...If Kashmir as it is today, is left alone, it will surely opt to join Pak, I have no doubt about it. [...] ... one cannot be sure whether the Pundits will have their alleginace more to Pak than to India which had completely ditched them in the past.
Dear Shri Sangom sir, the politicians from both India and Paksitan have made Kashmir into an emotional issue, so much so, even people in Tamil Nadu with a level of familiarity with Kashmiri history, culture, geography, politics, etc., somewhere between nil and zero deeply believe it is a natural part of India and not an inch must be given away to Pakistan.
However, if we take the emotions away and look at it rationally, I see no reason why the Kashmiris must be denied their right to choose. I am aware of the arguments like Pakistan invaded, etc., but is it not better to settle the matter in a three-way negotiation among India, Pakistan, and Kashmiri militants? Don't you think it is just emotions that is standing in the way?
IMO, India can never realize its full potential in international politics with this problem festering.
.... When I was working in Ahmedabad, I have been able to feel the sub-terranean current of hatred and disbelief in the minds of both the hindus and muslims there.
Of course I concede to your knowledge and experience in this matter. Please correct me if you disagree, IMO, the reality of latent hatred among these ordinary folks is one that is carefully cultivated by the religious, political, and media establishment?
A little diversion -- blame the Muslims first is a world-wide phenomenon. If there is a bombing anywhere, the first reaction is, Muslims did it.
In 1995 when a federal building in Oklahoma City was bombed, suspicion fell on innocent Muslim traveler in Chicago before McVeigh was caught.
Now, in the immediate aftermath of the Oslo massacre even the otherwise respectable media outlets like The Guardian, and a few that pass as respectable media like NYT, reported that a global jihadi group called Ansar al-Jihad al-Alami claimed responsibility for the attacks. It turned out the whole thing is completely false, made up by an "expert" based on some posting in a web site that was deleted by the the owner of the site. Just imagine somebody claiming expertise on TBs citing one of the posts here, that Praveen subsequently deletes, as the source for his expert analysis -- this is what the newspaper of record, NYT, is standing by.
For an incisive analysis of how this rumor and mere gossip got picked up by these outlets click
BTW, according to this
EU report, there were 294 terrorist attacks either attempted or executed on Europe in 2009, and out of this 294 the number of attacks for which Muslim extremists are suspected is O N E, thats right, 1.
Sangom sir, you know my stand on religion -- I think, on balance, it is more of a bane than boon -- so, I have no sympathy for any religion, not in the least for Islam. But, IMO, most ordinary Muslims are decent people, no more, no less than TBs. While I disagree with Gandhi on many issues, particularly his stand on Varna and his opposition to my hero Ambedkar, I think he deserves credit for preventing major bloodshed in Bengal. Is this not true, or have I been drinking the cool-aid of the Indian establishment?
with best regards, Cheers!