Will it be called as Bio-electricity ???
Soon, waste water may power Kerala homes
New Delhi, Jun 22 (ANI): Sewage water may soon become Kerala's next source of electricity as a team of scientists has developed a technology to tap power generation from the same. Developed by Amrita School of Biotechnology, the technology, called Microbial Fuel Cells (MFCs), converts chemical energy of feedstock into electricity by exploiting the metabolism of the microorganisms.
Power was always there!
Sex was discovered later.
Money has been discovered the last.
These three go hand in hand!!!
Asaram Bapu’s undisclosed income Rs 2,300 cr: Income Tax dept probe
THE Income Tax (I-T) department has recommended cancellation of tax breaks given to charitable trusts controlled by jailed ‘godman’ Asaram Bapu, after its probe indicated that they held undisclosed income of nearly Rs 2,300 crore since 2008-09, official sources told The Indian Express. The tax department has also unearthed “benami investments” allegedly linked to Asaram and his followers in real estate, mutual funds, shares, Kisan Vikas Patras and fixed deposits running into several crores, said sources. Most of these investments were allegedly done through seven Kolkata-based private companies which were acquired by Asaram and run by his followers, said sources in the tax department.
The Indian Express
Best Butt Award??? :shocked:
Tell me Which part of the human body has been left out still???
How can nursing students be so INHUMAN???:shocked:
Making period movies is like walking on a knife edge!
Viability study has to be conducted; inputs are not that much inexhaustible as like wind.
Jailed ‘godman’ Asaram Bapu, might be a drug peddler or benami of an India politician.
Any proposal to start a new venture ?
Raging is to be condemned by all.
Giving caste colour to any event that happened .............is to be more condemned.
I think it is a movie aiming at box office hit; not retelling / rewriting any historical truth.