What is the inner meaning behind Baby Krishna stealing butter ?
One of the most popular "Baala-leelaas" or childhood pranks of Krishna is stealing butter from the house of Gopikaas. Even though it appears as a description of the naughtiness of young Krishna, this has a much deeper meaning.
Butter is made by churning the yogurt made from cow's milk. Milk represents Upanishads which are the essence of Vedaas represented by cows. The starter to transform the milk to yogurt or curd is the "desire to know about the Absolute". The extreme heat of one's spiritual sacrifice boils the milk and the desire itself acts as the starter and transforms the milk into curd.
Churning represents the hard spiritual disciplines of a saadhaka to separate the butter representing the Absolute truth. Just like the truth is beautiful and pure, butter is pure, tasty and soft. After attaning this stage a devotee' or saadhakaa's heart melts like butter with pure Bhakthi and attitude of surrender.
This is what Krishna symbolically stole from the Gopikaas.
So in all Krishna temples and especially in Guruvayoor, offering of butter is considered as very auspicious. Many devotees do butter offering everyday and some do Thulaabhaaram with butter. If one offers butter to Krishna, imagining that it is a symbol of his/her selfless love, He will accept it and will keep stealing our hearts filled with the love for Him until all our butter melts and joins his love for the whole Universe!
Stealing is to take something unlawfully or to take something that belongs to somebody else, illegally or without the owner's permission. But all in the universe belongs to Lord Krishna.
C. Sri Vidya Raja Gopalan

One of the most popular "Baala-leelaas" or childhood pranks of Krishna is stealing butter from the house of Gopikaas. Even though it appears as a description of the naughtiness of young Krishna, this has a much deeper meaning.
Butter is made by churning the yogurt made from cow's milk. Milk represents Upanishads which are the essence of Vedaas represented by cows. The starter to transform the milk to yogurt or curd is the "desire to know about the Absolute". The extreme heat of one's spiritual sacrifice boils the milk and the desire itself acts as the starter and transforms the milk into curd.
Churning represents the hard spiritual disciplines of a saadhaka to separate the butter representing the Absolute truth. Just like the truth is beautiful and pure, butter is pure, tasty and soft. After attaning this stage a devotee' or saadhakaa's heart melts like butter with pure Bhakthi and attitude of surrender.
This is what Krishna symbolically stole from the Gopikaas.
So in all Krishna temples and especially in Guruvayoor, offering of butter is considered as very auspicious. Many devotees do butter offering everyday and some do Thulaabhaaram with butter. If one offers butter to Krishna, imagining that it is a symbol of his/her selfless love, He will accept it and will keep stealing our hearts filled with the love for Him until all our butter melts and joins his love for the whole Universe!
Stealing is to take something unlawfully or to take something that belongs to somebody else, illegally or without the owner's permission. But all in the universe belongs to Lord Krishna.
C. Sri Vidya Raja Gopalan