Any one who consumes enough cords/ buttermilk
need not worry about probiotics.
Diary products ARE natural probiotics.
The new anti biotics are so powerful that every dose must be followed
by a glass or buttermilk or a cup of sour curds after a gap 2 hours!
[h=3]Dairy products make probiotics more potent[/h]Washington : The success of probiotics for boosting human health may depend partly upon the food, beverages, or other material carrying the probiotics, a study shows, says IANS. Dairy products are the most popular food matrices for probiotic strains. “Our results say that the manner in which a probiotic is delivered — whether in food or supplement form — could influence how effective that probiotic is in delivering the desired health benefits,” said author Maria Marco, associate professor in the department of food science and technology, University of California at Davis.
[COLOR=#1E7D8E !important]Free Press Journal
need not worry about probiotics.
Diary products ARE natural probiotics.
The new anti biotics are so powerful that every dose must be followed
by a glass or buttermilk or a cup of sour curds after a gap 2 hours!
[COLOR=#1E7D8E !important]Free Press Journal