Well-known member
Dear Krish Sir,
Do you know how difficult it is to be a down to earth person. In fact many women do NOT possess this quality!
See the meaning of down to earth:
adjective - with no illusions or pretensions; practical and realistic.
Many women tend to pretend as if they are only beautiful, intelligent, efficient and so on........
They have more ego (hidden sometimes) than men. They wish to boast and brag about their assets.
Mostly, it is the mother of the groom, who decides the way her son's wedding should be celebrated.
Hence lot of money goes waste.
When our sambandhi mAmA asked us which artist they should arrange for reception, I immediately vetoed that idea and
requested him to organize only for channel music to be played at low volume. What is the use of bringing some artists,
make them sing, with blasting speakers and people around shouting at the top of their voice, to overcome the high decibel
level of music? Then that mAmA commented, 'I am happy that you are a down to earth person!' :thumb:
P.S: I am not bragging here! It is a fact!!
Dear RR ji,
Actually I am waiting for the day Hindu weddings play no music at all.
One thing I cant stand about Hindu weddings is the jarring music especially the Nadaswaram.
I wonder why we Hindus like to over excite the senses to deafening levels.
Then on the other hand is the playing of slow monotonous music of the funeral kind in airports!LOL
One should land in Banglaore Airport..hearing the music play in the background makes you wonder which plane crashed!
The next time I get held up by any immigration officer I am going to ask them "why cant you guys play non funeral music?"
I think I am going to ask them that the next time cos each time the questions I face by the immigration are becoming increasingly irritating.
This time one guy asked me where I was planning to go in India.
So I told him where and he asked me "what is the distance in Km the place that you intend to go?"
Then he asked me "how long does it take to reach there by car"
After answering all his answers..then he asked me 'what are you planning to do when you reach me some shops and hotels there"
Then he also asked "What do you work as back in Msia?"
Its getting sickening to answer all these questions when you see people in the next line who do not even get asked 1 single question by immigration!
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