While there are few who drink responsibly, here are few who try to drink to their heart’s content.
Welcome to Mahe: a tippler’s paradise that Keralites haunt
Quite a few men from Kerala have relocated to Mahe.
The Beat Officer’s enquiry revealed that almost 52 males from Kerala left their homes to take up permanent residency in the town. While thousands from Kerala queue up everyday outside liquor shops in Mahe, almost 300 men come almost every week says the police.
“Every other day, we find people lying dead on the roads after binge-drinking. Almost all of them are outsiders. We hence decided to keep a photographic record of them. There are around 52 guys who have come to stay in Mahe just to drink. Hailing from various districts of Kerala, they leave behind their families,” says Kamalahasan, while speaking to The News Minute.
In addition to this, hundreds of people board the local train and come to Mahe for their daily dose of booze, available at every nook and corner. Such an abundance of liquor shops ensure that none of these outlets are overcrowded at any given point of time, unlike those of the Kerala Beverages.
“Alcohol is easily available at much cheaper rates. In Kerala, you have to pay at least Rs 350 for a full bottle of brandy. Here, very low-quality liquor that gives you a hard kick is available for as less as Rs 70. No one bothers about its spurious quality,” Kamalahasan remarks.
Read more at: http://www.thenewsminute.com/article/welcome-mahe-tipplers-paradise-keralites-haunt-51595
Welcome to Mahe: a tippler’s paradise that Keralites haunt

Quite a few men from Kerala have relocated to Mahe.
The Beat Officer’s enquiry revealed that almost 52 males from Kerala left their homes to take up permanent residency in the town. While thousands from Kerala queue up everyday outside liquor shops in Mahe, almost 300 men come almost every week says the police.
“Every other day, we find people lying dead on the roads after binge-drinking. Almost all of them are outsiders. We hence decided to keep a photographic record of them. There are around 52 guys who have come to stay in Mahe just to drink. Hailing from various districts of Kerala, they leave behind their families,” says Kamalahasan, while speaking to The News Minute.
In addition to this, hundreds of people board the local train and come to Mahe for their daily dose of booze, available at every nook and corner. Such an abundance of liquor shops ensure that none of these outlets are overcrowded at any given point of time, unlike those of the Kerala Beverages.
“Alcohol is easily available at much cheaper rates. In Kerala, you have to pay at least Rs 350 for a full bottle of brandy. Here, very low-quality liquor that gives you a hard kick is available for as less as Rs 70. No one bothers about its spurious quality,” Kamalahasan remarks.
Read more at: http://www.thenewsminute.com/article/welcome-mahe-tipplers-paradise-keralites-haunt-51595