Now a days, many normal Qs are considered as 'intrusion of privacy', especially by the youngsters.
So, don't ask any special Qs to others; but listen to their bragging - if possible!
Dear RR ji,
Its not only nowadays but even before.
I will relate an incident which took place 23 years ago.
My mum had come to visit me in college in India and she happened to see one of my fellow classmates in the hostel..a girl from India.
Then my mum said Hi to her and asked her how she is and then my mum did the gravest mistake of telling her that she looks as good as ever and has gained a bit more weight from the time my mum saw her 2 years ago.
I did not know my mum had told her that she had gained some weight.
By evening that girl had told many others that my mum said she had gained weight a little and my fellow classmates ganged up and came knocking at my door.
The girl told me "how dare your mother say that I have gained weight a little? Her eye balls must be shrunken cos she has such a skinny daughter like you so anyone with some flesh on them would appear fat to your mother"
I was totally shocked and told her sorry..and will get back to her regarding this.
So I asked my mum what did you exactly tell her.
My mum said that she told her that she looks as good as ever and has gained slight weight.
I told my mum never to tell anyone if they are fat or thin and next time please do not tell any girl about her weight.
But the truth is that girl did actually gain a lot of weight but I guess no one likes being told that they had gained slight weight.
I keep reminding my mum never to say anything that is considered "negative"..just say only good stuff even if its a lie!LOL