more causes than you might have imagined and you sometimes end up doubting yourself.
Misunderstanding the understanding of the misunderstanding may contribute to more misunderstandings ?
Who is he?
அங்கே போய் விளக்கை ஏற்றி வைத்துவிட்டு பிறகு வழிபடலாமா ?
I know what you mean. It is not easy to quit. If you quit, you will go crazy. But, as you yourself said, "reduce the number and size".
Most important, never sit at the PC for more than 30 minutes, stop, standup, and walk around as Raghyji suggested.
I want to go one step further and suggest that may be we could have Madam to start a new thread for conflict resolutions. Call that thread "Ask Auntie Visali" and that would be the only thread she could be busy with?
Not just doubting myself,
but also doubling myself,
and troubling myself. :laugh:
Not YOU then??? :shocked: