Dear gopu ji,
Our religion teaches that all other major religions are as valid as our own path. We have no quarrels with other religions as long as they do not interfere with our own practice of our religion.
Unfortunately, today, we have a couple of minority religions in India, some of whose members are being influenced by forces outside India who do not have the best interests of India at heart. Hence we are in the middle of the the conversion issue and the Jihadi issue.
To make it worse, the party in power unfortunately is using these very religious groups for vote bank politics, while at the same time trying to divide the Hindus with the same type of politics.
Because of all this, and the problem with the mainstream media in general in not being fair and balanced towards the interests of the majority in a so called 'secular' country, we as Hindus feel that we are under attack, and justifiably so.
But the answer is not to become more militant like the members of the other religions do. If we do, then we will lose the great heritage of our religion which always taught us tolerance. Let us not hate other religions but let us fight the forces that interfere with our religion.
In this spirit, Carnatic music, with it's rich tradition of being used to worship God, should be used by anyone, regardless of the religion. Ours is a universal religion and I do not see any harm in others using our ragas to a good purpose. Do you know that the songs in most of the Indian movies borrow from our classical ragas?
Let us not be quick to condemn other fellow Hindus. I see in some people to define Hinduism on their own terms and condemn the teachings of the likes of Swami Vivekananda and the Mahatma. Hinduism encompasses a very big swath of all different philosophies. Even what the Abrahamic religions purport to teach, we have in Hinduism!
Please, let us not confuse Sanatana Dharma with these practices of religious censorship that these other religions follow. Ours is a grand civilizational religion and we do not stoop to such primitive levels.
the given below message of truth went unnoticed to many people in this forum -may be reason that moderator did not want to offend the section of brahmin musicians who had sold the divinity of carnatic music to anniya
matha which works against the sanatana dharma just for the sake of money in dollars.let true hindus irrespective of their caste or creed first
realise the damages done by some section of brahmin musicians or dancers who are helping the missionaries to achieve their goal of cultural
assassination of hindu dharma. i refer this against the news item appeared
in THE HINDU dtd 24th oct 'carnatic music set to the tune of christian songs' contributors are nithaysree mahadeven,o s arun,sriram parthasarathy, bombay jayshree.c d release function was presided by aruna sairam in the august presence of chennai archbishop,kanimozhi,
father gasper raj, akila srinivasan of tamilmaiyam director of sriram group
(she is the connecting person for all above pseudo brahmins who sing
praise for any individual just for the sake of money).let forum members
comment on above .so i reproduce it again.