Travel by Air/ under water /under the earth through a net work of tunnels...
no stone is left unturned when it comes to smuggling narcotic drugs!
no stone is left unturned when it comes to smuggling narcotic drugs!
[h=3]Cartels are using these 'narco-submarines' to move tens of thousands of pounds of drugs at a time[/h] Mexican and South American drug cartels and their broader networks are entirely dependent on an ability to get their product onto US soil. As the United States, Mexico, and Colombia intensified their war on drugs throughout the late 1990s and the 2000s, the cartels had to reimagine various ways that they could smuggle cocaine into the US. With billions of dollars in annual revenue at stake, no idea for getting drugs into the US buyers was considered too outlandish - Sinaloa cartel leader Chapo Guzman even pioneered the use of cross-border drug catapults. But the ultimate in high-risk, high-reward smuggling is the "narco submarine," homemade subs that can bring thousands of pounds of product to the US at once.
Business Insider