Why should other Hindus adopt TB culture.
It would be as alien to me as adopting any other culture.
Religion and culture need not always go hand in hand.
No offense but I find TB culture adhering too much to rituals and pitr karyam..something I dont connect at all.
If one isnt born in a culture one will not want to adopt it.
Another is the food..i am veg no.doubt but very expiremental in food and would veg from from any country..i cook.a tribal style young bamboo shoots..( my mum calls me jungle woman!LOL)
Next..i dont really enjoy Carnatic music though I like one or two western note Thyagaraja kirtis but no way I can sit tru a Carnatic music concert.
I can never follow anything of TB culture..and i dont think most of other Hindus would want to follow it too.
Hi Renukaji,
Let me try and convince you otherwise.
1. Do you consider the Kshatriyas Shivan, Raman, Narayana, Krishna, etc.. as TB gods, Brahmin Gods, or Hindu Gods ??
2. Do you consider Ramayana and Mahabhartam as TB or Brahmin or Hindu texts ?? Remember Ramayanam is written by Valmiki who is a non Brahmin. Most of the characters in these texts are non Brahmins.
3. Do you consider chanting Ramayana slokams a TB or Brahmin or Hindu culture ??
4. Do you consider Bhaàtanatyam and Carnatic music a TB or Brahmin or Tamil culture ?? Read Nairhrus posts on how the other castes contribute to this. Remember Brahmins were never singers and dancers in history.
5. Sanskrit is the language of the gods. Hindus, Jains, Bhuddists wrote in Sanskrit and codified their scripture. Do you consider Sanskrit language as TB or Brahmin or Hindu culture ??
6. TB marriage was first described in silapathirkaram a Tamil sangam text. It elaborates the divine marragie of kovalan and kannagi. Do you consider the sangam text as TB text of Tamil text ??
7. Many of the Nayanars and aalwars are not Brahmins. Do you consider thier texts part of TB culture or Tamil culture ?
My question is - why should you and ther Hindus not follow TB culture which originates from the broader Hindu culture ?? It so happened only TBs are practicing today. But that does not mean it doesn't belong to you !!
This is what I said earlier, in the anti Brahmin sentiment, don't lose your own culture and traditions.