it is because of mutts like kanchi, that we are still thinking ourselves as brahmins, pillais, gounders and parayars instead of thinking as hindus.
we had some heated posts here in this thread, and if you peruse them, you will find how strong the caste feeling is with us.
there was a swayamvaram conducted under the auspicies of this forum - almost unanimously none of the parents wished for intercaste marriages.
you see, that we as hindus do not have werewithals to accommodate marriages within within our own religion. so we literally push our children
if they want to marry someone from other faiths, into the alien way of life.
one refreshing change i found, was when actor surya married jyothika, even though she was a muslim, she adopted the gounder way of life. i found
it refreshing than finding our actors embracing other faiths.
just to tell you how backward our thinking is - just today, my nephew had an alliance rejected because of saha gothram. and these are people with
double degrees from western universities. enlightenment has not even scratched our surface. i have lost hope.