Dear Sri C.Ravi Ji,
My statement about the size of our community came as a response to your words: I think that’s why Brahmins population is meager in this world as I think a soul attains refinement by being born as a Brahmin dedicated to GOD. My statement about the size of our community has no value judgement. Because we are a selective group, we are small. That is the fact. I did not say whether it is right or wrong, which is a different conversation altogether.
Your staetement 'Brahmin is by birth' is an arguable point in our religion and there is nothing to support this contention in our Vedas (Sruthis). Even if one accepts this assumption about birth, there is nothing in our Smrithis that directly supports the view that only spiritually 'advanced' souls are born in to the Brahmin families. When you add to it the observable fact that there is a wide range of the composition of gunas amongst the Brahmin children, then your statement as I have quoted above in the first paragraph can not be valid.
Also to correct: A gene is not a semen. Semen contains the genetic information. Also a gene is not a cell. A cell contains genes as it's building block.
I think you are mixing several different ideas to arrive at your conclusions. May I respectfully say that your assumptions on many of these are not correct.
My intention is not to show you up. But unless you have a clear grasp of these concepts, you may arrive at wrong conclusions. No offence intended. Thanks.
My statement about the size of our community came as a response to your words: I think that’s why Brahmins population is meager in this world as I think a soul attains refinement by being born as a Brahmin dedicated to GOD. My statement about the size of our community has no value judgement. Because we are a selective group, we are small. That is the fact. I did not say whether it is right or wrong, which is a different conversation altogether.
Your staetement 'Brahmin is by birth' is an arguable point in our religion and there is nothing to support this contention in our Vedas (Sruthis). Even if one accepts this assumption about birth, there is nothing in our Smrithis that directly supports the view that only spiritually 'advanced' souls are born in to the Brahmin families. When you add to it the observable fact that there is a wide range of the composition of gunas amongst the Brahmin children, then your statement as I have quoted above in the first paragraph can not be valid.
Also to correct: A gene is not a semen. Semen contains the genetic information. Also a gene is not a cell. A cell contains genes as it's building block.
I think you are mixing several different ideas to arrive at your conclusions. May I respectfully say that your assumptions on many of these are not correct.
My intention is not to show you up. But unless you have a clear grasp of these concepts, you may arrive at wrong conclusions. No offence intended. Thanks.
A Muslim can convert into Hinduism or Christianity, a Christian can convert into Hinduism or Islam and a Hindu including a Brahmin can convert into Islam or Christianity.....
But I strongly believe that any Muslim, Christian and any other religion person including Hindu Non-Brahmins can never become a Brahmin and adopt the principles.
A Brahmin can be a Brahmin only by Birth.
I don't carry any sort of discrimination with the people who had inter-cast marriage. Every one has the liberty to choose their life. But I believe their offspring and the following generation can never be true Brahmins (A couple themselves would not follow the detailed principles of Brahmanism
I believe Brahmins diminishing in population, deviating from the principles of Brahmanism etc..etc....are all the need of the hour as per natures/God's rule.
If I am not wrong, there is a believe in our puraanams that every YUGA will see advancements in Human standard of life and changes in thinking, belief & behavior.
Once upon a time Brahmins were the most respectable people. Gradually because of their own mistakes were pulled down and were put backward. Now there are many controversial issues as well within the Brahmin society...Why???? Is their any external force that is changing our mentality once for all? I believe we are changing gradually....Doesn't it make us realize that TIME has its own course of action?