Doctor Mam,
If we don't watch, for whom are they voluntarily stripping their dresses one by one in a cabaret hall .... with dance moves ....synchronizing the jazz music.......??
I mean the cabaret halls at Chennai....
May be you can apply for senior citizens discount.
Have you tried asking for discount?
Why discount..?
And favorite dancers.... with music of my choice... drinks of my taste..
Source: Google images.
Your comment about changing culture is valid.
It is wrong in so many details.
Men do not own "women". Women wear what they want.
What is elegant in one culture may be vulgar in another culture.
Indian men too have moved away from tradition.
From Kaupeenam they now all wear western underwear.
Dont the parents of these men ever object that their sons are adopting western influence?
Then they wear shirts and pants..discarded their dhoti and instead of going shirtless they cover up with t shirts etc.
Dont they ever know women prefer Indian men to dress like Bahubali..with a Armour and dhoti tied warrior style.
ARISE AWAKE....You need to reinstate the Decline of Hindu Culture.
Throw away your western outfits..dress up like a Bahubali..six pack..biceps and all.
Ride a horse..jump from mountains..slay any man who misbehaves...then we women will dress like Devasena...we will even commit sati for such a worthy male.
Till the seventies of yester century, women of indian origin, working in offices, wore sarees and full sleeved blouses as dress code in offices regardless of whatever dress they would wear at home or when studying in college. women from anglo-indian community however wore mini skirts which was permitted to them alone.
even towards the late seventies, indian-origin women started wearing sleeveless blouses to offices.
the eighties witnessed the onslaught of chudidaar-kameez in offices, among indian women.
during nineties, indian-origin women started wearing dress like westerners, they started wearing full pants, jeans, sleeveless t-shirts to work in offices. some women even attend interviews in that dress and got selected while men were still sporting ties during interviews.
in the 21st century, sarees are confined only to occasions like ethnic dress day etc. even during such occasions the norm/trend was to wear blouses fully exposing the back.
in the first of half of the second decade of 21st century, sleeves partly showing the flesh was the trend and became a norm.
in recent times, women especially in IT Companies, major and minor, as if it is a rule, wear dress exposing the cleavage. it is a common scene especially in metros.
the parents of these women don't object.
even the only it company which had strict dress-code has fully relaxed its dress code policy and has permitted its staff to wear any dress to office.
where is our indian (women) dress culture heading to!!!
we wax eloquent about varied indian heritage, the greatness of our culture.
what is the intent and purpose of following this trend?
is it indian-women's culture and heritage to seduce and to tempt men?
So learn to deal with is uncommon in India. In India it creates a sensation.
Why do men unnecessarily bother to creep up a woman's mind and conjure up something devious?what is the intent and purpose in the mind of an indian women in india to parade her cleavage in public especially in a working environment, in office?
we men wear full pants and shirts tucked in, to office.
I admit, we Indian men have changed our formal dress as per changing times of course, but within limits of culture, ethics and decency.
moreover in the current times when we work in offices, the most comfortable formal dress is full pants and shirts and it is also the simplest.
even if we wear sleeveless t-shirts we don't look seductive, we don't create a sensation among women, we don't impact women.
it is not so with women.
what is the women's dress code in corporate offices in malaysia madam?
A few observations:
1) Why should culture be selectively time bound to be evaluated against?
2) Is culture something that is fixed for eternity?
3) Is not culture a progressive refinement of our sensibilities as we continue to learn and adapt? The greatness of a culture lies in its expansive nature, I think.
4) Here is a case of the dominative male ego tending to suppress the other due to a faulty orientation.
Attire in India has been heavily influenced by the muslims and christians.
Attraction is the fundamental concept that keeps life moving. Why stifle it?
Dear Sir..
In Msia corporate sector allows any formal attire ..this includes short skirts..sleeveless but it has to be formal.
Only saturdays they allow casual attire.
Government sector has dress codes for employees and even clients...leaning towards Islamic criteria.
A saree is viewed as exposing here and at times not allowed for certain official functions but now its generally allowed though viewed as exposing even though normal blouses are worn.
Sir..the aesthetic value of the female body is higher than the male..we cant help it..without this value creation wont take place.
BTW sir..who says a male in a sleeveless shirt wont attract a female?
If one has bulging biceps like Prabhas or Rana..
I am sure I myself will have sleepless nights!LOL
So please guys..head to the gym..give us a chance to admire Purusha too..We Prakirti are already at our Maya best.
So work on it..try to make hearts of female flutter.
May be you have not realized your worth.
See how whole world is going crazy for Bahubali..why?
Biceps and 6 pack!
in india women don't fall for men's biceps and six pack. they fall for a man's salary. but that is an entirely different discussion for a different thread.
Covering parts of our body is part of saMpradAya (tradition and customs) which varies over time and place. The OP makes it part of our saMskrti (culture) which, in my view, is totally wrong.
Ogling at open body parts is not part of our saMskrti (culture). That can be seen from various sculptures and idols we see in our temples and in the way our elders dressed.
Otherwise how did our elders sing about the woman 'with a golden belt adorned by tiny tingling bells, slightly bent by breasts tht look like two frontal lobes of elephant', 'whose garland shines supported by her mountain like breasts', without ogling at the breasts and asking her to cover it up..?
I am appalled when female breasts are just like that (casually) referred as 'assets' by one and all, when men and women both say women dress/undress only for attracting men and hence have to dress properly. These were never in our saMskrti. Treating women as 'meat' and their dress as 'covering of meat' started with Arabic tribes. That people of Sanatana dharma are using that phrase is kali yuga.
To me, it seems our saMskAras have not been able to instill the right saMskrti in our minds and that's where lies the problem.
My two cents..
Arey yaar....Yes I have read all the descriptions of a heavy mammary gland bending forward..bulging that puts an elephants frontal protuberance to shame...wonder what cup size that is ZZZZZ XXXXXL?
Every human being is muscle,fat and marrow.
Why deny the human body magnetic attraction?
Both genders need each others admiration to function.
You see..I will let you know a secret...if a woman loves a man...she does not care if he thinks of her as meat or steak or McD Burger or KFC ...the problem starts when she does NOT fancy the guy ogling at her.
No warm blooded mammalian female would not enjoy the attention of the men she loves.
So please do not make us females into Devis to be worshiped.
Don't underplay our sexuality and do not deny yourselves the right to admire the female form.
Arey yaar....Yes I have read all the descriptions of a heavy mammary gland bending forward..bulging that puts an elephants frontal protuberance to shame...wonder what cup size that is ZZZZZ XXXXXL?
Every human being is muscle,fat and marrow.
Why deny the human body magnetic attraction?
Both genders need each others admiration to function.
You see..I will let you know a secret...if a woman loves a man...she does not care if he thinks of her as meat or steak or McD Burger or KFC ...the problem starts when she does NOT fancy the guy ogling at her.
No warm blooded mammalian female would not enjoy the attention of the men she loves.
So please do not make us females into Devis to be worshiped.
Don't underplay our sexuality and do not deny yourselves the right to admire the female form.
Hmm.... where did I underplay or overplay sexuality..? Where did I deny sexual feelings..?
Looking at women as flesh and meat is not what is sexual feelings. That's a moronic idea of sex.
Citing sexual feelings as a reason for women to cover up the flesh is a moronic idea of sexual feelings.
Adi Shankara's words have to be appreciated in that context. He is not looking at women's body as flesh inciting sexual feelings, as that is not what it is.
Sex is two-way communication and not one way excitement.
These kind of ideas is what lead me to say 'Our saMskAras have not led to instiling the right saMskriti (in any domain)'.
perhaps it is true that attire in india has been heavily influenced by christians, but certainly not by muslim women.
the muslim women, with exception of a negligible few, to this day wear burqa to office.
even the negligible few wear decent dress fully covering their body.
perhaps it is true that attire in india has been heavily influenced by christians, but certainly not by muslim women.
the muslim women, with exception of a negligible few, to this day wear burqa to office.
even the negligible few wear decent dress fully covering their body.
So learn to deal with it.
Why do men unnecessarily bother to creep up a woman's mind and conjure up something devious?
Let us say that a man wears a light blue shirt to office that shows a wee bit of his chest. Can a woman say that she is distracted because of the attire?
in recent times there have been numerous instances reported in media of women being raped, of being abused violently, of being humiliated in public, of being molested etc.
some of these instances were caused by women wearing provocative dresses.
are you advising the women also 'so learn to to deal with it'?
That is a convenient and ignorant conclusion. My post#3 debunked that theory.
It is more of domination. perversion, voilence, and crime.
" It is more of domination. perversion, voilence, and crime." Is this Indian culture? Is this our varied heritage? Is this what principles of hinduism taught us?
Is 'perversion' an indian psyche?